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Liberals Welcome Mark Carney Into Their Elite Circle, Because Another Globalist Is Just What Canada Needs


12 minute read

The Opposition with Dan Knight

From The Opposition News Network

By Dan Knight

Why Carney’s WEF Ties, Carbon Taxes, and Reckless Economic Policies Spell More of the Same for Canadians Under the Liberal Leadership

Let’s break it down, folks. Mark Carney, the supposed “economic savior” for the Liberal Party, was just announced as an advisor to Trudeau’s sinking ship. We’re told he’s here to focus on “economic growth” and help the middle class. Really? Does anyone actually believe that? This guy is the definition of globalist, woke, elite policy, and the idea that he’s going to be the one to turn things around is a joke.

Whether Mark Carney can salvage the sinking Liberal brand is questionable at best, but what’s undeniable is that the party is in free fall, and people are jumping ship. Just last week, the Liberal campaign director Jeremy Broadhurst who was a significant member of the liberal party called it quits, signaling deeper chaos within the ranks. And this all leads back to Carney. I’ve thought this through since last year: nobody within the current Liberal party can lead. It’s detestable, riddled with failure, and there’s zero charisma left in that sinking ship.

If you take a look at Mélanie Joly, she’s been an utter disaster with foreign policy—just look at the Israel debacle, where her inconsistent stances have hurt Canada’s credibility. Then there’s Anita Anand, who promised big savings for Canadians in her role at the Treasury, but where are the results? Nowhere to be seen. Canadians are still waiting for those elusive “big cuts.”

And finally, Chrystia Freeland—she’s presided over one of the worst economic periods in recent history, with soaring debt, inflation, and out-of-touch policies like bragging about biking to work while ordinary Canadians are struggling to pay for gas and groceries. It’s failures all around, and voters see right through it.

Justin Trudeau is headed for a Titanic-like disaster in the next election. As 338Canada’s polling numbers make clear, Trudeau’s ship is going down. And when it does, Mark Carney will be waiting in the wings to take over. The Liberal deep state is banking on Carney being their fiscal savior, hoping he can stand as a counter to the fiscally responsible Pierre Poilievre. But let’s be real: Mark Carney is just Justin Trudeau 2.0. Whether he can succeed or not is anyone’s guess, but it’s clear the Liberals are doubling down on the same disastrous ideology that got them here in the first place.

And believe me Mark Carney isn’t some independent economic genius who’s going to swoop in and save the Liberal Party. No, he’s the ultimate globalist insider, with deep ties to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the same out-of-touch elites who have been shaping Trudeau’s disastrous policies from day one. The WEF is all about a top-down, centralized control of the economy, and Carney’s their man in Canada. He’s been a leading voice in pushing for the Great Reset—you know, the one where “you’ll own nothing and be happy”—a world where personal freedom and national sovereignty take a backseat to global control.

Carney’s been in bed with the WEF for years, rubbing shoulders with Klaus Schwab and the rest of the Davos crowd who think they know better than regular Canadians. They’re obsessed with their climate agenda, which sounds great on paper until you realize it’s nothing more than an excuse to impose carbon taxes and regulations that cripple businesses and raise the cost of living for everyone except the rich. Carney was one of the loudest voices behind the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) movement, which forces corporations to prioritize social justice and climate goals over profitability and jobs. And who suffers? Middle-class Canadians who just want to put food on the table and keep the lights on.

Look, this isn’t speculation. Carney’s record speaks for itself. As Governor of the Bank of England, he was the architect of quantitative easing, which means printing more money out of thin air. The result? Inflation skyrocketed, and who got hurt? Not the global elites, not the bankers, but the regular folks whose savings became worthless and whose cost of living exploded. This is exactly what we’ve been seeing under Trudeau’s watch, and Carney is here to push more of the same failed policies.

And let’s get something straight: Mark Carney isn’t just indifferent to tax cuts—he actively opposes them. During his time at the Bank of England, Carney consistently pushed back on fiscal conservatism, instead advocating for higher taxes to fund massive government programs, particularly around climate initiatives. His World Economic Forum (WEF) ties reinforce this mindset. The WEF’s agenda is all about redistribution under the guise of climate action and “equity,” and Carney is right at the forefront. He promotes policies that prioritize environmental and social goals over economic freedom, and tax cuts simply don’t fit into that agenda.

Carney’s support for carbon taxes is one of the clearest examples. He’s been a vocal supporter of these taxes, which disproportionately hurt middle- and lower-income families while doing next to nothing to meaningfully reduce emissions. But here’s why Carney doesn’t care about tax cuts: they don’t fit his globalist vision of top-down control. Instead of allowing Canadians to keep more of their money and spur private sector growth, he’s all in on higher taxes and more government intervention to meet global targets that come straight from the WEF playbook.

And let’s be crystal clear here: these carbon taxes that Trudeau and Carney love so much haven’t stopped a single wildfire, tornado, or hurricane. All they’ve done is drive jobs and manufacturing out of Canada and into countries like China and India, where carbon emissions and pollution are an afterthought. It’s virtue-signaling at its finest.

