Check out this powerful video, “Be a Mr. Jensen,” shared by Andy Jacks. It highlights the impact of seeing youth as solutions, not problems. Mr. Jensen’s...
Red Deer community let’s give a round of applause to the incredible adults shaping the future of our kids. Whether they’re a coach, neighbour, teacher, mentor,...
Red Deer Community Better Poster Red Deer let’s get active together! We’re excited to announce that Red Deer is participating in the 4th annual ParticipACTION Community...
The City of Red Deer was crowned the “most active community in Canada” in the Community Better ParticipACTION Challenge June 2022. Now we get to celebrate...
SPARC Caring Adult Awards Night a success On April 27, Strengthening Positive Assets & Resiliency in Communities (SPARC), honoured 50 nominees through the SPARC Caring Adult...
SPARC RED DEER KINDNESS ROCKS PROJECT SPARC Red Deer, is pleased to announce a new “Paint the Town Positive” activity designed to promote positive messaging by...