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Canada’s federal bureaucracy expanding rapidly at your expense


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From the Fraser Institute

By Matthew Lau

Why do we need 80 per cent more bureaucrats to regulate and centrally plan employment in Canada when total employment is only up 15 per cent?

The increased bureaucratization and socialization of Canada’s economy since 2015 is well illustrated by the Treasury Board of Canada secretariat’s new statistics on the federal public service. All across the economy there’s massive bureaucratic expansion to fulfill political demands while the private sector, which fulfills consumer demands for goods and services, is crowded out and its relative importance reduced.

There are now 39,089 federal employees at Employment and Social Development Canada, up 80 per cent from 2015. Meanwhile, total employment in Canada across all industries is up only 15 per cent. Why do we need 80 per cent more bureaucrats to regulate and centrally plan employment in Canada when total employment is only up 15 per cent?

Next, consider the agriculture sector. From 2015 to 2024, the headcount at the federal department of Agriculture and Agri-Food increased 11 per cent while total employment in agriculture fell 18 per cent. That’s 11 per cent more agricultural bureaucrats and central planners while the number of people actually producing agricultural goods is down 18 per cent.

Considering dairy in particular, there are now 75 people employed at the Canadian Dairy Commission, up 34 per cent versus 2015. Meanwhile the number of dairy cows in Canada as of 2023 (the latest year of available data) is only up two per cent versus 2015, and the number of farms that ship milk is actually down 20 per cent. So, 34 per cent more dairy bureaucrats versus two per cent more dairy cows and 20 per cent fewer dairy farms.

Similarly, the Canadian Transportation Agency’s headcount rocketed to 377 in 2024, up 20 per cent from the prior year and up 56 per cent since 2015. Yet since 2015, total employment in transportation and warehousing in Canada increased by a much more modest 17 per cent.

In 2024, a year with no federal election scheduled, there are 1,250 employees at Elections Canada, nearly double the headcount of 630 in 2015, which had a federal election. But while the number of Elections Canada employees has nearly doubled, the number of voters in Canada has not. From 2015 to 2024, Canada’s population increase is about 14 per cent.

Another example: Fisheries and Oceans Canada now employs 14,716 people, up 49 per cent since 2015, and Natural Resources Canada now employs 5,751 people, up 39 per cent since 2015. Meanwhile the number of Canadians employed in natural resources (more specifically, forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas) is actually down one per cent since 2015.

As of 2024, the federal department for Women and Gender Equality employs 443 people, up 382 per cent versus 2015. But if the number of women in Canada has gone up 382 per cent in the same time period, this is nowhere reflected in any of the population statistics published by Statistics Canada—a government agency whose own headcount as of 2024 is up 48 per cent since 2015.

And total employment in our federal public administration (and separate agencies) is up 43 per cent (from 257,000 to 368,000) from 2015 to 2024. So we’re not just cherry-picking.

But perhaps the most depressing statistic from the Treasury Board of Canada secretariat’s report is the headcount growth at the Canada Revenue Agency.

There are now 59,155 people employed at the CRA as of 2024, up 48 per cent since 2015—a stark reminder of this federal government’s enthusiasm for raising taxes and expanding government control.

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Feds blow $2.7 million on global film festivals

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From the Canadian Taxpayers Federation

Author: Franco Terrazzano 

At the 2024 Cannes Film Festival in France, bureaucrats spent $9,930 on “umbrella stand coordinator services”

The Trudeau government blew more than $2.7 million on high-profile film and music festivals around the world, where they made taxpayer cash rain throwing expensive parties.

All that spending occurred for events that took place during a 16-month period, between January 2023 and May 2024, according to government records obtained by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

Bureaucrats attended the Oscars, the Cannes Film Festival in France, the Berlinale film festival in Germany, and the South by Southwest music and film festivals in Austin, Texas and Australia – all on the taxpayer dime.

“Government bureaucrats spent $175,000 a month partying it up at international film and music festivals,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director. “In what world does it make sense for bureaucrats to blow millions of taxpayer dollars on festivals when the government is more than a trillion dollars in debt and record numbers of Canadians are lining up at food banks?”

During South by Southwest festivals, bureaucrats spent $35,000 on plant and furniture rentals for a “Canada House” event, as well as $5,000 on “DJ services” and “animation services.”

An additional $15,000 was spent on a “social media champion” for the Canada House. Food and drink catering costs for a reception, as well as an “opening party” came to $11,700.

