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Biden’s Illegal Immigration Problem Has Gone From Bad To Worse As High-Profile Murders Rock US


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From the Daily Caller News Foundation


A slate of high-profile crimes against women, allegedly committed at the hands of illegal migrants, has brought the issue of illegal immigration into sharper focus as the 2024 presidential election draws closer.

The killing of a nursing student in Georgia, the rape and murder of mother of five in Maryland, the strangulation killing of 12-year-old girl in Texas and several other significant local crimes has steadily compiled in recent months, prompting the passage of new legislation at the state level and keeping immigration in the news. The negative headlines have forced President Joe Biden, already dealing with low marks on immigration due to the ongoing border crisis, to remain on the defensive.

Biden was pushed into speaking about one significant murder during his most recent State of the Union speech.

“Lincoln [Laken] Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed,” Biden began to say during the 2024 State of the Union address. The president was speaking about border security when Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene yelled at him to “say her name.”

Biden held up a pin given to him by Greene and began to speak about the murder that took place a month prior.

“By an illegal. That’s right,” he said. “But how many of thousands of people are being killed by legals? To her parents, I say: My heart goes out to you. Having lost children myself, I understand.”

Riley — a nursing student living in Athens, Georgia — was abducted and murdered while jogging near the University of Georgia campus on Feb. 22. She died from blunt force trauma to the head, a coroner determined.

José Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old Venezuelan national, was subsequently arrested for her murder. Immigration and Customs (ICE) later confirmed that Ibarra entered the country illegally, further sparking statewide and national backlash.

The murder was followed by a recall campaign against Athens, Georgia, Mayor Kelly Girtz, the sheriff and the district attorney, with constituents calling on them to resign. Despite Girtz repeatedly saying in public that Athens was not a “sanctuary” city, unearthed emails revealed the mayor stating that he supported the town’s current policy of not being fully cooperative with immigration detainer requests.

At the state level, Riley’s killing was followed by Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, a Republican, signing into law legislation that sheriffs cooperate with federal immigration authorities or else risk losing state funding. The new law mandates local jailers hold any foreign national in their custody when they are wanted by ICE agents.

As more details emerged about how Ibarra was able to be released into the U.S. and his brother’s alleged ties to a Venezuelan prison gang former President Donald Trump, an immigration hawk, highlighted the crime on the campaign trail. The Republican candidate met with Riley’s family at a Georgia campaign rally in March, and was photographed embracing them before a crowd.

“He’s got no remorse, he’s got no regret. He’s got no empathy,” Trump said of the current president. “No compassion, and worst of all, he has no intention of stopping the deadly invasion that stole precious Laken’s beautiful, American life.”

Riley’s killing proved to be just the first local crime involving immigration this year that rocketed to national attention.

The body of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray was found floating in a north Houston creek in June. Following several days of investigation, local law enforcement arrested two Venezuelan nationals, 21-year-old Johan Jose Rangel Martinez and 26-year-old Franklin Jose Pena Ramos.

DNA tests determined that the 12-year-old had been sexually assaulted before she was strangled to death. Prosecutors believe both men tied her up, pulled her pants down, sexually assaulted her and then suffocated her before dumping her body in a nearby creek.

Federal immigration authorities soon confirmed that both men were living in the U.S. illegally, with one of them having only been in the country less than a month before allegedly killing the young girl. The incident immediately attracted national attention, with the House Homeland Security Committee later publishing a report that questioned why both men were released into the U.S. when there was more than enough detention space to keep them in physical detention at the time they illegally crossed the border.

The alleged crime was not forgotten by Trump, even moments before the first 2024 presidential debate. The former president called Jocelyn’s mother just 10 minutes before his first debate with Biden to express his condolences, a gesture that reportedly “shocked” her, according to the New York Post.

It wasn’t the only time Trump reached out to an angel family that month.

The family of Rachel Morin, a Maryland mother of five who was allegedly murdered by an illegal migrant, revealed last month they were “deeply touched” by Trump’s outreach following news that a suspect had finally been apprehended.

“I am deeply touched by President Trump’s kindness and concern,” Patty Morin, Rachel’s mother, said in a statement released by the family’s attorney. “He was genuine and truly wanted to know how our family was coping.”

Authorities confirmed that Morin’s alleged killer, 23-year-old Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, is also wanted for the murder of a woman in his home country of El Salvador — making him one of many illegal migrants who were able to enter the U.S. despite being wanted abroad for various heinous crimes.

The slate of killings have put a microscope on illegal immigration, a topic already of major concern for American voters as the border crisis has raged on. Under Biden, Border Patrol agents have encountered more than seven million migrants crossing illegally into the U.S. between ports of entry, according to the latest data by Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Biden has enjoyed, very recently, a slowdown of migrant apprehensions thanks in large part to a crackdown by the Mexican government and an executive order last month that seeks to control the number of migrants seeking asylum. However, critics maintain that the record levels of illegal migration experienced under his tenure remain a problem of his doing.

In the first year of his presidency, Biden undertook 296 executive actions on immigration, according to an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute. Of those presidential proclamations, 89 specifically reversed or began the process of undoing Trump’s immigration policies — and Biden has undone major Trump-era policy initiatives, such as the shutdown of the Remain in Mexico program and the nixing of new border wall construction.

The president has also recently granted mass amnesty to half a million illegal migrants married to U.S. citizens — a move that critics say will only encourage more illegal immigration.

