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Trump, Joe Rogan talk about corrupt media, vaccines, ‘gender transitions’ for children in 3-hour interview


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From LifeSiteNews

By Stephen Kokx

In a highly anticipated interview with Joe Rogan, Trump rebuked ‘gender transitions’ for minors, said there must be voter ID and no mail ballots in the future, affirmed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will be part of his administration, and vowed to end the war in Ukraine.

Debunking claims from the Harris campaign that he is “exhausted,” Donald Trump sat down with popular podcaster Joe Rogan on Friday for an extensive, though not entirely earth-shattering, three-hour interview.  

During the recording at Rogan’s Austin, Texas-based studio, Trump made no major missteps; nor did he or his interrogator tread new ground. Instead, the two held a relaxed conversation about issues Trump has addressed over the past several years, though some remarks about aliens were new. 

Rogan initially asked Trump what it was like becoming president. Trump said it was a “surreal” experience while also praising the grandeur of the White House, explaining that he was especially in awe of the Lincoln bedroom. He then went on one of his famous “weaves” or tangents about how President Lincoln had “the yips” when it came to fighting Confederate General Robert E. Lee.  

Trump admitted to Rogan – as he has to others previously – that he hired “many people” he shouldn’t have, like Bush-era neocon John Bolton. He reiterated that he was a “New York guy” all his life and not a D.C. guy, so he had to rely on others to help him appoint his cabinet. Trump has recently said elsewhere that he knows how “the swamp” works now and that he wouldn’t make the same staffing mistakes if re-elected.  

The most interesting parts of the interview didn’t come until the 2-hour mark, when Rogan praised Trump’s embrace of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  

Rogan asked Trump how he plans on “making America healthy again” with Kennedy, to which Trump responded by saying Kennedy has lots of ideas and that his presence in the campaign has many executives in Big Pharma worried. Regardless, he said Kennedy will 100 percent be part of his administration and will be able to do “whatever [he] want[s],” though not with environmental issues. 

Rogan also asked about vaccines, though he didn’t press Trump on his controversial Operation Warp Speed initiatives. Trump seemed to agree with what Rogan was saying about how vaccines can cause adverse health issues, but the two disappointingly didn’t pursue the topic at length. Still, Rogan reminded Trump that the U.S. is one of only two countries that allows pharmaceutical drugs to be advertised on television.  

Trump agreed that there are many “side effects” to certain drugs and that he would “never take” some of them. 

Trump told Rogan that his teenage son Barron has helped him with his podcast strategy, as he has appeared on a number of shows watched primarily by young men, also called “Zoomers,” in recent weeks. The approach has resulted in a massive uptick in favorability among male voters under 25 years of age. Rogan notably told Trump that “the media, to a large extent, acts as a propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.” He said that independent media is how you get around that. 

Rogan further commented on the political realignment taking place under Trump. He said that “the rebels” are “Republicans now. You want to be a rebel? You want to be punk rock? You’re want to like buck the system? You’re a conservative now.” 

“And then the liberals are now pro-silencing criticism,” he added. 

Rogan spend a large chunk of the rest of the interview asking Trump to provide more evidence of 2020 election interference. Trump, who has repeatedly discussed the topic before, especially during his debates with Biden and Harris, brought up the Russia collusion hoax, the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, and how states changed voting laws in the lead-up to the election and said that, in the future, there must be voter ID and no mail-in ballots.  

Rogan agreed with the voter ID proposal while adding that he’d like to see debates change so the candidates sit down and simply discuss issues on their own without moderators.  

The last half hour of the conversion proved to be the most relevant for religious and conservative Americans. After telling Rogan that Kamala Harris, who he called a “very low IQ person,” would be “lying on the floor comatose” if she appeared on his show, Trump hit back at her for claiming he is Hitler, saying that she is losing badly. 

Trump also received praise from Rogan for his “comedic” timing and sensibilities, especially at his rallies. Rogan said that in order to do well in politics one should approach it with that sort of mindset at times. He praised Trump especially for his performance at the Al Smith Dinner earlier this month.  

Trump also criticized pollsters, calling many of them “probably fake,” while also rebuking “sex change” surgeries for minors without parental consent and the Democratic Party’s push to ensure gender-confused males are able to compete in women’s sports. Rogan called that idea one of the most “bizarre and polarizing ideas of the left.”  

