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Switzerland is No Longer Neutral


7 minute read

From Armstrong Economics

By Martin Armstrong

“Neutral like Switzerland” can no longer be a saying as the Swiss government has announced it is joining the European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI) to develop a shared missile defense system across Europe. Switzerland is neither an official member of the European Union nor a member of NATO. Yet, the nation forfeited its neutrality stance years ago as Swiss leaders continued to adopt globalist rules.

The ESSI was initially proposed by Germany in 2022 amid the Russia-Ukraine war. The program will integrate with NATO’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) to enhance Europe’s air defenses. The powers that be know war is on the horizon, but they are betting on most of Europe continuing to fight on the same team. Armament chief Urs Loher has signed the memorandum of understanding (MoU), officially making Switzerland the 15th nation to join this coalition.

Switzerland claims that the MoU does not force it into any binding obligation as the government may choose its level of involvement. The Swiss government also claims that it may withdraw from the ESSI if any member becomes involved in a war. “With its participation in the ESSI, Switzerland is increasing international opportunities for cooperation: ESSI enables better coordination of procurement projects, training and logistical aspects in the area of ground-based air defense,” the government noted in a statement. The initial project will protect Europe against medium-range missiles, but naturally, the plan is to accelerate this technology.

Switzerland lost its tax haven status years ago when it began offering up banking information to foreign governments. Switzerland completely capitulated its historic safe-haven status to the entire world. The country was born from a tax revolt against the Hapsburg dynasty in Austria. The tax collector made William Tell to shoot an apple off his son’s head with an arrow. Switzerland then remained neutral in war and religion, serving as a safe haven for those who would be religiously persecuted. All of that is now gone.

In 2015, the Swiss Senate passed a resolution to exchange ALL information on anyone who has any assets in Switzerland. They have surrendered their sovereignty to this worldwide effort to destroy the entire global economy because politicians can never run any government efficiently.

Of the nation’s three main sectors, the tertiary sector is the most important for the Swiss economy. It includes banking, insurance, and tourism, employing more than 75% of Switzerland’s workforce. Over a fifth of the working population makes up the secondary sector, i.e. industry, trade, and crafts. The machine, metal, watch, and textile industries play a significant role, as do the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, which rely heavily on imports and exports. By far, banking was a major sector at the top of the list.

The Swiss economy was built on its banking expertise and security. That is now gone in the age of hunting cash globally. Consequently, the economy of Switzerland lost its primary competitive advantage economically. Now it must develop industries that are competitive globally. It needs more than chocolate and Rolex watches.

Yet, we saw over COVID how tyrannical the Swiss government has become though countless regulations and threats to imprison any dissenters. They even outlawed singing in public in the name of COVID simply to see how far they push the masses. It comes as no surprise as the nation is part of the globalist agenda for the Great Reset and Agenda 2030. They toyed with the idea of imprisoning citizens for heating their homes in the name of climate change, as one example. Swiss authorities have utterly change the demographics of their country by permitting mass migration as the population surpassed 9 million for the first time in history.

Then, the Swiss government was eager to aid Europe’s proxy war in Ukraine and placed sanctions on Russia. “Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine is a serious violation of the most fundamental norms of international law and is without precedent in recent European history. Within the scope of its political room for manoeuvre, the Federal Council took this into account in its decision to join the EU sanctions,” the government stated. Is that neutrality? If someone loaded your enemy’s gun, would you consider that person to be neutral?

Switzerland continues to claim neutrality. “Neutrality is not set in stone; on the contrary, it is an instrument of foreign, security and also economic policy that must be adapted to the prevailing political climate. The Federal Council has in the past regularly examined and adapted its understanding of neutrality; for example, it did so through the neutrality report of 1993. The war in Ukraine is challenging the existing international and, above all, European security order,” states the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA).

Russia already sees that Switzerland is aligned with the West and rejected the nation’s offer to mediate peace talks in 2022. Switzerland has managed to maintain neutrality for 500 YEARS. The globalist neocons who infiltrated all government cabinets have compromised Switzerland and are stripping it of everything that once made it a great nation.

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China’s Richest Are Desperate To Get Their Fortunes Out Of The Country By Any Means Necessary

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From the Daily Caller News Foundation 

By Wallace White

China’s wealthiest citizens are resorting to dubiously legal methods to get their money out of the country as economic turmoil and a failing property market loom over the nation, according to the Wall Street Journal Wednesday.

