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A blanket amnesty for illegal migrants would be a disaster for Canada: David L. Thomas for Inside Policy


17 minute read

From the Macdonald Laurier Institute

By David L. Thomas

The prospect of a general amnesty for illegals in Canada will be the final straw. How can there be any shred of integrity left in our immigration system if we reward those who broke the rules?

The Liberal government’s proposal to grant a pathway to citizenship to “undocumented” people who are in Canada illegally is a risky strategy and likely to backfire. It will be seen as an open invitation to billions of people around the world to come here, break our immigration laws, and eventually be rewarded for it.

In my years as an immigration lawyer, I met countless people who dreamed of one day possessing a Canadian passport. Holding one would unlock a world of opportunity in Canada. But it also has another attractive feature: Canadian passport-holders can travel visa-free to 188 countries. When I began my legal career, we used to say there were only about 20 “good passports” in the world – passports that allowed unrestricted travel abroad and a good standard of living in the home country. Given general rises in prosperity and geopolitical progress (think the fall of the Berlin Wall), I would argue the number of “good passports” has risen to about 45.

Of course, that means there are still around 155 “not-so-good passports” issued by other countries, where the majority of the world’s population happens to reside. Given that only a few countries actively promote immigration (Canada leads in this respect, followed closely by Australia and New Zealand) it is easy to see why Canadian citizenship is in such high demand.

Some activists argue there should be no borders – that “no one is illegal.” They are grossly underestimating the demand. If a border-free world popped into existence tomorrow, many estimated 250 million people would immediately choose to relocate. Some have put that number as high as 750 million. I believe these estimates are outdated and perhaps naïve. Surely the number today would be in the billions.

A recent survey suggested that 69 million Chinese would like to move to Canada, if they could. The same survey showed 137 million Chinese are considering moving to the US (Canada would be their second choice). Another survey indicated that almost 75 percent of Indians are seeking to emigrate, and 35 percent are actively working towards it (India has a population of 1.4 billion). A Gallup World Poll in 2017 showed a growing worldwide trend in the desire to relocate to a new country. In Sub-Saharan Africa, with a population of 1.24 billion, 33 percent indicated a wish to emigrate. In Nigeria alone, 48 percent indicated a desire to emigrate permanently (the population of Nigeria is 229 million).

Prior to 2017, Canada – surrounded by three oceans and neighbouring the United States – had reasonable control of its borders. Illegal border crossings were not that common. Some might recall in 1999 when four rusty ships washed ashore on western Vancouver Island, having transported 599 illegal migrants from Fujian, China. The federal government responded quickly – deporting 330 migrants and granting three dozen refugee status. As for the rest, well, they just disappeared.

Even though more than two hundred migrants slipped through the cracks during that 1999 event, that seems like a tremendous success compared to the open invitation Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made to the world in an infamous January 2017 tweet. In response to the inauguration of President Donald Trump and his promise to clamp down on illegal immigration, Trudeau posted on Twitter: “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada.”

Many undocumented migrants in America saw this as an open invitation to simply walk across our border. By the end of 2018, more than 50,000 people had crossed into Canada illegally, most of them through Roxham Road in Quebec, at the border with upstate New York.

In 2019, a CBC reporter made these observations about the Roxham Road crossing:

But the majority of those who come here to Plattsburgh, N.Y., by bus, train or plane have spent little time in the U.S., arriving on tourist visas with the intent of treading the footpath to Canada. When CBC News visited the crossing recently, in one day we met families and single travellers from Pakistan, Turkey, Yemen, Lebanon, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Eritrea, as well as a Palestinian family from the occupied territories. Some arrived with what appeared to be fresh baggage tags from overseas flights into New York. Others had made their way north from Mexico, South and Central America.

