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Canadian hospice society provides ‘Guardian Angels’ to protect patients from euthanasia


6 minute read

From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

Delta Hospice Society’s ‘Guardian Angels’ are ‘friendly visitors on a mission … to ensure patients are getting proper health care, palliative care and to avoid them from being pressured into euthanasia or MAiD.’

The Delta Hospice Society (DHS), one of Canada’s only fully pro-life hospices, is actively seeking patients in the healthcare system so that one of its “Guardian Angels” can be assigned to them to ensure they are not “pressured” into state-sponsored euthanasia.

“Our launch of Guardian Angels is now at the point where we need clients,” DHS president Angelina Ireland told LifeSiteNews. “We are looking for patients inside the healthcare system who would like an Angel, those within hospital, hospice, long-term care, palliative care wards, or people with a chronic or terminal illness.”

Ireland said that the patients or their loved ones can “reach out to us and request one of our Angels.”

“They are ‘friendly visitors on a mission.’ The mission is to ensure patients are getting proper healthcare, palliative care and to avoid them from being pressured into euthanasia or MAiD,” she said.

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), as it has been coined by the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, became legal in 2016. In February, after pushback from pro-life, medical, and mental health groups as well as most of Canada’s provinces, the federal government delayed its planned expansion of MAiD to those suffering solely from mental illness to 2027.

The number of Canadians killed by lethal injection since 2016 stands at close to 65,000, with an estimated 16,000 deaths in 2023 alone, and many fear that because the official statistics are manipulated the number may be even higher.

Indeed, a recent Statistics Canada update admitted to excluding euthanasia from its death totals despite it being the sixth-highest cause of mortality in the nation.

Last year, the DHS launched a national “Guardian Angels” initiative. This program aims to help ill and vulnerable Canadians stuck in the healthcare system have a personal advocate on their side to champion the “sanctity of life” over euthanasia.

This new initiative is a “national health care advocacy program that partners our compassionate, trained volunteer health advocates, with people navigating the increasingly challenging healthcare system.”

The DHS also recently launched a Do Not Euthanize (DNE) National Registry that it says will help “defend” vulnerable citizens’ lives from “premature death by euthanasia.”

DHS says hard work and ‘trust in God’ are pivotal in helping to again offer programs

Ireland told LifeSiteNews that it has been a difficult three years since DHS was evicted from its two buildings after the Fraser Health Authority, one of five publicly funded healthcare regions in British Columbia, canceled the lease. However, since that time, “patience and trust in God” has meant that the DHS can “again offer programming consistent with our commitment to protecting and providing Palliative Care,” such as its Guardian Angels program.

“While we have been shut out of the medical system and not allowed to have a hospice facility, we have developed programs to help protect people from ‘MAID,’” thus giving them the best chance to access proper healthcare inside a predatory system, Ireland told LifeSiteNews.

“Our Do Not Euthanize Advance Directive has been highly successful, and we have given out upwards of over 8,000 DNEs across the country, with requests coming daily. Our new National Registry and customized DNE Wallet Cards are also extremely popular, and we are trying to keep up with demand.”

As it stands now, DHS is currently operating out of a small office after its Irene Thomas Hospice and the Supportive Care Centre were taken by the Fraser Health Authority. DHS was given no compensation for its assets, which Ireland says has an estimated value of $9 million.

The Irene Thomas Hospice site is now run by the government, complete with euthanasia.

Ireland observed that the demand for its DNE program “confirms for us what we already knew.”

“Our people want nothing to do with the government’s euthanasia program,” she said.

“We beg everyone to protect themselves inside of the healthcare system by ordering a DNE and a wallet-sized card. ‘Do Not Euthanize’ (DNE) Advance Directive & Wallet Cards – Delta Hospice Society.”

For those wanting more information on the DHS’s Guadian Angels program, visit

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Every week, Canadians are paying a billion dollars in interest payments thanks to federal government overspending

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From the Canadian Taxpayers Federation

By Franco Terrazzano

PBO projects higher deficit than Budget 2024

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on the federal government to immediately cut spending following today’s Parliamentary Budget Officer report showing the deficit is $6.6 billion over budget.