The 2023 South by Southwest festival in Australia also had a “Canada House,” with costs totalling at least $97,000. Bureaucrats also expensed $17,000 for an “event coordinator.”

At the 2024 Cannes Film Festival in France, bureaucrats spent $9,930 on “umbrella stand coordinator services.”

During the Berlinale festival, the rental fee for a “Canada Pavilion” came to $74,000.

Additional expenses at the festivals included professional photographers and hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on decoration services.

“Maybe government bureaucrats should figure out how to do basic things, like answering taxpayers’ phone calls, before trying to DJ international parties,” Terrazzano said. “Taxpayers are giving this international film festival party junket two big thumbs down.”

The spending happened at the ministries of Global Affairs Canada and Canadian Heritage, with money also spent by the National Film Board.

All told, the cost to taxpayers came in at $2,798,719, according to the records. The events all occurred during a 16-month period. That means the average spending on the festivals was $174,919 per month.

The government has already earmarked spending for future film and music festivals, with bureaucrats indicating the “plan is to continue to support Canadian talent at these world-class markets,” according to the records.

The details were released in response to an order paper question submitted by Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill).

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Ford Files Patent to Surveil Drivers

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News release from Armstrong Economics

By Martin Armstrong

Governments are pushing the public to switch to smart vehicles to reduce fossil fuel consumption, but there is also a second motive – surveillance.

This September, Ford filed a new patent to eavesdrop on riders. They plan to share this information with third-parties to personalize the advertisements riders hear. Ford will also take the driver’s destination into consideration to determine location-specific advertisements and suggestions. The technology will factor in the weather, traffic, and all external sensors to fine tune when and what to market to passengers.

Advertisements are perhaps the least ominous use of voice data based on the plans that these car manufacturers have. Car insurance rates in the United States spiked 26% in the past year, which is partly due to car manufacturers sharing ride data with insurance companies. Even older cars with basic features like OnStar have tracking devices that report your driving behavior to the manufacturers who share your data with insurance companies and, ultimately, the government. LexisNexis, which tracks drivers’ behaviors and compiles risk profiles, has been sharing individual data with General Motors, who passes that information along to the insurance companies. General Motors.

One driver demanded that LexisNexis send him his personal report, which was a 258-page document containing every trip he or his wife took in his vehicle over a six-month period. LexisNexis said that this data will be used “for insurers to use as one factor of many to create more personalized insurance coverage.” They even reported small issues such as hard breaking and rapid acceleration, according to the report. “I don’t know the definition of hard brake. My passenger’s head isn’t hitting the dash,” an unnamed Cadillac driver enrolled in the OnStar Smart Driver subscription service told reporters.

“Cars have microphones and people have all kinds of sensitive conversations in them. Cars have cameras that face inward and outward,” a researcher with Mozilla Foundation told the Los Angeles Times. In fact, 19 automakers in 2023 admitted that they have the ability to sell your personal data without notice. Law enforcement may subpoena these records as well.

Ford claims that the patent was submitted, but they do not necessarily plan to use the technology. “Submitting patent applications is a normal part of any strong business as the process protects new ideas and helps us build a robust portfolio of intellectual property. The ideas described within a patent application should not be viewed as an indication of our business or product plans. No matter what the patent application outlines, we will always put the customer first in the decision-making behind the development and marketing of new products and services,” Ford said in a statement released to MotorTrend.

Now, the US Department of Transportation is permitted to mandate that certain manufacturers provide them with vehicle data. Sens. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Edward Markey of Massachusetts testified that all vehicles in the United States with a GPS or emergency call system are collecting travel data that car manufacturers have remote access to via the computer chips. The computer chips are compiling data on vehicle speed, movement, travel, and even using exterior sensors and cameras to record the vehicle’s location.

All of this violates the Fourth Amendment which protects against unreasonable searches and seizures without probable cause. These car manufacturers are surpassing what anyone would consider a reasonable expectation of privacy. Governments, third-party advertisement companies, and insurance companies all have warrantless access to personal data, and drivers are largely unaware they are being spied on. Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act permits the government to have backdoor access to this data.

The aforementioned senators’ concerns fell on deaf ears at the Federal Trade Commission. The Department of Transportation clearly is not listed within the US Constitution. People are already experiencing stiff consequences from autos sharing data with the sharp uptick in insurance rates.

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