$10 parking at Sylvan Lake is too expensive, Red Deer could help.
$10 to park at Sylvan Lake. Perhaps this will be the final straw for many families who are finding it difficult to take their children to the beach.
There is a solution for families in Red Deer and it is called Hazlett Lake.
Hazlett Lake is a natural lake that covers a surface area of 0.45 km2 (0.17 mi2), has an average depth of 3 meters (10 feet). Hazlett Lake has a total shore line of 4 kilometers (2 miles). It is 108.8 acres in size. Located in the north-west sector of Red Deer.
If Sylvan Lake wants to limit tourism by outsiders, then Red Deer should take up the slack. Red Deer wants to build a new competitive Aquatic Centre, while the thinking is tear down the downtown recreation centre and build a larger indoor pool and a smaller outdoor pool, why not build the aquatic centre on a lake?
Hazlett Lake is visible to Hwy 2, and Hwy 11a and during inclement or cold weather the tourists can use the indoor facilities. Instead of building another ice rink at the Collicutt Center, build it at Hazlett Lake and incorporate the 108.8 acre is ice surface of Hazlett Lake?
There are over 400,000 residents surrounding us, and if they want to enjoy a beach without paying $10 for parking let them sun bath at Hazlett Lake.
Provincial and National Competitions of various natures could be held at Hazlett Lake if we incorporate 50m pools and diving pools. Canoeing, swimming, diving, snorkelling, hockey, ice racing on a 108.8 acre lake with available indoor facilities, easy access, good parking, and all natural.
Lethbridge created Henderson Lake Park from a man made slough, we have a lake.
We have the lake. We have 1,000s of acres available, now. We have high traffic exposure. We have the opportunity. We have the need. We just do not have the vision, and we cannot muster the courage to think about such an idea.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If life gives you a lake, build a tourist destination. Can we at least consider capitalising on our once in a lifetime opportunity? Can we not look at something besides cookie cutter housing developments? Please.
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SPARC Caring Adult Nominations now open!

Check out this powerful video, “Be a Mr. Jensen,” shared by Andy Jacks. It highlights the impact of seeing youth as solutions, not problems. Mr. Jensen’s patience and focus on strengths gave this child hope and success.
👉 Be a Mr. Jensen:
Do you know a Mr. Jensen? Nominate a caring adult in your child’s life who embodies the spirit of Mr. Jensen. Whether it’s a coach, teacher, mentor, or someone special, share how they contribute to youth development. 👉 Nominate Here:
Nominate someone who makes a positive impact in the lives of children and youth. Every child has a gift – let’s celebrate the caring adults who help them shine! SPARC Red Deer will recognize the first 50 nominees. 💖🎉 #CaringAdults #BeAMrJensen #SeePotentialNotProblems #SPARCRedDeer
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