“As bad as the budget was, the independent budget watchdog is showing federal finances are in even worse shape,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director. “The Trudeau government continues to mismanage our finances and that means more money wasted on interest charges, higher taxes and more debt that Canadians’ kids and grandkids have to pay back.”

The PBO’s October 2024 Economic and Fiscal Outlook projects this year’s deficit at $46.4 billion. That’s up from Budget 2024’s deficit of $39.8 billion.

“Compared to our March 2024 outlook, we project budgetary deficits that are $4.1 billion higher, on average, over 2023-24 to 2028-29,” according to the PBO. “This increase is largely due to new spending measures announced by the Government.”

Interest on the debt will cost taxpayers $52.8 billion this year, according to the PBO. For comparison, the federal government will spend $52.1 billion through its Canada Health Transfer this year.

Almost 11 per cent of the government’s revenue will go to paying interest on the debt this year, which is above the pre-pandemic level of seven per cent, according to the PBO.

“It’s 2024, the pandemic is over, so it’s ridiculous and unacceptable for the government to be running a $40-billion deficit,” Terrazzano said. “Massive deficits for years mean debt interest charges now blow a $1-billion hole in the budget every week.

“The government must cut spending.”

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Irate parents demand answers from Saskatchewan school allowing males to use girls’ locker rooms

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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

Girls have stopped changing for gym class at Balgonie Elementary in rural Saskatchewan while the school defends its actions, telling one student who felt uncomfortable that ‘she can change in a different room by herself.’

Canadian parents are outraged after learning their children’s school allowed two gender-confused biological males claiming to be female full access to the Grade 7 girls’ changing room.

In September, a female Grade 7 student from Balgonie Elementary School in rural Saskatchewan told her parents she was not comfortable with having to share changing rooms used for gym class with biological males.

Since the start of the school year, two gender-confused students have been allowed access to the girls’ locker room, as per the Western Standard, which broke the story.

As noted in the report, one parent, who remains anonymous, said that after her daughter raised the issue of the biological males using the girls’ locker room, saying she “felt uncomfortable,” she was told “she can change in a different room by herself.”

The parents were not pleased with the response and contacted the school principal, the Prairie Valley School Division (PVSD) superintendent, and the school board as well as Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe.

The parent noted that after two weeks of “auto-responding with legal policies and procedures,” he finally met with the superintendent as well as a board member.

He said the meeting went “exactly as I thought,” adding that all that was said was that they “have done what they need to do according to the human rights and charter of rights and freedoms.”

Not pleased with the answer, the parent then emailed school officials on September 24, noting, “So, in short, you’re saying if there’s biological males that identify as females in the school, then our biological females have no more rights? Cause that’s what it seems like.”

He then said due to the biological males using the girls’ change room, many students have simply stopped changing for gym class and called the whole ordeal “not acceptable.”

He said in reply, “Correct me if I’m wrong,” adding, “since when is it appropriate to expose my 12-year-old daughter along with all the other biological females in that class to penis?”

The parent then said that school officials were acting in a cowardly manner to do the right thing because they were “pretending this is ok just to save your jobs.”

He said that gender-confused students should be the ones using a gender-neutral washroom.

The parent did get a reply from PVSD learning superintendent Lorrie Anne Harkness. However, it was a defense of the school’s actions.

Saskatchewan Minister of Education Jeremy Cockrill, who like the rest of his party is up for re-election, has promised that a re-elected Saskatchewan Party would “ensure that all public, separate, francophone, and independent schools in the province have policies in place to ensure that change rooms are safe and private places.”

As reported by LifeSiteNews, LGBT indoctrination targeting kids has been on the rise in Canada and worldwide, which has led to Canadians fighting back in protest.

Earlier this week, LifeSiteNews reported that a leading female gender ideology activist, who also worked as a school counselor, has been charged with grievous sexual offenses involving a minor.

Some provinces, such as Alberta,New Brunswick, and Saskatchewan, have in recent months proposed legislation that would strengthen parental rights.

The Alberta government will soon be introducing legislation aimed at strengthening parental rights as well as limiting minors being able to undergo “gender reassignment” surgery.

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