If you don’t believe me, go to any store in Canada—go to Canadian Tire, check out where that toaster is made. China. Your Dyson vacuum? China. Head over to Mark’s Work Wearhouse, try finding a single sock not made in China. Good luck. You won’t find it. Because what the Trudeau government and Mark Carney’s woke climate agenda have done is force our industries to offshore to places where environmental regulations don’t exist. We’ve exported our emissions, our jobs, and our economic power to countries that don’t give a damn about carbon or pollution.

Meanwhile, here in Canada, we’re being told that we have to pay more for gas and groceries because we need to do our part for the environment. All while Trudeau flies to Davos in his private jet to rub elbows with the global elite, pretending he’s saving the planet on the tax payers dime. It’s a complete farce. The carbon tax isn’t saving the environment; it’s driving up the cost of living and destroying Canadian manufacturing. It’s a scam designed to make elites like Carney and Trudeau look virtuous while the rest of us pay the price.

So, let’s end with this: Canadians, it’s time for real change. This government has failed every generation, from students struggling to find jobs and buy homes, to retirees facing new capital gains taxes. The Liberals have been a disaster for everyone. They’ve crushed opportunities for young people and are now squeezing older generations with their reckless economic policies.

If you think Mark Carney is going to offer something different from Justin Trudeau, think again. He’s just an older, more polished version of Trudeau, with the same World Economic Forum (WEF) ties, the same reckless “spend, spend, spend” approach through quantitative easing (QE), and the same disdain for lowering taxes. Carney isn’t the change we need—he’s more of the same, doubling down on failed globalist policies that harm everyday Canadians.

And oh, by the way—don’t let Chrystia Freeland in on the secret that Mark Carney’s circling her job. She’ll have to bike herself right on out of Parliament! Maybe she can find a new gig lecturing us about climate change from her taxpayer-funded chauffeur. But seriously, folks, Canada deserves better than this circus of failed leadership.

It’s time we broke free from this disastrous, virtue-signaling government and got back to basics—hard work, opportunity, and good old-fashioned freedom. Let’s reclaim our country, rebuild an economy where every generation can actually thrive, and put Canadians first again. Enough of the elite lectures from the likes of Trudeau, Carney, and Freeland. Time to chart a new course!

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Conservatives plan non-confidence vote against Trudeau gov’t next week, setting up possible fall election

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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre said ‘it’s time to put forward a motion for a carbon tax election’

The Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) will bring a motion of non-confidence in the House of Commons as early as next week, it has now been confirmed by party leader Pierre Poilievre.

Speaking with reporters today in Ottawa, Poilievre confirmed that a confidence motion will soon be introduced.

“It’s time to put forward a motion for a carbon tax election,” he said, adding that an election is needed because the Trudeau Liberals plan to raise the carbon tax another 300 percent in the coming years.

“Canadians can vote to axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget, and stop the crime with a common-sense Conservative government.”

CPC Branden Leslie on X today confirmed the forthcoming confidence motion as well.

“It’s official that next week, Conservatives will introduce a motion of non-confidence in the House of Commons,” he said.

“Please SHARE this post to send the NDP a message that Canadians want a carbon tax election NOW!”

The text of the non-confidence motion will read, “The House has no confidence in the Prime Minister and the Government.”

An earlier report from the Toronto Star said sources let it be known that Trudeau’s government will let a confidence motion proceed as early as September 24. On this day, Poilievre will be allowed to have full control of the House’s agenda and introduce motions at will.

The confidence motion comes after Trudeau lost support from the socialist NDP to keep him in power. Singh pulled his official support for Trudeau’s Liberals two weeks ago. However, in recent days he has been mum on whether he will vote for or against the Liberals when a vote occurs.

The Trudeau Liberals have also lost two recent byelections, one in Quebec and the other in Ontario, in what were considered “safe” Liberal ridings.

The most recent loss suggests that Trudeau’s Liberal government is indeed hanging on by a thread, according to all recent polls that have shown that Poilievre’s Conservative Party is set to win big when the next federal election takes place.

The souring of voters to the Liberal Party under Trudeau comes at the same time that even some of his MPs are turning on him. Last week, LifeSiteNews reported that Liberal MP Alexandra Mendès, who serves as the assistant deputy speaker of the House of Commons, became the first in the party to publicly call for Trudeau to resign, saying directly that he is not the “right leader” for the party.

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WATCH: “Government Heroin” documentary exposes safer supply scandal in London, Ontario

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New documentary produced by the Canadian Centre For Responsible Drug Policy features a 25-year-old student who purchased thousands of diverted “safer supply” opioids.

The Centre For Responsible Drug Policy, parent organization of Break The Needle, has launched its first mini-documentary: “Government Heroin.” The film follows the story of Callum Bagnall, a 25-year-old student from London, Ontario, who purchased thousands of opioid pills diverted from government-funded “safer supply” programs. Callum recounts how rampant fraud has turned these programs into a an abject disaster, leading to new addictions and immense profits for organized crime.

The film also features Joanne, his anxious mother, as well as Dr. Janel Gracey, an addiction physician whose clinical experiences make it obvious that safer supply is causing a wave of relapses and getting teenagers hooked on “government heroin.”

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