Sky Wings Aviation founder Dennis Cooper lives to fly. “2020 marks 50 years of flying for me,” said Cooper in a phone interview. “I was a...
“I feel more alive today in God than I did 20 years ago,” said Gerard Renaud in the Red Deer Sacred Heart sanctuary. The musician and...
Medical clerical staff are significant workers in the health centres. Not only do they support the doctors and nurses in their roles, but they also ensure...
Canada, like the whole world, has seemingly descended into chaos. At the core of lockdowns across most our country and measures ranging from military implementation to...
We all see the petition campaigns on Facebook. “Sue Smith” has just signed to support a Ban Plastic Single Use Straw Campaign..She wants you to help. ...
Amidst the turbulence of our present medical situation in the world, fear and panic is the easy way out. We, in Alberta, are blessed with a...
Pandemic Elements 1: PCR Testing- During this ‘pandemic,’ world citizens have been subjected to a daily dose of case numbers from provincial or federal health ministers...
According to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the “Great Reset,” is underway, and that should scare you. In a video interview released November 16, 2020, of his...
A Remembrance Day tribute to Walter Mackenzie, a world war 1 veteran from Innisfail and the Kneehill Valley area.
The power of speculative fiction is amazing. Consider the examples of Brave New World, Animal Farm, 1984 and V. Their dystopian visions of our collective future...