The remainder of the interview was spent talking about the JFK files, extraterrestrials, and the war in Ukraine. Trump said, as he has before, that his CIA director at the time Mike Pompeo as well as other “good people” asked him to not release all of the JFK files. But Trump appeared to say he would release the other 50 percent of them so the nation could have a “cleansing.”  

Rogan then asked Trump about aliens. Trump cryptically referred to them as “people coming from space” while recalling that he has spoken with pilots in the military who have told him they have seen objects in the sky that could not be operated by human beings. 

Before ending the podcast Trump told Rogan that he will meet with both Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy and end the war in Ukraine immediately. 

Trump said that he will ensure the U.S. is respected again if re-elected and that the Chinese in particular are “dreaming” about a Harris presidency because they will take advantage of America if she is in office.  

“She can’t put two sentences together … these guys are very smart; they’re very streetwise and they’re very tricky and evil and dangerous. And if she becomes the president of the United States — which I cannot believe can happen — I don’t think this country’s going to make it. I think really bad things will happen to our country.”  

Following the interview, Trump flew to the battleground state of Michigan for a rally that began after 10 pm. 

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Recovered ‘brain dead’ man dancing at sister’s wedding reminds us organ donors are sometimes alive

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TJ Hoover and his sister on her wedding day

From LifeSiteNews

By Heidi Klessig, M.D.

Since brain dead people are not dead, it is not surprising that the only multicenter, prospective study of brain death found that the majority of brains from ‘brain dead’ people were not severely damaged at autopsy.

In 2021, a supposedly brain dead man, Anthony Thomas “TJ” Hoover II, opened his eyes and looked around while being wheeled to the operating room to donate his organs. Hospital staff at Baptist Health hospital in Richmond, Kentucky assured his family that these were just “reflexes.”

But organ preservationist Natasha Miller also thought Hoover looked alive. “He was moving around – kind of thrashing. Like, moving, thrashing around on the bed,” said Miller in an NPR interview. “And then when we went over there, you could see he had tears coming down. He was visibly crying.” Thankfully, the procedure was called off, and Hoover was able to recover and even dance at his sister’s wedding this past summer.

Last month, this case was brought before a U.S. House subcommittee investigating organ procurement organizations. Whistleblowers claimed that even after two doctors refused to remove Hoover’s organs, Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates ordered their staff to find another doctor to perform the surgery.

Because brain death is a social construct and not death itself, I can tell you exactly how many “brain dead” patients are still alive: all of them. When brain death was first proposed by an ad hoc committee at Harvard Medical School in 1968, the committee admitted that these people are not dead, but rather “desperately injured.” They thought that these neurologically injured people were a burden to themselves and others, and that society would be better served if we redefined them as being “dead.” They described their reasoning this way:

Our primary purpose is to define irreversible coma as a new criterion for death. There are two reasons why there is need for a definition: (1) Improvements in resuscitative and supportive measures have led to increased efforts to save those who are desperately injured. Sometimes these efforts have only partial success so that the result is an individual whose heart continues to beat but whose brain is irreversibly damaged. The burden is great on patients who suffer permanent loss of intellect, on their families, on the hospitals, and on those in need of hospital beds already occupied by these comatose patients. (2) Obsolete criteria for the definition of death can lead to controversy in obtaining organs for transplantation.

Since brain dead people are not dead, it is not surprising that the only multicenter, prospective study of brain death found that the majority of brains from “brain dead” people were not severely damaged at autopsy – and 10 actually looked normal. Dr. Gaetano Molinari, one of the study’s principal investigators, wrote:

[D]oes a fatal prognosis permit the physician to pronounce death? It is highly doubtful whether such glib euphemisms as “he’s practically dead,” … “he can’t survive,” … “he has no chance of recovery anyway,” will ever be acceptable legally or morally as a pronouncement that death has occurred.

But history shows that despite Dr. Molinari’s doubts, “brain death,” a prognosis of possible death, went on to be widely accepted as death per se. Brain death was enshrined into US law in 1981 under the Uniform Determination of Death Act. Acceptance of this law has allowed neurologically disabled people to be redefined as “dead” and used as organ donors. Unfortunately, most of these people do not, like TJ Hoover, wake up in time. They suffer death through the harvesting of their organs, a procedure often performed without the benefit of anesthesia.

Happily, some do manage to avoid becoming organ donors and go on to receive proper medical treatment. In 1985, Jennifer Hamann was thrown into a coma after being given a prescription that was incompatible with her epilepsy medication. She could not move or sign that she was awake and aware when she overheard doctors saying that her husband was being “completely unreasonable” because he would not donate her organs. She went on to made a complete recovery and became a registered nurse.

