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‘Clearly Flawed’: Immigration Hawks Decry Biden-Harris Admin’s Decision To Quickly Resume Mass Parole Program


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From the Daily Caller News Foundation

By Jason Hopkins


The Biden-Harris administration has decided to resume a mass parole program that was sidelined due to the discovery of widespread fraud, but immigration hardliners say the vetting process remains critically flawed.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is resuming an immigration program that allows foreign nationals to apply for asylum in their home countries and fly into the U.S. at various airports upon approval, known as the CHNV program, which has allowed hundreds of thousands of migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela into the country, a spokesman confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation on Thursday. However, border hawks are cautioning that the program has not sufficiently updated its vetting procedures since it was placed on pause last month after the discovery of rampant fraud.

“My Committee has engaged with the department since this pause was announced, and the results were sobering,” House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green said in a Thursday statement following news of the program’s restart. “Instead of scrapping the clearly flawed program, the department is allowing it to continue without rooting out the fraud or putting adequate safeguards in place to prevent exploitation by sponsors here in the United States.”

Originally launched for Venezuelans in October 2022, the CHNV program was later expanded in January 2023 to include Cubans, Nicaraguans and Haitians. The parole initiative gives foreign nationals two-year authorization into the U.S. and work permits, provided they have not previously entered the country illegally and pass other vetting processes.

Green referred to the CHNV program as a “massive shell game” that allows 30,000 otherwise inadmissible foreign nationals to simply enter the country every month in lieu of crossing the border unlawfully.

At the beginning of August, DHS confirmed that they placed the program on hold following an internal audit. That report — first publicized by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) — identified a litany of red flags, such as 100,948 CHNV forms being completed by just 3,218 sponsors, 24 of the 1,000 most used Social Security numbers by sponsors belonging to a deceased person and an IP address located in Tijuana, Mexico, being used more than 1,300 times.

Matt O’Brien, investigation director at the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI), told the DCNF that the CHNV program is inherently susceptible to fraud due to the inherent reliance on sponsors and foreign governments.

“The supposed improvements made by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) simply can’t lead to better vetting,” O’Brien said to the DCNF. “The entire structure of the program encourages fraud because it relies on a ‘sponsor’ relationship that is impossible to verify and imposes no enforceable obligations on sponsor or beneficiary.”

“Second, and perhaps more importantly, one cannot vet Cubans, Haitians, Venezuelans or Nicaraguans,” O’Brien continued. “None of these countries have reliable, functioning records systems. And none of them share information with the U.S.”

The program has so far paroled roughly half a million foreign nationals into the U.S. since it launched in January 2023, according to Customs and Border Protection. There are more than 1.6 million other foreign nationals awaiting travel authorization into the country through the CHNV program.

CHNV is being relaunched with bolstered procedures meant to address the issues that initially halted the program, such as manually vetting sponsors in smaller numbers. Sponsors suspected of engaging in fraud in the program will continue to be referred to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for investigation.

However, the House Homeland Security Committee says DHS hasn’t explained what’s improved in the program now that is back up and running.

“DHS resumed issuing travel authorizations but has not provided the Committee with any additional information on how they intend on preventing fraud,” a House Homeland Committee spokesperson stated to the DCNF.

The spokesperson also noted that DHS has not satisfied the committee’s document requests for information following the allegations of mass fraud.

FAIR also noted that the program is better off being abolished.

“DHS announced it has already restarted CHNV, while offering only very vague assurances that they’ve fixed the problems,” FAIR President Dan Stein said in a statement, noting that DHS has not explained how they plan to vet each sponsor. “The American public has every reason to be very skeptical.”

“There is only one way to address the myriad problems with the Biden-Harris CHNV program,” Stein continued. “As House Speaker Mike Johnson tweeted earlier this month when FAIR exposed the rampant fraud: ‘Shut it down permanently.’”

DHS did not respond to a request for comment from the DCNF.

Featured Image: Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz

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Union Bigwigs Decline To Endorse Anyone For President Despite Rank-And-File Members Overwhelmingly Backing Trump

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From the Daily Caller News Foundation 

By Robert Schmad

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters on Wednesday declined to make an endorsement in the 2024 presidential election just hours after releasing internal polling data showing that the workers it represents strongly favor former President Donald Trump.

Among rank-and-file members of the major union, 59.6% surveyed said they believe the Teamsters should endorse Trump, compared to just 31% voicing support for Vice President Kamala Harris, a more than 25-point gap that remained more or less unchanged after the union ordered a subsequent survey after the Sept. 10 presidential debate. Despite the poll results, the union refused to make an endorsement as there was “no majority support” for Harris and a lack of “universal support” for Trump, it revealed on Wednesday.

