Here’s a look at the lineup over the next few weeks at Fionn MacCool’s. Don’t forget Sunday’s open mic with Paeton Cameron. Grab your instruments, freshen...
You are in for a treat if you make the trip to Bo’s Tuesday night. Take a listen to Daniel Wesley’s Ooh Ooh and you’ll get...
Excellent live music this weekend at Fionn’s. Check out the Steve Aresenault Band this Friday and Saturday night. He hits the stage at 8 PM. Born...
For their fifth album, Elliott Brood wanted to break things. We like this Elliot Brood video but don’t be fooled, this is no ukulele act. They’re just...
Here are some of the events happening in the Red Deer Public School District between now and the end of the month. MONDAY, APRIL 3 EVENT:...