“There’s no reason to doubt that the Biden administration — with its history of paroling inadequately vetted, inadmissible aliens into the country — will rubber-stamp every application under the President’s executive order, thus granting half a million or more illegal immigrants permanent residency and, eventually, citizenship,” Erik Ruark, director of research for NumbersUSA, said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Amidst an historic border crisis, President Biden’s illegal amnesty sends would-be migrants the message that our borders remain wide open, and that they will eventually be rewarded if they can get into the country,” Ruark continued.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment from the DCNF.

(Featured Image Media Credit: Screenshot/Rumble/CNN)

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Conservative MP appeals to Canadians to support bill protecting churches from arson

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St. Gabriel Catholic Mission in northern Alberta was burned to the ground

Jamil Jivani called church burnings an attack on religious freedom and said Bill C 4-11 would increase the penalty for crimes of arson by adding the targeting of churches as an aggravating factor in sentencing for these acts of destruction.

A Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MP urged support from his political opponents for a bill that would give stiffer penalties to arsonists caught burning churches down.

“This is a very serious issue. It is not just an attack on churches as buildings, it’s an attack on communities, on families and an attack on religious freedom in Canada,” CPC MP Jamil Jivani said in an X video post on October 2.

“We need to see action, we need the other political parties to realize that this is a serious problem. We need support behind Bill C -411, and we need to do more to protect churches in Canada.”

In the span of less than one week, as reported by LifeSiteNews, two more Christian churches were reduced to ash piles, one Catholic and the other Anglican.

Jivani called out the fires as attacks on freedom, saying the “pattern of destruction that we have observed of church after church after church being burned to the ground in Canada” must stop.

“Why isn’t the government doing anything about this problem?” he asked. “Well, let me tell you, conservatives have put forward legislation on this issue. Bill C 4-11 would increase the penalty for crimes of arson against churches by adding the targeting of churches as an aggravating factor in sentencing for arson crimes.”

Jivani observed that Conservatives have not seen “other political parties support this Bill C-411.”

“The Liberals, the NDP, the Bloc, all of them continue to be silent on this problem. This pattern of destruction we have not seen the other political party support our legislation, Bill C-411, and they’re not even offering their own legislation,” he said.

“We need support behind Bill C-411, and we need to do more to protect churches in Canada.”

The law, if passed, would create specific criminal offenses for setting fires to churches and for starting wildfires.

Under the new legislation, arson that directly target churches or other places of worship would be punishable by “imprisonment for a term of not more than 14 years and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of five years” for the first offense.

“For each subsequent offence, imprisonment for life and to a minimum punishment for a term of seven years,” the legislation stated.

The legislation also outlines consequences for starting wildfires of fines up to $250,000 and life imprisonment.

Since the spring of 2021, 112 churches, most of them Catholic, have been burned to the ground, vandalized or defiled in Canada.

The church burnings started after the mainstream media and the federal government ran with inflammatory and dubious claims that hundreds of children were buried and disregarded by Catholic priests and nuns who ran some of the now-closed residential schools in Canada.

LifeSiteNews reported last week that Leah Gazan, backbencher MP from the socialist New Democratic Party (NDP), brought forth a bill that seeks to criminalize the denial of the unproven claim that the residential school system once operating in Canada was a “genocide.”

As reported by LifeSiteNews in August, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet said it will expand a multimillion-dollar fund geared toward documenting thus far unfounded claims that hundreds of young children died and were clandestinely buried at the residential schools.

Canada’s Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations confirmed it spent millions searching for “unmarked graves” at a residential school but turned up no human remains.

Canadian indigenous residential schools were run by the Catholic Church and other Christian churches but were mandated and set up by the federal government. They were open from the late 19th century until the last school closed in 1996.

While there were indeed some Catholics who committed serious abuses against native children, the unproved “mass graves” narrative has led to widespread anti-Catholic sentiment since 2021.

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‘Total Failure’: Shocking Data On Criminal Migrants In US Highlight Harris’ Border Hypocrisy, Former ICE Official Says

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From the Daily Caller News Foundation 


By Katelynn Richardson

You’re not enforcing the laws now, but if you pass a new bill, then you’ll enforce the laws? This, quite frankly, is all bullshit.

Shocking data revealing thousands of illegal migrants with serious criminal histories are roaming free in the U.S. demonstrates everything Vice President Kamala Harris says about immigration “is a lie,” former Director of New York ICE Removals Tom Feeley said Saturday on Fox and Friends.

Federal data released Friday revealed there are 13,099 non-citizens in the U.S. convicted of homicide, along with 15,811 convicted of sexual assault, who have not been detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Feeley outlined how the data, which dropped the same day Harris unveiled a supposedly stricter immigration stance in a trip to the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona, highlights Harris’ hypocrisy.

You’ve already said you won’t enforce the law in the future. You’ve called ICE the KKK. You’ve already told us that you’re going to close all the detention centers,” Feeley said. “So, let me get this right, Kamala. You’re not enforcing the laws now, but if you pass a new bill, then you’ll enforce the laws? This, quite frankly, is all bullshit. Every American should be pissed and disgusted because this is all crap.”


Feeley said the real numbers are probably “double” what was released by ICE. There are currently over 662,566 non-citizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket, which includes both those detained and not detained, according to a letter delivered Wednesday to Republican Texas Rep. Tony Gonzales.

“This is a total failure from the ICE director up,” Feeley said. “Nobody will be held accountable, and we’ll just go on with our day.”

Feeley said the border was the “most secure it’s ever been” under former President Donald Trump. He pointed to Biden-Harris administration policies as the reason he retired.

“When they come in, they undid everything,” he said. “They ordered us not to enforce the laws. I’m one of those guys that believes in my country. I believe in the Constitution. I took an oath, and I’m not going to do that stuff.”

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