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Actress posing as gender-confused girl prescribed testosterone within minutes at Quebec clinic


8 minute read

From LifeSiteNews

By Clare Marie Merkowsky

The video, released by Radio-Canada, features an actress posing as a 14-year-old patient at a Quebec clinic being prescribed testosterone and consulted about surgeries after merely 9 minutes.

The French language arm of the Canada’s state broadcaster has published an investigative report on the gender “transitioning” children, revealing that an actress posing as a 14-year-old patient was prescribed testosterone after just nine minutes of consultation.  

On February 29, Radio-Canada, the French arm of the state-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), released a documentary showing an actress posing as a 14-year-old patient at a private “gender clinic” in Quebec being prescribed testosterone and advised on life-altering mutilating surgeries during a consultation that lasted a meagre nine minutes.

“You can tell me, a little deep down, since when did you know you were not in the right body?” the unnamed female doctor asked the actress posing as 14-year-old gender-distressed patient “Sacha,” who was attending her first “gender” consultation appointment, without parental involvement.

The actress, posing as Sasha, told the doctor that she vomited at age 12, after which her mother took her to see a psychologist who said she had an eating disorder. 

“I told myself that it couldn’t be eating disorders. It didn’t make sense in my head,” Sacha told the doctor. “But at 13, I came across a video of a trans person [sic] who talked about having eating disorders, but in fact it was because she was in the wrong body.  

“At that moment, I really recognized myself in that person,” she relayed. 

After only five minutes, the doctor asked the young girl if she was considering surgeries, mentioning specifically mastectomies, the permanent removal of the girl’s breasts. The actress replied saying “yeah.” 

“There are other surgeries that exist,” the doctor mentioned. “We have a uterus at the bottom, with ovaries. So basically, it’s possible to remove. It’s something that can cause dysphoria.” 

The doctor proceeded to ask the 14-year-old Sacha if she was interested in preserving her fertility before going on to prescribe testosterone, which can cause infertility.  

“Is fertility, I understand that it is perhaps far away for you at 14, but is fertility something you want to maintain before you start?” the doctor asked. 

“No, I always knew I don’t want children,” Sacha responded.  

Finally, after less than nine minutes, the doctor told Sacha that she would prescribe her testosterone, despite the permanent impact it can have on fertility and the host of other health issues it can cause.

“Basically, the logic right now, I will prescribe hormones today, because the logic is that, basically there is nothing in your profile that would stop me from giving you hormones,” the doctor explained. 

“I’ll start at one dose. It’s not a mini-dose. It’s like an intermediate dose between adults and non-binary, let’s say,” the doctor added.  

“Okay,” the young girl responded.  

“No problem. The best is yet to come,” the doctor promised.  

When Radio-Canada confronted the doctor after the appointment, questioning how such drastic action can be taken with such a short period of consultation, the doctor said, “A medical consultation cannot be evaluated in terms of duration, but rather in terms of quality of the exchange of information.” 

According to Radio-Canada, wait times to get into gender “transitioning” clinics are increasing. As a result, some are going to private clinics who can give letters of recommendation for hormone therapy after one or two sessions. The sessions cost between $115 and $120.  

Chris Elston, a prominent Canadian parental rights advocate known as “Billboard Chris,” responded to the documentary on X, telling Radio-Canada, “this doctor needs to be investigated by the College des Medicine du Québec. How can I find out her name?” 

“Unreal,” tech mogul and free speech advocate Elon Musk said in response to Elston’s post.   

The documentary is going viral online the same week leaked internal communications show doctors who offer so-called “gender-affirming care” know that transgender hormones cause serious diseases, including cancer.

On Monday, journalist Michael Shellenberger released the internal documents from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WAPTH), which “is considered the leading global authority” on so-called “gender medicine,” despite being an LGBT activist group.

The “WPATH FILES” include emails and messages from an internal discussion forum by doctors, as well as statements from a video call of WPATH members. The files reveal that the doctors working for WPATH know that so-called “gender-affirming care” can cause severe mental and physical disease and that it is impossible for minors to give “informed consent” to it.

As LifeSiteNews has previously noted, research does not support the assertions from transgender activists that surgical or pharmaceutical intervention to “affirm” confusion is “necessary medical care” or that it is helpful in preventing the suicides of gender-confused individuals. 

In fact, in addition to asserting a false reality that one’s sex can be changed, transgender surgeries and drugs have been linked to permanent physical and psychological damage, including cardiovascular diseases, loss of bone density, cancer, strokes and blood clots, infertility, and suicidality.   

There is also  overwhelming evidence that those who undergo “gender transitioning” are more likely to commit suicide than those who are not given irreversible surgery. A Swedish study found that those who underwent “gender reassignment” surgery ended up with a 19.2 times greater risk of suicide.  

Indeed, there is proof that the most loving and helpful approach to people who think they are a different sex is not to validate them in their confusion but to show them the truth.  

A new study on the side effects of transgender “sex change” surgeries discovered that 81 percent of those who had undergone “sex change” surgeries in the past five years reported experiencing pain simply from normal movement in the weeks and months that followed — and that many other side effects manifest as well.  

Additionally, LifeSiteNews compiled a list of medical professions and experts who warn against transgender surgeries, warning of irreversible changes and lifelong side effects.   

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Censorship Industrial Complex

Australian woman fired, dragged before tribunal for saying only women can breastfeed

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From LifeSiteNews

By David James

Sussex argued that males who take drugs to lactate should not be experimenting on children, describing it is a “dangerous fetish.”

