David Clinton Our Criminal Justice System Is Changing 58 percent of individuals sentenced to community supervision had at least one prior conviction for a violent offence. 68...
From the Center for Immigration Studies By Todd Bensman The New York Post and Fox News are reporting that Abdallahi crossed the U.S. Southwest border in March 2023, that San Diego-area...
From the Fraser Institute By Tegan Hill The Alberta government has launched a campaign to inform Canadians about the negative impacts of the federal government’s cap...
Dan Knight In a Circus of Leaks, Double Standards, and Evasions, Conservatives Call Out the Trudeau Government for Putting International Optics Over Canadian Sovereignty In Canada’s...
From the Fraser Institute By Elmira Aliakbari and Jock Finlayson The federal government’s plan to make all electricity generation in Canada carbon-free by 2035 is impractical...
From left, Lancaster County Commissioner Alice Yoder, Lancaster County District Attorney Heather Adams, Commissioners Ray D’Agostino and Josh Parsons. The officials held a press conference on...
Catherine Herridge @C__Herridge Emmy winning investigative journalist. Telling the stories I could not tell before, where the facts have a power all their own. #CatherineHerridgeReports BREAKING:...
From LifeSiteNews By David James The Port Hedland council cited a report by molecular virologist Dr. David Speicher that ‘evidences excessive synthetic DNA contamination in Pfizer...
From LifeSiteNews By Anthony Murdoch A judge ruled that businesses impacted by COVID lockdowns are allowed to claim compensation for harm and losses incurred due to...
From StosselTV Pollution, homophobia, racism, hate; activists claim everything is getting worse. The opposite is true. But if they admit that how would they raise money?...