In 2017, Haitians who had overstayed their 2010 earthquake disaster-related visas in the United States formed the largest group of migrants illegally entering Canada. Trump had specially targeted this group, although, in the end, his administration made few deportations. By 2018, however, nearly 75 percent of illegal migrants at Roxham Road had freshly arrived from Nigeria. They had obtained valid US visitor visas in Nigeria, but it was widely believed to be part of a scheme in which the visa recipients understood they had to immediately leave the US by walking into Canada.

Trudeau could have easily stopped this charade at any time by amending the Safe Third County Agreement with the US (which he eventually did in 2023). But at the time, he instead dispatched then Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen to Nigeria to try to persuade US officials to stop issuing so many dubious visas.

Even though authorities have since closed Roxham Road and similar illegal crossing points, Canadians are still feeling the repercussions of this open-border policy – and will be for years. There are still about 7,300 refugee claimants being housed in 36 hotels, mostly in southern Ontario, who on average each cost Canadian taxpayers about $208 per day. The total price tag for Trudeau’s 2017 tweet is already in the billions of dollars and ongoing.

Without question, surely some of the 113,000 people who walked into Canada since 2017 are legitimate UN Convention-definition refugees. Equally clear is that many are economic migrants, and others are just queue-jumpers looking for an easy way in. Moreover, if you were an undocumented person in the US with criminal charges outstanding, a swift exit into Canada across Roxham Road would seem extremely attractive. You could arrive without identification and make up a new identity. Why not? We have no idea how many criminals or terrorists may have walked in.

In the 2000s, when I was still actively practicing immigration law, there were many Mexican citizens working illegally in Vancouver. It was the same in Toronto. Some years earlier, the Liberal government had dropped the visitor visa requirement for Mexican citizens. It resulted in a flood of people over-staying their lawful period of admission as well as a deluge of Mexican refugee claims made within Canada. In 2009, Prime Minister Stephen Harper put an end to the madness and required Mexican citizens to apply for visitor visas.

Canada has established, objective standards in place for determining which countries should be exempt from our visitor visa requirement. In 2016, Trudeau hosted Mexican President Enrique Nieto in Ottawa. Nieto urged Trudeau to remove the visitor visa requirement for Mexican citizens. Trudeau ignored the objective standards and promised Nieto he would do so. (This resulted in immediate protests from Bulgaria and Romania, who also didn’t meet our standards. To avoid controversy, Trudeau removed their visa requirements as well.)

Unfortunately, removing the visitor visa requirement for Mexicans turned out to (again) be an unmitigated disaster. For instance, in 2023, there were more than 25,000 inland refugee claims from Mexico alone. Fast forward to 2024, and Trudeau had no choice but to reverse his decision – since February of this year, most Mexicans are required to apply for a visitor visa.

Canada also has a poor record for removing failed refugee claimants as well as non-Canadians who have committed crimes in Canada. Most people who have been issued deportation letters since 2016 are still in Canada. Moreover, if Donald Trump is elected this fall, he has promised a massive deportation effort to deal with illegal immigrants in the US, many of whom may be tempted to illegally escape into Canada.

Marc Miller, the current immigration minister, estimates there are between 300,000 and 600,000 people living illegally in Canada –- but even he’s not sure. Unlike many other countries, Canada does not track the departure of non-Canadians. Therefore, it is quite easy for someone whose visitor visa, study permit, or work permit has expired to simply remain in Canada. No one will be knocking on their door because they just aren’t on the radar.

We could begin tracking departures as other countries do, or we could start seriously enforcing our deportation orders. However, this seems to be too much effort. The federal government is apparently attracted to a much easier solution: just let them stay.

Lobby groups like the Migrant Rights Network (MRN) are pressuring the government to offer an amnesty for all “undocumented” migrants in Canada, and to grant permanent status to their family members upon arrival in the future. At a recent press conference calling for amnesty, the MRN estimated that between 20,000 and 500,000 people without immigration status are currently living in Canada.

