From the Fraser Institute By Mackenzie Moir Not only does Canada pay the most for health care (as a share of its economy) among high-income countries...
From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Ian Madsen Business groups are justifiably opposed to the federal government’s June 25 increase of the inclusion rate for...
From the Canadian Constitution Foundation “In this case, criminal law power should not be allowed to justify the sweeping inclusion of every imaginable plastic product on...
Migrants and migrant bedding inside O’Hare International Airport in Chicago. Dan McCaleb | The Center Square From The...
From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Courtney Greenberg Two Canadian cities — Toronto and Vancouver — have earned the title of “impossibly unaffordable” in...
News release from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation You ever get the feeling the government is running a secret contest to see who can order up the...
From the Daily Caller News Foundation By KEVIN MOONEY Automobile consumers who treasure the open roads during the summertime could upend the presidential campaign and U.S....
From the Fraser Institute By Grady Munro and Jake Fuss Research showed the federal government could balance its budget in two years by slowing spending growth, yet instead the...
From the Fraser Institute By Steven Globerman Despite claims to the contrary, the ESG rankings of publicly-traded Canadian companies have no significant effect on investment returns,...
From LifeSiteNews By Anthony Murdoch A report by the federal government has found that ‘9.9 percent of Canadians, some four million people, live in poverty compared...