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“Government Heroin” documentary exposes rampant safer supply fraud


11 minute read

By Adam Zivo

There is no substitute for hearing testimony with your own ears and eyes.

Although there is ample evidence that Canada’s “safer supply” programs are being widely defrauded and flooding communities with opioids, advocates continue to deny that this problem exists. That’s why I premiered my new documentary this week, “Government Heroin,” which follows the story of Callum Bagnall, a 25-year-old student who purchased thousands of diverted safer supply pills in London, Ontario.

While many written accounts of safer supply fraud have been published in the Canadian media, this documentary provides, for the first time, an extended interview with a former addict who openly describes his own use of these diverted drugs. It is one thing to read these stories, and altogether another to watch and listen to them – so perhaps this will help dispel the myths that have been pushed, rather aggressively, by the harm reduction movement.

In the film, Callum explains how, three years ago, a friend informed him that drug users in the city were receiving “insane” amounts of free safer supply drugs – predominantly hydromorphone, an opioid as potent as heroin. While these drugs are meant to wean addicts off riskier street substances, the friend explained that recipients mostly sell their safer supply at bargain prices so they can procure stronger substances, such as illicit fentanyl.

At first, Callum thought this was a joke. He had been struggling with a moderate addiction to pharmaceutical opioids – mostly oxycodone and Percocet – but, as these pills were expensive and hard to find, his drug use remained stable. The idea that the government was showering individuals with hundreds of powerful opioid pills a month, for free and with essentially no supervision, seemed “almost like a dream for a drug addict.”

But then he connected with some safer supply clients and realized that everything that he had heard was true. Fueled by a near-limitless supply of dirt-cheap opioids, Callum’s drug use rapidly spun out of control and, for two years, his life fell into utter disarray. Although he went to rehab last year, he says that his mind remains muddled by the aftereffects of these drugs to this day.

“I would have already been at the end of my road and (would) have gone to rehab at that point, if safer supply drugs weren’t so cheap and available. With the small amount of money I was making, I was able to afford hundreds of safer supply pills a week because of how cheap they were,” he says.

It was obvious to Callum that these pills were not counterfeit, given their quality and consistency and the fact that they typically came in their original, labelled prescription bottles: “Usually the people I was buying them from would try to scratch out the doctor’s name or their name. They were kind of paranoid about that. But sometimes they would just give it to me with the label unripped, not covered with marker or anything.”

Callum estimates that 90 percent of the safer supply clients he interacted with were diverting their drugs – a figure that is fairly consistent with estimates provided by former drug users I interviewed in London last year, who typically placed the diversion rate among their circles at around 80 percent.

Callum also believes that organized crime is involved in the trafficking of these drugs, and recalled how one higher-level dealer said that he would drive to northern Ontario, where safer supply is essentially unavailable, with thousands of pills stowed in his trunk to resell at a significant profit.

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While I was unable to independently verify Callum’s claim about intraprovincial trafficking, his testimony is consistent with information provided to me earlier this year by Michael Tibollo, Ontario’s Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, who said that, based on certain police reports and epidemiological data, it is clear that there is a particular problem with safer supply drugs being trafficked from London to northern Ontario.

Callum was able to corroborate the general contours of his story by providing dozens of screenshots of time-stamped text conversations between himself and his former dealers (some of which appear in the documentary), as well as excerpts of his medical records indicating that he had been diagnosed with severe opioid use disorder and had been “buying safer supply from friends.”

He also called a safer supply patient whom he used to purchase drugs from, and, while I listened in, had her confirm that she had hundreds of pills ready to sell and could introduce him to a safer supply doctor if he wanted to get on the program. A video recording of this conversation was originally meant to be included in the documentary, but was cut to mitigate risk of retaliation.

Finally, Callum’s mother, a registered nurse, appears in the documentary and recounts finding safer supply prescription bottles in her son’s room on the day he went to rehab.

As public scrutiny of safer supply has increased over the past year, providers have insisted that they are closely monitoring diversion through urine testing. Yet Callum says that the clients he interacted with would occasionally, in the process of selling their drugs, withhold a few of their pills and openly admit to him that they needed these small amounts to pass their tests.