Since 2017, the City of Toronto has celebrated “Undocumented Residents Day” and this year the City hosted a forum where activists spoke up to encourage the federal government to grant permanent residence to people living in Canada without authorization. Some of the speakers blamed “white supremacy” for shortcomings in our legal immigration system. However, the majority of legal immigrants to Canada have been non-white in every year since 1971.

Shortly after the 2021 federal election, Trudeau issued a mandate letter for his new Immigration Minister, Sean Fraser, that ordered him to explore an amnesty solution. More recently, Minister Miller commented, “There is no doubt that we have made a conscious decision to be an open country.” In May, Trudeau told reporters, “People who aren’t here regularly need to be supported and taken care of. There needs to be either a pathway towards regularization and citizenship, which I know the (immigration) minister is working on.” These recent comments by Trudeau and Miller suggest the Liberals are seriously considering an announcement of an amnesty in the near future.

Until recently, most Canadians were in favour of Canada’s immigration system. The reality today is that most Canadians feel that our immigration levels are too high, with the highest anti-immigration sentiment in decades. Even 42 percent of recent immigrants feel the numbers are excessive. Recently, the Bank of Canada also sounded the alarm, blaming record levels of immigration for driving up the cost of housing.

It is reckless, and possibly, dangerous for the federal government to ignore these warnings. Without broad public support, Canada’s immigration system is doomed. It also risks heightened levels of racism and xenophobia once the broad support is gone.

The prospect of a general amnesty for illegals in Canada will be the final straw. How can there be any shred of integrity left in our immigration system if we reward those who broke the rules? I spoke recently to a retired government immigration program manager who concurs: “An amnesty is pure madness,” he said, “and crushing in its unfairness to all those who have played by the rules.”

What message would a general amnesty send to legal migrants to our country? Why would others go through normal channels to come here? Would an amnesty now undermine future deportation orders? Why would failed refugee claimants or convicted criminals depart Canada? If Canada grants amnesty once, surely Canada will do it again, once the number of illegals bloats again.

If there is any doubt about that, consider the current illegal immigration crisis gripping the United States. In 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law. Sold as a crackdown on illegal immigration, it called for tighter security at the Mexican border, with employers facing strict penalties for hiring undocumented workers. As part of the bill, the US government offered amnesty with a path to permanent status to about 3 million undocumented migrants. Supposedly a one-time amnesty, it was to be followed up with strict border controls and other measures to make sure the number of illegals never grew to such a large number again.

Reagan’s amnesty plan was anything but a panacea. Rather, it acted as an invitation to billions of would-be migrants to come to America and break its immigration laws. Although it’s impossible to know the exact number, some estimate the number of illegals in the US today to be around 22 million. Canada is on the cusp of making the very same mistake.

David L. Thomas is a lawyer and mediator in British Columbia and a senior fellow with the Macdonald-Laurier Institute. From 20142021, he served as the chairperson of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal in Ottawa.

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Daily Caller

Biden Admin Touts Reduction In Border Crossings While Flying In Hundreds Of Thousands Of Migrants

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From the Daily Caller News Foundation 

By Jason Hopkins



The Biden-Harris administration on Monday boasted about the recent reduction in illegal border crossings, despite the latest immigration data also showing hundreds of thousands of migrants have been allowed into the U.S. via different pathways created by the White House.

Since President Joe Biden announced an executive order in June limiting the number of unlawful crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border, encounters between ports of entry have fallen by over 50%, according to a press release by Customs and Border Protection (CBP). However, the press release also revealed that more than half a million foreign nationals have been flown in via a mass parole program, and nearly a million others have scheduled appointments with the U.S. government in hopes of entering.

“CBP continues to enforce the Securing the Border interim final rule and deliver strong consequences for illegal entry, and encounters between ports of entry remain at their lowest level in years,” acting CBP Commissioner Troy Miller boasted in the CBP press release.

Nearly 530,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans have been flown into the country and granted parole under an initiative launched by the Biden-Harris administration known as the CHNV program, according to the CBP press release. Additionally, around 813,000 migrants have scheduled appointments to present at ports of entry via the CBP One app since its introduction in January 2023.

