It just might be a breakthrough year for Nick Saik and Know Ideas Media. Last summer Nick produced a short film called “Nut Milking Exposed” for...
What keeps Tomato growers up at night? Xanthomonas. They are the genus of proteobacteria responsible for Bacterial Spot, which is a disease that wreaks havoc on...
Anti-GMO personalities would have you believe our food system is rife with GMO food crops of all kinds. Large fruit? Must be GMO. Oddly shaped...
In our efforts to spread the good word about modern food production, we’re often accused of spending too much time preaching to the choir. The funny...
Nick talks with Canadian farmer Terry Aberhart to see how above average Canadian farmers tackle the idea of sustainability in their operations. Special thanks to Aberhart...
“Millennial” easily breaks the top 10 of Nick’s least favorite words. It’s right up there with “shill” and “moist”, basically nobody who is actually associated with...
Watch Part 1 HERE “I call it the age of stupid, because we surround ourselves with people who agree with us. If we surround ourselves with...
In LEARN GMO, the ever skeptical always critical Nick Saik spends time talking about food production with his dad Rob, who has had a long career...
In LEARN GMO, the ever skeptical always critical Nick Saik spends time talking about food production with his dad Rob, who has had a long career...
In LEARN GMO, the ever skeptical always critical Nick Saik spends time talking about food production with his dad Rob, who has had a long career...