Zack Dunlap was declared brain dead in 2007 following an ATV accident. Even though his cousin demonstrated that Zack reacted to pain, hospital staff told his family that it was just “reflexes.” But as Zack’s reactions became more vigorous, the staff took more notice and called off the organ harvesting team that was just landing via helicopter to take Zack’s organs. Today, Zack leads a fully recovered life.

Colleen Burns was diagnosed “brain dead” after a drug overdose in 2009, but wasn’t given adequate testing and awoke on the operating table just minutes before her organ harvesting surgery. Because the Burns family declined to sue, the hospital only received a slap on the wrist: the State Health Department fined St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, New York, just $6,000.

In 2015, George Pickering III was declared brain dead, but his father thought doctors were moving too fast. Armed and dangerous, he held off a SWAT team for three hours, during which time his son began to squeeze his hand on command. “There was a law broken, but it was broken for all the right reasons. I’m here now because of it,” said George III.

Trenton McKinley, a 13-year-old boy, suffered a head injury in 2018 but regained consciousness after his parents signed paperwork to donate his organs. His mother told CBS News that signing the consent to donate allowed doctors to continue Trenton’s intensive care treatment, ultimately giving him time to wake up.

Doctors often say that cases like these prove nothing, and that they are obviously the result of misdiagnosis and medical mistakes. But since all these people were about to become organ donors regardless of whether their diagnoses were correct, I doubt they find the “mistake” excuse comforting.

However, Jahi McMath was indisputably diagnosed as being “brain dead” correctly. She was declared brain dead by three different doctors, she failed three apnea tests, and she had four flat-line EEGs, as well as a cerebral perfusion scan showing “no flow.” But because her parents refused to make her an organ donor and insisted on continuing her medical care, McMath recovered to the point of being able to follow commands. Two neurologists later testified that she was no longer brain dead, but a in minimally conscious state. Her case shows that people correctly declared “brain dead” can still recover.

READ: Woman with no brainwave activity wakes up after hearing her daughter’s voice

Brain death is not death because the brain death concept does not reflect the reality of the phenomenon of death. Therefore, any guideline for its diagnosis will have no basis in scientific facts. People declared brain dead are neurologically disabled, but they are still alive. “Brain dead” organ donation is a concealed form of euthanasia.

Heidi Klessig MD is a retired anesthesiologist and pain management specialist who writes and speaks on the ethics of organ harvesting and transplantation. She is the author of “The Brain Death Fallacy” and her work may be found at

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Over 150,000 migrants marching in Mexico, await the outcome of the US Election

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From The Center for Immigration Studies

By Todd Bensman

Washington, D.C. (October 24, 2023) – Recent Center for Immigration Studies field work reveals a growing crisis in the Mexican southern state of Chiapas.

Why are thousands of migrants bottled up in this area near the Guatemala-Mexico border, and why are caravans forming but only moving within Chiapas?

On-the-ground reporting by Todd Bensman, the Center’s national security fellow, highlights the impact of the Biden-Harris administration’s December 2023 deal with Mexico and the potential consequences leading up to and following the U.S. election.

Key findings:

Biden-Harris Agreement: In December 2023, the U.S. and Mexico reached a secretive deal to keep migrants in southern Mexico to reduce the appearance of a border crisis in the U.S. The deal has resulted in the Mexican military setting up roadblocks in the region, particularly around the border town of Tapachula, to slow the flow of migrants.

Migrants Bottled Up: Bensman visited Tapachula, where an estimated 150,000 migrants are stranded, with 500 to 1,500 more arriving daily. The city is overwhelmed, with high poverty levels and unrest.

Caravans and Military Escorts: Migrant caravans are forming, but they are not headed to the U.S. Instead, the Mexican military is escorting them to other cities within Chiapas to ease pressure on Tapachula. Bribes and mafias enable wealthier migrants to escape the blockade, but poorer migrants remain trapped.

CBP One App: The U.S. extended access to the CBP One app, previously only usable in northern Mexico, to allow migrants in southern Mexico to schedule appointments for processing into the U.S. However, delays and limited access make it difficult for most to advance quickly.

Upcoming Election Tension: Many migrants feel an urgency to reach the U.S. before a potential change in leadership. Those interviewed fear that a Trump win would mean a closed border and no benefits, while they believe a Harris win would maintain the status quo and provide access to benefits.​

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