09:00 Ringette Female Playoff Round – Game 25 (L21 vs. L19) – NS vs SK Collicutt Centre 09:00 Table Tennis Doubles Female Stage 2 – Encounter...
Thank you City of Red Deer for putting this list together! Just click on the title of the event for more information. Hiding in Plain Sight:...
Emma Holmes – ACAC Women’s Volleyball South Rookie of the Year From RDC Communications Holmes, Domoney and Wandler recognized at 2019 ACAC Women’s Volleyball Awards Two...
It sure was a rocky start in terms of press coverage from the national media… but the United We Roll Convoy organizers have been feeling the...
09:00 Ringette Female Playoff – Game 17 (4th Pool A vs 5th Pool B) – AB vs PE ...
Hiding in Plain Sight: Discovering the Metis Nation From January 20 to March 10, 2019, the Red Deer Museum + art gallery (MAG) is presenting Hiding...
The closer the Convoy gets to their destination, the harder their job gets. Here’s what it looked like as United We Roll set out on their...
Thank you City of Red Deer for putting this list together! Just click on the title of the event for more information. Hiding in Plain Sight:...
Thank you City of Red Deer for putting this list together! Just click on the title of the event for more information! Hiding in Plain Sight:...
The 2019 Canada Winter Games are underway and the city is alive with activity. You can feel a buzz on major roadways, near any of the...