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Nigel Farage urges using multiple bank accounts, gold assets to protect against debanking


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From LifeSiteNews

By Emily Mangiaracina

Debanking is increasingly being used globally to punish political dissidents such as the Brexit leader, who recommends using a variety of backup methods to guard against the possibility.

Brexit leader Nigel Farage has urged people to take out multiple bank accounts and own hard gold assets in order to protect against debanking, which has been inflicted as punishment on political dissidents in recent years, including on Farage himself.

In an interview with author and entrepreneur Rob Moore, Farage noted that the pretext for his being debanked — being “politically exposed” as someone with beliefs contrary to the bank’s values, is “nonsense,” because his family members were also debanked.



Asked who is responsible for this “control of the politically exposed” and the removal of cash, Farage listed major global and banking institutions, including the International Monetary Fund, the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), the Bank of England, the European Union (EU), and the United Nations (UN).

“This is globalism, folks. Globalism is about unelected bodies taking ever more power, which diminishes the power of the nation’s state and therefore diminishes our ability to hire and fire those who are making our laws,” the maverick politician continued.

He stressed that the beneficiaries of globalism include big business, and “the bigger the business, the more they benefit,” one of the key facts he has learned throughout his years in politics.

When prompted for ideas about how to combat globalism, Farage first said it is “very important” to refrain from voting for those who back it. He added that we can use cash more — enough to signal that “we can’t function without it.”

“Protect yourselves … Make sure you’ve got more than one bank account,” he went on, adding that he suggests going so far as to take out three bank accounts.

He also suggested owning assets that cannot be taken away, including both the physical assets of gold coin and cryptocurrency. He conceded that cryptocurrencies can have “unreliable providers,” but because it allows people to be “in charge of” their money, “it’s the ultimate individual sovereignty.”

“The tax man can’t take it. The bank can’t close you down,” said Farage, pointing out that when Canada’s government froze the bank accounts of Canadian truckers who were protesting draconian COVID mandates, bitcoin was their saving grace.

“And if you’re not on that road yet, don’t be embarrassed by it. Most people aren’t on that road yet, most people don’t quite get why this is so significant,” he continued. “But I know from my visits to America that in Miami you can now buy everything from a Ferrari to a cup of coffee using Bitcoin or Ethereum. Don’t think this is going to go away.”

A common thread of those debanked in recent years is espousing anti-globalist views. For example, last year, the co-head of the anti-globalist Alternative for Germany (AfD) said that he was debanked for his political views. In 2018, Deutsche Bank terminated all accounts of AfD politician Nicolaus Fest, and in 2020, the Direktbank ING closed the bank accounts of the head of the AfD Thuringia, Björn Höcke, as well as his wife’s accounts. In both cases, the banks refused to give a reason for their decision.

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Biden defends disastrous debate performance as Democrats panic

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From The Center Square


“President Biden is my friend. He must bow out of the race.”

President Joe Biden and his campaign are facing the fallout of a disastrous debate performance Thursday night.

Biden responded to reporters’ questions about Democrats’ concerns over his performance by saying he was not concerned.

“It’s hard to… hard to debate a liar,” Biden told reporters at a Waffle House in Atlanta after the debate. “The New York Times pointed out he made – lied 26 times.”

When asked if he was sick, as his campaign had said, Biden said he had a sore throat.

“I think we did well,” Biden told reporters.

The question came because during the debate, Biden faltered, fumbled, stumbled and at times became incoherent and trailed off. The issue was particularly obvious the first few minutes of the debate.

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence,” Trump said early in the debate after one of those moments. “I really don’t think he knows what he said either.”

In another instance, Biden ended a trailing response with “We finally beat Medicare” before trailing off.

“He beat it to death!” Trump shot back.

Biden has faced questions about his mental fitness for years but largely fended them off enough to satisfy his base.

“Nothing that any Republican or conservative says today can darken the night President Biden had,” Colin Reed, a Republican strategist, former campaign manager for U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., and co-founder of South and Hill Strategies, told The Center Square. “He had a low bar to clear, and he came nowhere close to doing it. Never before in American presidential history has one event had the potential to upend the dynamics of the race so quickly and so completely.”

After this debate, CNN analysts, Democratic strategists, and liberal media outlets all reported panic within the party about Biden’s poor performance.

First among those Democrats are those in tight races and purple states where a poorly performing Democratic president could cost them their own election.

“Keep an eye on those Democrats in red states running for re-election,” Reed told The Center Square. “Other than the Biden family, they are the ones who are most endangered and jeopardized by the long-term political fallout if the bottom starts falling out.”

Politico immediately reported Biden was “toast” Thursday night.

The New York Times questioned Biden’s “halting” performance.

New York Times columnist Tom Friedman published an article with a blistering headline: “President Biden is my friend. He must bow out of the race.”

During the post-debate CNN analysis, Democratic pundit Van Jones said Biden’s performance was painful as others asked whether Biden should drop out to make way for another candidate.

A Quinnipiac poll released the day before the debate showed Trump leading Biden by four points.

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Colonel Macgregor: Biden’s cognitive decline makes it obvious the US gov’t is in ‘unelected hands’

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From LifeSiteNews

By Andreas Wailzer

Macgregor criticized the Biden administration for facilitating mass illegal immigration, destructive climate change policies, and the waging of foreign wars in Ukraine and Israel.

Retired U.S. Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor has said that “the governing power” of the U.S. lies “in unelected hands” after the first presidential debate highlighting President Joe Biden’s cognitive decline to the whole world.

In a video message published on the YouTube channel Our Country Our Choice, MacGregor expressed his concern for the U.S. after Biden’s catastrophic showing in the first presidential debate on June 27.

“President Biden is not fit to discharge the immense duties of the presidency,” the army veteran stated. “The alarming evidence of his cognitive decline was on display for all to witness. Yet his enablers and political allies continue to exploit the president to substitute their destructive agenda for the interests of the American people.”

“Destructive executive orders and policy directives, many of which were likely signed when President Biden was in a rapidly diminished state of mind, inflicted tremendous damage on our nation,” he said.

Macgregor criticized the Biden administration for facilitating mass illegal immigration, destructive climate change policies, and the waging of foreign wars in Ukraine and Israel.

“President Biden’s manipulators fueled a proxy war in Ukraine that risks drawing us into a catastrophic confrontation with nuclear-armed Russia,” the retired Colonel said.  “Their unqualified support for Israel’s disproportionate actions in Gaza erodes our moral authority and credibility as a champion of peace and stability.”

“Sadly, President Biden’s fragile mental state was laid bare for all to see in last night’s debate,” he observed.  “His responses were frequently incoherent. He appeared lost, even confused, struggling to complete basic thoughts.”

“It is time to ask: who truly governs this country?” Macgregor said. “Is it we the people, as our founders intended, or have we surrendered control to unelected bureaucrats, sprawling federal agencies, and affluent donors who do not have the best interests of ordinary Americans at heart?”

“To say it’s a national shame is an understatement,” he added. “This travesty should end immediately.  It is now obvious that the governing power to determine our nation’s destiny lies in unelected hands.”

“It’s time for Americans to demand a new government that is legitimate. One that is devoted to peace abroad and prosperity at home,” Macgregor concluded.

Democrats and Republicans alike acknowledged Biden’s poor performance in the debate less than five months before the 2024 presidential elections. A CNN anchor said, “Democrats I’m talking to are nearly beside themselves.”

The 81-year-old Joe Biden appeared noticeably disoriented during the debate, generating anxiety among Democrats and sparking renewed speculation about potential plans to replace him with a more viable candidate.


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