The richest in the country are using various methods to circumvent the $50,000 foreign exchange limit, such as buying cryptocurrency, paintings or overpaying for imports among other methods, according to the WSJ. From the last half of 2023 to June this year, over $250 billion in assets has left the country, according to a WSJ analysis of Census and Economic Information Center data.

“Five or 10 years ago if you were a Chinese person you could put your money in real estate and have a way of growing your wealth,” Martin Rasmussen, senior strategist at research firm Exante Data told the WSJ. “That is not by any means attractive anymore.”

A similar outflow occurred in 2015 and 2016, with Chinese citizens purchasing over $200 billion in foreign assets, according to the WSJ in 2016.

China’s economic growth is projected to slow down by 4.5% in 2025, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in May. The “ongoing housing market correction” is a large part of the economic downturn, as an estimated $18 trillion in value was wiped from the sector since 2021, according to the WSJ.

Top Chinese developer Evergrande was ordered to be liquidated in January by a Hong Kong court after it failed to restructure in the face of more than $300 billion in liabilities. Before the company’s collapse, China was already projected to hemorrhage at least $65 billion to foreign investments, with the Evergrande collapse accelerating the capital movement.

Beijing is publicly making examples of people it catches using illicit methods to transfer capital overseas, such as one group featured on state TV network CCTV that reportedly helped move $112 million worth of Chinese Yuan, according to the WSJ. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange also publishes records of people punished for violating its controls publicly.

Punishments usually include fines around half of the amount illegally transferred, or sometimes criminal charges, according to the WSJ.

Even for China’s ultra-rich with overseas connections, it’s getting harder to evade the government’s crackdown on capital leaving the nation, private bankers told the WSJ. The flight signals a lack of confidence in the economy as Chinese lawmakers feel the pressure to stabilize the currency and manage an aging population.

One method involves buying paintings to be sold in Hong Kong at an auction, but keeping the profit from the sale in U.S. currency on an offshore account based in the city, where the mainland’s capital controls don’t apply, according to the WSJ.

Newer methods to transport currency utilize cryptocurrency, which is bought by a third-party facilitator, stored on hard drives then converted to dollars overseas, according to the WSJ. While China banned crypto trading in 2021, crypto wallets are still allowed.

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Trump to appear on Joe Rogan’s podcast less than 2 weeks before Election Day

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From LifeSiteNews

By Stephen Kokx

Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris has not yet committed to be a guest on the popular podcaster’s show.

With less than two weeks until Election Day, Donald Trump is set to make his much-anticipated debut on commentator Joe Rogan’s podcast.

Reports of Trump’s appearance on “The Joe Rogan Experience” have grown in recent days after rumors began circulating that Kamala Harris would be a guest on the program. As of yet, the Harris team has not confirmed if she is planning to sit down with Rogan, whose shows routinely last for over two hours.

Trump will record an episode in person at Rogan’s Austin-based studio on Friday. Rogan commands a listenership north of 14 million, most of whom are men. It is not known when the show will be released, but it will have to be published before Tuesday, November 5, when voters go to the polls.

In the past, Rogan has had on Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Russell Brand, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., all of whom now support Trump for president. As recently as 2022, Rogan said, “I’m not a Trump supporter in any way, shape or form.” At the same time, he praised Trump after he survived his first assassination attempt and has admitted life under him was better than it is under Joe Biden.

Rogan’s edgy commentary and willingness to delve into “conspiracy theories” while challenging mainstream media talking points about COVID-19, U.S. foreign policy, and other topics have made him one of the most-listened-to podcasters in the world. His massive $250 million deal with Spotify has essentially made him noncancelable.

Earlier this year, musician Kid Rock told Rogan that he would go back in time to meet Jesus Christ. Rogan, who is an agnostic and skeptical that Our Lord ever existed, responded, “What if Jesus wasn’t there? … You think there’s a real Jesus?” To which Rock replied, “Definitely.”

While speaking with NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers in February, Rogan, who was raised Catholic but now partakes in drug-induced meditation and “spiritual” exercises, said the world is in “need of Jesus” and that “as time rolls on, people are going to understand the need to have some sort of divine structure to things.”

It is difficult to know which topics Rogan will bring up with Trump. One would expect him ask about Operation Warp Speed, as Rogan interviewed alternative medical doctors and took ivermectin when he contracted the coronavirus. He may also ask Trump about how he plans to “make America healthy again” with RFK Jr., who Rogan previously said he is a “fan” of. Trump’s assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania would also likely also be a topic of conversation.

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