“(They) would also take one or two pills the night before they get their prescription, so that it looks like it’s in their system. It shows up on the urine tests. So they would use that to pass the urine tests, so that they would get another script the next week,” he says in the film.

The exploitation of this loophole was confirmed by Dr. Janel Gracey, an addiction physician who treated Callum and who is also featured in my documentary. She says that “it is known in the addiction world that urine testing is not effective at catching diversion” because such tests only measure the presence of a drug, not its quantity. A safer supply patient can divert almost all of their drugs and still pass their urine tests, she says, so long as they take just one pill before giving their samples.

Gracey characterizes Canada’s current safer supply system as an underregulated “free for all” that destabilizes patients while allowing some pharmacists and physicians to reap considerable profits. “I know people on the safer supply program that have never even used fentanyl, and that’s the whole point of the program: to get them off the fentanyl. So they’re just lining up and getting a bunch of (hydromorphone), really, for no reason,” she says.

Gracey estimates that, of her 400 patients, approximately half have used, or know someone who has used, diverted safer supply drugs. She says that inexpensive hydromorphone is now “readily available on every street corner here in London,” and that dealers are “bombarding” her patients with the drug, causing many of them to “fall off the rails.”

“We are seeing younger and younger patients come in, unfortunately. Fifteen (and) 16-year-olds coming in, and they’re getting hooked on (hydromorphone) because it’s so incredibly cheap. It’s cheaper than alcohol,” she says. “We do get a few coming in that are there because of fentanyl use, but usually even the (young fentanyl users) started with (hydromorphone).”

I encourage you to watch “Government Heroin,” as the 19-minute documentary provides a more visceral and comprehensive account of the harms described here. There is no substitute for hearing testimony with your own ears and eyes.

This article was originally published in The Bureau, a Canadian media outlet that investigates the intersections of organized crime, drug trafficking and foreign interference.

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Province expanding recovery support in Red Deer

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In Red Deer, Alberta’s government is increasing access to recovery-oriented care by launching several new initiatives within the community.

Alberta’s government has built a system of care based on the belief that recovery is possible for those suffering from the disease of addiction. The focus has been on reducing barriers to recovery by increasing capacity and ensuring that no one is forced to pay for life-saving addiction treatment. Since 2019, the province has added more than 10,000 new addiction treatment spaces. It has also removed financial barriers and pioneered a program for immediate, same-day access to life-saving evidence-based treatment medication.

Red Deer is home to Alberta’s first of 11 recovery communities being built by the province. This facility opened its doors in May 2023 and has become a beacon of hope for those suffering from addiction, along with their families. Red Deer was also the first in Alberta to open a Therapeutic Living Unit within its correctional center. This means the recovery community model of treatment has been adopted in corrections, lowering the chances of reoffending and breaking the cycle of addiction and crime in individuals’ lives. Access to opioid agonist therapy has been expanded to police cells through the Virtual Opioid Dependency Program and can also be administered by specialized paramedics with support from the province.

Earlier this year, Red Deer city council put forward and passed a motion requesting a transition of the drug consumption site to instead implement options focused on health, wellness and recovery.

In response to this request, Alberta’s government has committed $3.4 million to provide the following:

  • A Mobile Rapid Access Addiction Medicine clinic operated by Recovery Alberta, located in the homeless shelter parking lot. This will offer screening, diagnosis and referral to services; access to the Virtual Opioid Dependency Program; and education, naloxone kits and needle exchange.
  • A Dynamic Overdose Response Team of paramedics and licensed practical nurses to monitor a designated area of the Safe Harbour shelter facility, as well as the surrounding block.
  • Recovery coaches in and around the homeless shelter to provide outreach services and help guide individuals along the path of recovery.
  • Enhancements to medically supported detox capacity in partnership with Safe Harbour that will help more people safely withdraw from substances so they can continue their pursuit of recovery.