A Teamsters spokesperson did not immediately clarify why the union had different standards for the two candidates. 

“The Teamsters thank all candidates for meeting with members face-to-face during our unprecedented roundtables,” Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien said. “Unfortunately, neither major candidate was able to make serious commitments to our union to ensure the interests of working people are always put before Big Business. We sought commitments from both Trump and Harris not to interfere in critical union campaigns or core Teamsters industries — and to honor our members’ right to strike — but were unable to secure those pledges.”

The union cited Trump’s refusal to commit to vetoing right-to-work legislation as part of its reasoning for not issuing an endorsement.

The Teamsters, which have historically supported Democrats and often donate to left-of-center causes, made an effort to court Republicans this election cycle. The union made a donation to the Republican National Committee, met with Trump, and O’Brien was even invited to speak at the Republican National Convention. Some on the right have resisted the union’s attempt to ingratiate itself among conservatives, like the Center for Union Facts which put up billboards outside the Republican National Convention calling the Teamsters “two-faced” over its history of liberal spending.

While Republicans were generally open to the Teamsters, the Democratic National Convention snubbed O’Brien by not allowing him to speak at the event, according to The Associated Press.

Harris is considerably less popular among rank-and-file Teamsters than President Joe Biden, who only trailed Trump by about 8 points in a survey ordered by the union prior to his withdrawal from the race. Union leadership met with Harris for a roundtable discussion on Monday, The Hill reported.

“We represent everybody from airline pilots and zookeepers, and we don’t just represent registered Democrats,” O’Brien said to reporters.

The Teamsters’ endorsement could have had a significant impact if it went to either candidate given the concentration of its members in the swing states of Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania, according to Reuters.

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Biden-Harris Admin’s Multi-Billion Dollar Electric School Bus Program Is A Huge Gift To China, House Report Finds

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From the Daily Caller News Foundation 

By Owen Klinsky

The Biden-Harris administration’s $5 billion Clean School Bus Program uses nearly 400% more taxpayer dollars per school bus and benefits the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a House report revealed Tuesday.

The 51-page report from the House Committee on Energy and Commerce found promoting electric school buses and other electric vehicles (EVs) enriches the CCP as the EV supply chain is roughly 90% dependent on China, raising both national security and human rights concerns. It also highlighted immense expenses for taxpayers, with the average electric school bus under the first iteration of the Clean School Bus Program — the first of three iterations — costing $381,191, nearly four times that of a typical full-sized diesel school bus.

“It is clear the $5 billion Clean School Bus Program is overall a failure and, in many cases, a waste of Americans’ hard-earned taxpayer dollars,” Republican Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who chairs the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, said in a statement regarding the report’s findings. “The program, led by the radical Biden-Harris EPA [Environmental Protection Agency], props up a market that relies heavily upon a supply chain dominated by the Chinese Communist Party.”

Funded by the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Clean School Bus Program provided the Biden-Harris EPA with funds over five years to “replace existing school buses with zero-emission and clean school buses.”

China currently accounts for approximately two-thirds of global EV battery cell production, while the U.S. manufactured just 7% as of 2022, raising national security concerns as the U.S. would likely have to depend on Chinese EV technology for its electric school buses, according to the report. Furthermore, the government-subsidized purchases of electric school buses under the Clean School Bus Program incentivize pre-existing human rights abuses in the EV supply, including the use of Uyghur forced labor in China’s Xinjiang region.

The report also identified limited range as an issue, with standard electric school buses from leading manufacturer BlueBird able to travel just 120 miles on a single charge, while some propane models can travel 400 miles before needing to refuel. The range problem can also be exacerbated by cold and warm weather conditions, with a study from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory finding electric transit buses lose roughly a third of their range at 25 degrees Fahrenheit compared to ideal conditions.

Electric school buses also increase the risk of fraud due to a lack of documentation requirements for contractors, with the EPA relying solely on self-certified applications and estimates created by applicants, according to the report. A separate July report from a Maryland county’s Office of the Inspector General resulted in millions of dollars in “wasteful spending.”

“The EPA launched the Clean School Bus program without sufficient safeguards and considerations for practical hurdles applicants may face. For example, the EPA did not require documentation for some of the required application information and allowed contractors enthused at the opportunity to receive federal funding to apply on behalf of unknowing school districts, some of which eventually withdraw from the program,” the report states. “The EPA failed to account for the considerable electric infrastructure upgrades that electrifying a school bus fleet could require, potentially leading to delays for schools in utilizing their new buses.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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