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Trump returns to Butler, scene of failed assassination


5 minute read

From The Center Square


“As I was saying”

Eighty-four days later, former President Donald Trump returned on Saturday to the scene of an assassination attempt on his life in western Pennsylvania.

“As I was saying,” Trump said, the crowd responding in a roar as he turned toward a graph on a projector screen behind him. “I love that chart. I love that graph. Isn’t it a beautiful thing?”

The former president picked up right where he left off July 13, when bullets tore through the crowd killing one man and wounding two others.

The graph showed the amount of illegal border crossings recorded on Trump’s last day in office in 2021. It’s also the one he was looking at when a bullet from 20-year-old Thomas Crooks’s rifle grazed his right ear.

Moments later, U.S. Secret Service agents tackled Trump as a sniper shot and killed Crooks on the roof of the AGR building roughly 400 feet from the rally stage.

In his return, Trump thanked them as well as the local law enforcement and emergency responders who leaped into action in the aftermath of the shooting.

“They were on top of me so fast,” he said of the Secret Service agents. “They were on top of me and there was not even a moment of doubt in their minds.”

The comments contrast the intense scrutiny lobbed onto the agency in recent months as the cascading series of communication and security failures at the rally came to light. A second attempt on the former president’s life while he golfed in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Sept. 15 drew further ire.

On Saturday, however, those concerns weren’t on Trump’s mind. Instead, he took aim at Vice President Kamala Harris and “the very corrupt political establishment,” who he says villainize him, and the “everyday people” who “are the heart and soul of this country.”

“So, what our opponents have never understood is this movement has never been about me; it’s been about you,” he said to the crowd before referencing the “millions and millions” of supporters across the country. “Your hopes are my hopes. Your dreams are my dreams and your future is what I’m fighting for every single day.”

The long-anticipated event commenced exactly one month before Election Day and featured appearances by Ohio U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance, Donald Trump Jr. and his wife Lara, and Elon Musk. Vance is the vice president nominee on the ticket; Lara Trump is co-chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Moments throughout turned poignant as Trump ordered a moment of silence for 50-year-old Corey Comperatore, the former fire chief who died shielding his family from gunfire on July 13. The reflection was capped by an operatic performance of Ave Maria by Christopher Macchio.

“Some people don’t just die in vain, and what he’s left behind is incredible,” Trump said. “God bless you, Corey. God bless you.”

At times, the former president lambasted the Biden administration for its border policy, investments in foreign conflicts, and social politics. At others, he thanked the crowd for their support even after his critics carried out multiple impeachments, indictments and ballot challenges.

“And who knows, maybe even tried to kill me,” he said, referencing fringe conspiracies about Crooks’ motive. “And in turn, you have always stood with me, no matter what. We are a great team.”

TCS - Pa - Lara Trump Donald Trump Jr
Lara Trump, co-chairman of the Republican National Committee and daughter-in-law of former President Donald Trump, said, ‘We need strength at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.’ She was speaking at a campaign rally in Butler, Pa., on Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024.

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Brownstone Institute

China Enters the Economic Doom-Loop

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From the Brownstone Institute

By Peter St OngePeter St Onge 

China is going pear-shaped as Beijing panics and wheels out the “monetary bazooka.”

Cue the Worldwide inflation.

Just a few weeks ago I did a video about how China is on the edge of recession. Weeks later, the edge of recession has now progressed to a full-blown Chinese fire drill.

So What Happened?

Last week, China’s ruling Politburo held an emergency economic meeting and decided to crank up the money printers to 11, pumping money to consumers, to banks, to property developers, basically to anybody who might spend it.

Bloomberg called it an “adrenaline shot,” as in it’ll pump assets but won’t last long.

Specifically, Beijing’s going to dump about 3.8 trillion yuan – roughly half a trillion dollars – to keep the economy running.

A trillion yuan goes to consumer subsidies, including a hundred twenty US per month child subsidy – a hundred twenty’s big in China – to bribe Chinese mothers into having more kids, which they’ve stopped doing.

Next up are the banks – as always – who get a cool hundred and forty billion US along with another 100 billion dumped into stock markets.

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Allegedly this is all to spur spending – as in the banks lend the money out and the stockholders feel rich – but it would do wonders for the gaping holes in China’s teetering financial industry.