In addition, Alberta’s government recently provided more than $1.2 million over the next two years to the Red Deer Dream Centre to support 20 additional publicly funded addiction treatment beds.

“Our government will always listen to and take seriously the feedback we receive from elected local leaders. This is a well-thought-out plan that aligns with Red Deer’s needs and requests, which is why the province is making these changes and increasing support for the community. We remain committed to protecting the health and well-being of Albertans while actively supporting connections to treatment and recovery.”

Dan Williams, Minister of Mental Health and Addiction

“Our council is pleased to see this new path forward for recovery-oriented services in Red Deer. At the heart of our council’s and community’s efforts is the belief that recovery is possible for everyone, especially the most vulnerable. This is a complex challenge and only by working with all our partners at the province, agencies, businesses, faith communities and all Red Deerians will we create a safe, healthy and prosperous community. We look forward to close collaboration with the province as these changes are made.”

Ken Johnston, mayor, City of Red Deer

Alberta’s government is working closely with the City of Red Deer, Safe Harbour Society, Recovery Alberta and others to implement these supports starting this fall.

Since October 2018, the Red Deer drug consumption site has been operating at a temporary site within an ATCO trailer in the parking lot next to Safe Harbour Society’s detox building. As requested by the city council, the drug consumption site will be transitioned out of Red Deer once all other services are operational, which is anticipated to be in spring 2025. The program expansion for recovery services represents a net increase in programming and staffing.

“We look forward to bringing a new service to Red Deer with the opening of a Mobile Rapid Access Addiction Medicine clinic. With this and the new outreach services being put in place, Recovery Alberta will provide opportunities for those facing addiction and mental health issues to access support on an ongoing basis.”

Kerry Bales, CEO, Recovery Alberta

“I am pleased to see that Alberta’s government is working collaboratively with our local government and service providers. This plan ensures we prioritize Red Deer’s needs while also supporting individuals in their pursuit of recovery.”

Adriana LaGrange, MLA for Red Deer-North

“Red Deer is a beautiful community with wonderful families and individuals. Transitioning the drug site out of Red Deer and focusing on recovery is the right thing to do. Thank you to the Government of Alberta and Red Deer City Council for leading, listening and doing what is right.”

Jason Stephan, MLA for Red Deer-South

“We are pleased to partner with Alberta’s government, Recovery Alberta and the City of Red Deer to increase access to addiction and detox services for those accessing supports at Safe Harbour. This partnership profoundly enhances our capacity to meet the needs of community members challenged by addiction and to support them in their recovery journey.”

Perry Goddard, executive director, Safe Harbour Society

Alberta is making record investments and removing barriers to recovery-oriented supports for all Albertans, regardless of where they live or their financial situation. This includes the addition of more than 10,000 new publicly funded addiction treatment spaces, expanded access to the Virtual Opioid Dependency Program—which provides same-day access to life-saving treatment medication—the removal of daily user fees for publicly funded live-in treatment, and the construction of 11 world-class recovery communities.

Quick facts

  • Albertans struggling with opioid addiction can contact the Virtual Opioid Dependency Program (VODP) by calling 1-844-383-7688, seven days a week, from 6 a.m. to midnight. VODP provides same-day access to addiction medicine specialists. There is no wait list.

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WATCH: “Government Heroin” documentary exposes safer supply scandal in London, Ontario

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New documentary produced by the Canadian Centre For Responsible Drug Policy features a 25-year-old student who purchased thousands of diverted “safer supply” opioids.

The Centre For Responsible Drug Policy, parent organization of Break The Needle, has launched its first mini-documentary: “Government Heroin.” The film follows the story of Callum Bagnall, a 25-year-old student from London, Ontario, who purchased thousands of opioid pills diverted from government-funded “safer supply” programs. Callum recounts how rampant fraud has turned these programs into a an abject disaster, leading to new addictions and immense profits for organized crime.

The film also features Joanne, his anxious mother, as well as Dr. Janel Gracey, an addiction physician whose clinical experiences make it obvious that safer supply is causing a wave of relapses and getting teenagers hooked on “government heroin.”

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