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Blue and Black Cart Collection begins this week. Here’s everything you need to know!


9 minute read

From The City of Red Deer

Blue and Black Cart collection kicks off week of May 6

The carts have all been rolled out, residents had some time to get acquainted and now Blue and Black Cart collection is set to start next week.  Together, with the Green Cart, it completes Red Deer’s cart program implementation.

Throughout the months of March and April, Blue and Black Carts were rolled out to homes who currently receive individual garbage, recycling and Green Cart collection. The Blue Cart replaces the blue box, and
the Black Cart is for all other household garbage.

“We are excited to see Blue and Black cart collection start next week,” said Janet Whitesell, Waste Management Superintendent. “We have worked hard to create a program that has been tested, tweaked
and modified to ensure we are launching a program that will work for the residents of Red Deer.”  Collection for the Blue and Black Cart will take place every other week, on alternating weeks. That means
garbage will be collected one week and recycling collected the next week. Green Cart collection remains weekly. Residents received a colour coded calendar to make keeping track easy, and they can sign up for
weekly notifications through Notify Red Deer (

The Blue Cart replaces blue boxes, and in general, everything that used to go in the blue box can go in the Blue Cart, with the exception of glass. Place paper, cardboard, metal cans and plastics numbered one
through seven in the Blue Cart. The Black Cart is for remaining garbage that can’t go in the Blue or Green Cart, which in general is things like Styrofoam, disposable diapers, and unnumbered plastics. Detailed
information was attached to the Black Cart delivered to each home, and more information is always available at

“Since April of 2018 when the Green Cart program launched, we have reduced the amount of garbage sent to landfill from households by 27 per cent,” said Whitesell. “For three months last year, we collected more in the Green Cart than we collected garbage at the curb which means a significant amount of material was composted and those nutrients returned to agricultural soils, instead of being landfilled.”

“The three cart system streamlines collection, and the way households bring their waste out to the curb or the alley,” Whitesell continued. “We are confident that we have a program that will not only reduce the
amount of waste going to our landfill, but engage and inspire residents to take steps to reduce their household waste, and our overall greenhouse gas emissions.”

Residents can learn more about the new cart program at a presentation on Tuesday, May 14 at 6:30 p.m. at Red Deer College’s Alternative Energy Lab, along with representatives from the Recycling Council of Alberta who will talk about system-wide opportunities in how Alberta handles waste.

Neighbourhood Collection Schedule
Anders Park East Thursdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Anders South Thursdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Aspen Ridge Thursdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Bower North/South Wednesdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Clearview Meadows Thursdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Clearview Ridge Thursdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
College Park Tuesdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Davenport Fridays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Deer Park Estates Fridays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Deer Park Village Fridays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Devonshire Fridays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Downtown Wednesdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
East Annexation area Tuesdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Eastview/Eastview Estates Thursdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Evergreen Wednesdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Fairview Mondays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Garden Heights Thursdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Glendale/Glendale Park Estates Tuesdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Grandview Wednesdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Highland Green/Highland Green Estates Mondays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Inglewood West Wednesdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Ironstone Wednesdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Johnstone Crossing/Johnstone Park Mondays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Kentwood East/West Tuesdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Kingsgate Tuesdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Lancaster Green/Lancaster Meadows Fridays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Laredo Fridays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Lonsdale Fridays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Michener Hill East Thursdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Michener Hill West Wednesdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Mountview Wednesdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Morrisroe Thursdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Morrisroe Extenstion Thursdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Normandeau North/South Tuesdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
North Annexation area Mondays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Oriole Park/Oriole Park West Mondays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Parkvale Wednesdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Pines Tuesdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Riverside Meadows Mondays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Rosedale Estates/Rosedale Meadows Fridays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
South Hill Wednesdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Sunnybrook/Sunnybrook South/Southbrook Wednesdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Timberlands/Timberstone/Timber Ridge Tuesdays – Zone 1 Calendar (pdf)
Vanier East/Vanier Woods Fridays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Waskasoo Wednesdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
West Lake Mondays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
West Park Mondays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)
Woodlea Wednesdays – Zone 2 Calendar (pdf)

Setting your carts out for collection:

Carts are picked up by an automated collection truck, so it’s important to follow these collection instructions.


Set out by 7 a.m. on your regular collection day, year-round.


Make sure the lid is closed and place the carts on flat ground with at least one metre clearance all around and above each of them so the truck’s collection arm can pick it up and empty it. This includes ensuring both carts placed that day, and any extra yard waste has the same clearance so the automated trucks can access it. If the collection contractors are unable to properly access your carts, they won’t be able to collect the contents that week, so placement is an important step.