Border Patrol agents encountered roughly 58,000 migrants attempting to illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border in August, according to the latest CBP data. This number marks the first uptick in illegal crossings at the southern border since February, in which there had been a steady decline every month.

Initially launched for Venezuelans in October 2022, CHNV was later expanded in January 2023 to include Cubans, Nicaraguans and Haitians. The parole program grants foreign nationals two year authorization into the U.S. and work permits, provided they have not previously entered the country illegally and pass other vetting processes.

The Department of Homeland Security had temporarily paused CHNV in August after reports found massive fraud, but then quickly resumed the mass parole program just a few weeks later. An internal audit discovered a litany of red flags, such as over 100,000 CHNV forms being completed by fewer than 4,000 applicants and Social Security numbers by sponsors belonging to a deceased individual, among other discrepancies.

House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green has previously referred to CHNV and the CBP One app as a “massive shell game” that allows otherwise inadmissible aliens to enter the country lawfully in lieu of crossing the border illegally.

The administration also noted that, since Biden’s executive order went into effect in June, DHS has deported more than 131,000 foreign nationals to over 140 countries and nearly tripled the percentage of noncitizens processed for expedited removal.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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ICE Nabs Illegal Migrant ‘Gotaway’ Charged With Raping Child On Ritzy Island In ‘Sanctuary’ State

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From the Daily Caller News Foundation

By Harold Hutchison


Federal immigration authorities on Tuesday successfully apprehended an illegal migrant charged with raping a minor on a wealthy Massachusetts island.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in Nantucket nabbed Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo, a 28-year-old Salvadoran national living unlawfully in the country, according to a press release from the agency published Monday. Aldana was charged earlier this year with two counts of indecent assault and battery of a child under 14 and one count of rape of a child with a 10-year age difference.

“Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo stands accused of some detestable and disturbing crimes against a Nantucket child,” Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Boston Field Office Director Todd Lyons stated on Monday in the press release. “He represents a significant danger to the children of our Massachusetts communities.”

Aldana illegally crossed into the U.S. at an unknown date and unknown location, according to ICE. Such illegal migrants in the country are categorized as “gotaways,” as they were not stopped by Border Patrol or other federal immigration officials before entering the interior of the U.S.

ICE arrest of Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrest of Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo. (Photo by ICE)

The Salvadoran national was arraigned in Nantucket District Court for the multiple sex crime charges on July 26, according to ICE. He was later released on bail by the Nantucket District Court on July 29.

“ERO Boston will not tolerate such a threat to the most vulnerable of our population,” Lyons stated. “We will continue to prioritize the safety of our public by arresting and removing egregious noncitizen offenders from our New England neighborhoods.”

Since his ICE apprehension, Aldana has been served with a notice to appear before an immigration judge, and he remains in ICE custody, according to the agency.

“The Nantucket Police Department, specifically the Detective Unit did assist with identifying requested addresses provided to them by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency,” reads a Thursday press statement from the police department. Deportation officers made an unknown number of arrests on the island last week, which specifically targeted “violent offenders.”

The Nantucket population in 2022 had a median household income of more than $131,000, according to Data USA, far surpassing the median household income of the country that same year, which was slightly less than $75,000. Housing has become so expensive on the island, that some homes costing as much as $1 million have been offered via a lottery system as a part of a subsidized housing program, according to The New York Post.

President Joe Biden won more than 70% of the vote in Nantucket County in the 2020 presidential election, according to county election results compiled by CNN.

Aldana is one of the countless gotaways who enter the country illegally and undetected by federal immigration authorities. Around two million known gotaways have crossed into the U.S. since the beginning of the Biden-Harris administration, a congressional source confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation earlier this year.

Over seven million migrants have illegally crossed the U.S. southern border since the beginning of the Biden-Harris administration, according to the latest Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

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