In yet another blow to free speech in Australia, Jasmine Sussex, a Victorian breastfeeding expert, is being taken to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal for saying that only females can breastfeed their babies.

Sussex argued that males who take drugs to lactate should not be experimenting on children, describing it is a “dangerous fetish.”

Her tweets about an Australian male breastfeeding his infant with a cocktail of lactose-inducing drugs was removed by X (formerly Twitter) for Australian users, although it remained visible to overseas users. The move came after requests from a “government entity or law enforcement agency”, according to Twitter. Sussex was told she had “broken the law” although it was not made clear what law that was.

Sussex was also sacked from the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) for refusing to use gender neutral language. She is one of seven counsellors to be formally investigated by the ABA leadership and one of five to be sacked.

The complaint against Sussex is being brought by Queenslander Jennifer Buckley in Queensland’s Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Buckley was born male and later identified as a woman and “transitioned.” Buckley acted after a transgender parent complained to the Queensland Human Rights Commission.

Buckley reportedly biologically fathered a baby through IVF and is raising the child with his wife. He posted on social media about taking hormones to grow breasts, explaining: “For the past six weeks I have been taking a drug called domperidone to increase prolactin in an attempt to be able to produce breast milk so that I can have the experience of breastfeeding.”

The case is not just about suppressing a person’s right to say what most would consider to be a statement of the obvious. It raises fundamental questions about how the law is to be crafted and applied.

A legal system depends on clear semantics, the definition of words. The potential confusion that can be created by not having a clear understanding of a person’s sex was exposed in the hearing for US Supreme Court applicant Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. Asked to define what a “woman” is, Jackson replied: “I can’t,” adding that she was not a biologist.

This definitional problem has been cynically fudged by mixing up the words “gender” and “sex.” It is claimed that there are 72 genders, by implication turning the question of physical sex into a matter of identity and personal psychology. There are presumably only two sexes.

That is the kind of rhetorical move made by Buckley, who said Sussex’s comments were “hurtful” because he was looking to have “the experience of breastfeeding.” This is analogous to saying that gender differences should be reduced to matters of personal perception, not observable physical characteristics.

In that sense, Sussex and Buckley are talking past each other; the words they use do not have the same meaning. Sussex is saying that objectively only “women” can lactate naturally. It is true that with drug assistance it is possible for “men” to mimic breast feeding to a limited degree. But that is artificial. It is not natural breast feeding. Sussex, who is an experienced consultant on breast feeding, also warns there may be medical issues with “male” breastfeeding that need further examination.

Buckley is arguing that her/his personal experience (of breastfeeding) is what matters and that anyone who questions that is infringing on his rights. He wants to be understood as a “woman” who was a “man”, although he reportedly still possesses male characteristics, such as being able to father a child. This is possible because he feels that way, it is how he “identifies”. But the fact that he has to undergo drug treatment indicates that in a physical sense he is a “man”.

In law, there is always a preference for physical evidence over what people say they are thinking or feeling. The latter is often changeable and difficult to demonstrate; it is poor quality evidence. There should also be an insistence on having an unambiguous understanding of the meaning of words.

On that basis Sussex, who is being represented by the Human Rights Law Alliance, should be able to defend herself effectively. But there is little reason to have confidence in the Australian legal system. It has shown itself to be highly susceptible to politics. The bullying of people who say things once thought to be self-evident may yet continue.

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Censorship Industrial Complex

Elon Musk slams woke Los Angeles Times for questioning ‘morality’ of having children

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From LifeSiteNews

By Clare Marie Merkowsky

‘Extinctionists want a holocaust for all of humanity,’ Elon Musk warned after the far-left Los Angeles Times questioned whether it is ‘right’ to have children.

Pro-free speech tech mogul Elon Musk slammed a woke news outlet for shaming parents for having children.

In a September 14 post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Elon Musk condemned the Los Angeles Times for degrading those who wish to bring children into the world over the claim that doing so may increase “climate change.”

“Extinctionists want a holocaust for all of humanity,” Musk declared.

The post was in response to a September 11 article by the Los Angeles Times titled “It’s almost shameful to want to have children.”

The article, written by a professor of “gender and sexuality studies,” questions the morality of having children, considering the current political and “climate” situation.

“American society feels more socially and politically polarized than ever. Is it right to bring another person into that?” it questioned, suggesting that it would be better not to exist than to live in a society with social tension.

READ: Nobel Prize winner denounces alarmist climate predictions: ‘I don’t believe there is a climate crisis’

The author interviewed seven young people, who the author claimed, “have more climate change knowledge than most people do.” Out of the seven, five did not want to have biological children, while the two who were unsure struggled “with whether it’s morally OK to have children.”

The article’s anti-life message is becoming increasingly commonplace among leftists and reflects the plans lain out by the World Economic Forum to radically reduce the world’s population.

While some climate activists have promoted the idea that the world’s population must be restrained in order to sustain its existing people, numerous studies debunk that claim as well as claims that the earth can only hold 8 billion people or fewer.

Musk has been a longtime advocate for higher birth rates, warning that a “collapsing birth rate is the biggest danger civilization faces, by far.”

In 2022, Elon Musk, pointed out that America’s total fertility rate has been below replacement for approximately a half-century.

An August report found that the U.S. fertility rate reached a historic low in 2023, with fewer Americans are having children than ever before, a trend that experts have warned could lead to societal collapse.

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