Front street collection: Place the carts on the street with the wheels against the curb and white directional arrows pointing toward the street. Make sure the carts are away from parked vehicles or other obstructions such as trees, and that it is not blocking traffic.

Back alley collection: Place the carts with the wheels toward your property and white directional arrows pointing toward the alley. Make sure the carts are not placed against a fence or garage, and that it is not blocking traffic.

Make sure to roll your carts back to your property after they have been emptied.

Sign up for alerts

Use your Notify Red Deer account to sign up for cart collection schedule alerts.


Carts Frequently Asked Questions

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 403-340-BLUE (2583)

After 15 years as a TV reporter with Global and CBC and as news director of RDTV in Red Deer, Duane set out on his own 2008 as a visual storyteller. During this period, he became fascinated with a burgeoning online world and how it could better serve local communities. This fascination led to Todayville, launched in 2016.

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City of Red Deer

Red Deer will choose a new Mayor as Ken Johnston decides to step away

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It’s a telling detail about the person who leads Red Deer City Council.  Always putting the city’s needs ahead of his own, Mayor Ken Johnston has announced his intentions within days of the opening of  Nominations for October’s municipal elections,

After 12 years on council, Mayor Ken Johnston has decided against running for a second term as Mayor this fall.  Johnson shared his decision in front of colleagues and supporters in a touching announcement on Wednesday.

At 71 years old, Johnston remains vibrant, passionate and healthy. He says that’s exactly why he and his wife Carolyn have decided now is the right time to start their next stage of life together.

Mayor Johnston listed a number of highlights and achievements he can look back on, including his help advocating for the redevelopment of Red Deer Regional Hospital, the growth of Red Deer Polytechnic, and positive moves in Economic Development.

All these lead of a feeling of ease about the decision to step away, though affordable housing and a permanent shelter for the homeless remain pressing concerns.

With about 8 months remaining in his term, Mayor Johnston is planning to push hard to move the needle on these housing issues.

“We’re looking forward to some more work and we’ll be going to the community shortly about it. So I still have optimism that maybe before the term is out we can have an announcement.”

This is the second major political announcement in Central Alberta in the last number of days.  Earlier this week Red Deer Mountain View MP Earl Dreeshen announced he won’t be running in the next federal election.


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City of Red Deer

Council ends reduced fine option for early ticket payment, school and playground zones start at 7 AM

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City Council approves first reading of updated Traffic Bylaw and General Penalty Bylaw

Red Deer City Council completed first reading of updated Traffic Bylaw (3707/2025) and General Penalties Bylaw (3036/A-2025) that will provide clarity and consistency in application of the bylaws as well as eliminate challenges in enforcement.

Key updates to the bylaws include:

  1. Ticket Pre-Payment:
    • Removing the option to pay a parking ticket early to receive a reduced fee from the General Penalty Bylaw and adding it to the Traffic Bylaw.
  1. School and Playground Zone Start Times:
    • Through investigating requests from schools to have school and playground zones start at 7 a.m., rather than 8 a.m., Administration determined that almost all school and playground zones in the city have students on the street prior to 7:30 a.m. To be consistent across the city, the start time is being moved to 7 a.m. providing an added measure of safety for all students.
  1. Salt on Sidewalks:
    • Removing the provision prohibiting the use of salt on sidewalks as this provision was rarely reported and it is difficult and costly to enforce.
  1. Permits:
    • More structure was added to the bylaw to clearly articulate conditions and requirements of Use of Streets Permits, as well as Excavation Permits and Alignment Permits.
    • Lastly, fees for closures impacting on-street and off-street stalls have been adjusted to reflect the actual revenue in each parking zone rather than the flat fee.
  1. Penalties:
    • Penalties have been reviewed and updated.
    • During the last bylaw adoption, the penalty associated with vehicles being towed due to snow or street sweeping operations was inadvertently missed. This penalty has been added back in at a slightly higher amount due to an increase in the cost to tow a vehicle through The City’s contractor. This prevents the costs associated with towing vehicles during these operations from being subsidized by the tax base.

“These updates streamline the bylaws to create clarity for residents and administration,” said Erin Stuart, Inspections and Licensing Manager with The City. “They also help to eliminate regulations that are challenging to enforce and bring penalties in line with other City Bylaws.”

Second reading of both bylaws is anticipated for January 27, 2025.

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