Beyond the Money Dump

Beyond the money dump, China’s slashing interest rates across the board – which governments do to try and gin up some tissue-fire growth.

They’re slashing downpayment requirements on houses, opening a special credit facility so banks and hedge funds can gamble on stocks, and cutting the reserve requirements for banks – meaning banks can raid their vaults and go on a lending spree.

Put it together, and Beijing’s doing everything it can to get money out in the wild, down to bankrolling gamblers and pouring yet more trillions down the black hole of China’s comically over-built housing market.

You may have seen the ghost towns China’s built; here comes round two.

What Scares China

Why so desperate, you might ask?

Easy: China is panicked not only about a looming recession but that it might be falling into the Japan-style doom-loop of structural stagnation thanks to President Xi’s anti-business jihad.

The key number here is the interest rate on 30-year government bonds, which is a classic indicator of a zombie economy in the spawning.

Ominously, China’s 30-year just fell below Japan’s. Flirting with zombie territory.

What’s Next

Near-term, they’re popping the bubble in Beijing with stocks soaring.

And while 4 trillion yuan is a lot of money, this isn’t yet the Big Bang – that would be a long-rumored 10 trillion money dump by Beijing.

They’re not there yet, probably because the US and Europe haven’t hit the meat of their recessions. Debt-fueled Americans are still buying Chinese exports.

If and when that breaks down, either because Americans are out of money or Trump rolls out tariffs on China, Beijing’s up against the wall, and it will blow out into worldwide inflation.

China’s Turn for Chaos

I’ve mentioned in previous articles how if China goes down, the Chinese people won’t have a sense of humor about it. This ain’t Japan where people shake their heads and obey.

Beijing knows this, they know the kinetic history of the Chinese masses when they’re angry, and if they panic hard enough they may reach for a war to both distract the population and to clamp down on dissent.

Just this week they launched a massive military exercise in a disputed area of the South China Sea, there could be more to come.

Republished from the author’s Substack


Peter St Onge

Peter is an economist, a Fellow at the Mises Institute, and a former MBA professor.

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Elon Musk at Trump rally: ‘This is the most important election of our lifetime’

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From LifeSiteNews

By Emily Mangiaracina

“Free speech is the bedrock of democracy. If people don’t know what’s going on, if they don’t know the truth, how can you make an informed vote?”

Business mogul Elon Musk declared during Saturday’s Trump rally  that he believes the upcoming U.S. presidential election is “the most important” we will live to see.

“I think this election is the most important election of our lifetime. This is no ordinary election,” said Musk, while alongside Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, the same location where the president nearly lost his life just three months ago.

The X owner praised Trump’s courage amid the assassination attempt, considering it a defining moment. “The true test of someone’s character is how they behave under fire,” said Musk.

“America is the home of the brave,” he continued. “There’s no truer test than courage under fire. Who do you want representing America?”

Musk went on to highlight what he believes are some of the most important issues at stake in this coming election.

“The other side wants to take away your freedom of speech. They want to take away your right to bear arms. They want to take away your right to vote effectively,” he said, pointing out that 14 states now do not require voters to show ID.

“Free speech is the bedrock of democracy. If people don’t know what’s going on, if they don’t know the truth, how can you make an informed vote?” he continued.

“That’s why we have the First Amendment,” Musk said, adding that the Second Amendment helps to preserve the rights listed in the First, to cheers from the crowd.

“President Trump must win to preserve the constitution. He must win to preserve democracy in America,” Musk declared.

“If they don’t, this will be the last election. That’s my prediction,” warned Musk. “Nothing is more important.”

During Saturday’s rally, the former president highlighted the goals of his hopeful next administration, including sealing the border, deporting illegal immigrants, making the U.S. energy independent, lowering inflation, and cutting taxes so that Americans can again afford the basics of living.

“No tax on tips. No tax on overtime. And no tax on social security for our great seniors. Inflation has killed our seniors…it’s just horrible,” said Trump.

He further pledged to “keep critical race theory and gender insanity out of our schools,” as well as “defend religious liberty,” “secure our elections,” and “keep men out of women’s sports.”

“From the very beginning of this journey, I’ve been on a mission to rescue our country from a failed and very corrupt political establishment,” said Trump.

“In that mission I will never quit, I will never bend, I will never break, I will never yield, not even in the face of death itself.”

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