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‘Transgender’ inmates are continuing to sexually assault female prisoners


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From LifeSiteNews

By Jonathon Van Maren

The Mail reported that the California prison system has 1,997 detainees who currently identify as transgender and non-binary, and 345 male prisoners have requested transfers to women’s prisons.

Sixty-six-year-old Dana Sue Gray does not cut a sympathetic figure. She is currently serving a life sentence in Central California’s Women’s Facility (CCWF) – a women’s prison – for murdering and then robbing three of her elderly neighbours in the 1990s and going on a shopping spree. Recently, however, she has reportedly been sexually assaulted in jail – by a trans-identifying man serving his sentence with the women. 

According to a report by the Daily Mail, Gray reports that she began sharing a dormitory with the trans-identifying male convict early in 2023, and that initially relations were “real friendly.” That soon changed as he became first verbally abusive, and then sexually abusive. One night, the man launched an all-out assault. “He came into my bed area and pulled his pants down and shoved his d***k in my face,” Gray told the Independent Women’s Forum.  

Gray described the experience as “terrifying and disgusting” and told the man to back off. The first assault, she says, was merely a “show of male dominance.” He reappeared the following night, and this time he “put that big man hand on my back, on my shoulder blade” while she was sleeping. She woke up panicking and told him: “Stay the F out of my area. Don’t ever come to my area. Don’t ever touch me.” She told a guard, and the man was moved to a different yard – but still in the women’s prison. She did not file a formal complaint alleging assault for fear that she would have been isolated. 

Gray is not the only female inmate to be assaulted of late. California has sent trans-identifying men to female prisons since 2020, when Senate Bill 123 was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom. Men can be sent to female prisons merely by claiming to be a woman – so-called “self-identification” – and do not have to have any sex change procedures or hormone treatments prior to being transferred. According to both Gray and other prisoners, the arrival of males in female prisons has transformed them. 

“It’s disgusting and I have to be polite and deal with it for my own safety, and so that I have a less stressful day, but I don’t like it,” she said. “I don’t want any of them here. I want them to go away. It degrades women so bad.” Many of the women, she added, are poorly educated and particularly vulnerable. The Mail reported that the California prison system has 1,997 detainees who currently identify as transgender and non-binary, and 345 male prisoners have requested transfers to women’s prisons. Thus far, “46 were approved, 64 were denied, and 87 inmates have changed their minds.”  

The California Department of Corrections insists that all requests are carefully reviewed, and that transfers are only approved when it is “safe to do so.” This is obviously not the case. Stories of women being sexually assaulted by trans-identifying men behind bars have come out everywhere the practice has been implemented, including Canada, the U.K., and the U.S. Fifty-one-year-old Tremaine Carroll, a trans-identifying man, has been charged with raping two women after being moved to the Central California’s Women’s Facility. He is six foot two, and one of his victims was a slight female in her thirties. He raped her in the shower of their shared dormitory. She is still suffering enormous trauma as a result.  

There are plenty of other recent examples, as well. A murderer in Spain serving a 30-year prison sentence for murdering his female neighbor is now identifying as female – and getting transferred to a women’s prison. Other criminals are getting in on the grift, too, hoping it might result in cushier sentences: a violent serial rapist in Scotland has just announced his in-prison transition and demanded “gender affirming” care; an American pedophile convicted of raping his 7-year-old stepdaughter is appealing his life sentence after announcing he is now transgender; last month, a U.K. pedophile was sentenced to a mere 16 months prison, and claims to identify as a 5-year-old girl. 

The sexual assault of Dana Sue Gray is just one example of a phenomenon unfolding everywhere the transgender movement has implemented its agenda. She richly deserves the life sentence she received, and she deserves to spend the rest of her life in prison. But to be locked up with a violent man who wishes to rape her is something different. I believe the best way to describe it would be “cruel and unusual punishment.” 

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He speaks on a wide variety of cultural topics across North America at universities, high schools, churches, and other functions. Some of these topics include abortion, pornography, the Sexual Revolution, and euthanasia. Jonathon holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in history from Simon Fraser University, and is the communications director for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform.

Jonathon’s first book, The Culture War, was released in 2016.

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Brownstone Institute

Karma Catches Up to the Stanford Internet Observatory

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From the Brownstone Institute


Karma has caught up with the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), which will be scaled back to just three staff, according to the Washington Post. The contracts of its leading protagonists, Alex Stamos and Renee DiResta, have not been renewed. It was former CIA fellow Renee DiResta who led SIO’s signature initiatives, the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) and the Virality Project (VP).

SIO’s demise is a result of a string of efforts including those of RacketPublic, the Murthy v. Missouri plaintiffs, the New Civil Liberties Alliance, the Disinformation Chronicle, the Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, and many more. Network Affects also contributed original research.

Founded with a $5 million donation from Craig Newmark, SIO took countering “misinformation” to new heights; the Virality Project advised its Big Tech partners to consider “true stories” to be “misinformation:”

I unearthed that document while assisting Matt Taibbi with Twitter Files research, just in time for his and Michael Shellenberger’s testimony before the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. It is perhaps the most egregious example of the internet research and digital rights fields 180°– an inorganic flip that undermined a decades-long commitment to free expression.

Inorganic because the EIP and VP were not “research initiatives” as is often claimed; they were seeded by the security state, namely the Department of Homeland Security and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, as demonstrated by emails released by the House Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Below the Atlantic Council’s Graham Brookie (an EIP/VP project partner) explains that “we just set up an election integrity partnership at the request of DHS/CISA:”

The Atlantic Council is essentially NATO’s think tank and its board includes Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former Secretary General of NATO the Rt. Hon. Lord Robertson, former US Secretary of Defense and CIA Director Leon Panetta, Goldman Sachs Secretary of the Board John F. W. Rogers, and many, many more.

As Taibbi further demonstrated, Twitter was aware of EIP’s links to the intelligence community:

So when content takedown recommendations came onto Twitter, they knew they were more than just serving suggestions.

The content of those requests was made clear after SIO was forced to release details of their internal flagging system. This again, via Taibbi’s reporting:

Furthermore, VP was in close contact with the White House and hosted Surgeon General Murphy for a discussion on health “misinformation.”

They also had pipeline-level access to more than 50 million Covid-related tweets per day:

This was in no way an insignificant research project.

VP pushed to censor other academics, such as Martin Kuldorff, a former Harvard Professor of Epidemiology and former member of the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Subgroup. As Alex Gutentag and I reported, VP  “played a major role” in censoring Kuldorff. On March 15, 2021, Kulldorff tweeted, “Thinking that everyone must be vaccinated is as scientifically flawed as thinking that nobody should. COVID vaccines are important for older high-risk people, and their care-takers. Those with prior natural infection do not need it. Nor children.”

VP flagged the tweet to Twitter and it was subsequently labelled as “misleading” and Kuldorff was temporarily suspended from the platform.” VP also marked him as a “repeat offender.”

However many outlets describe SIO’s demise as the result of “sustained right-wing campaign” by “conservative outlets” and ignore the corruption at the heart of the project. Predictably Stanford, DiResta, Stamos, and their supporters shout “Everything is right-wing” as they scramble to come up with a narrative that deflects accountability for their actions.

The truth is just that SIO was doing something egregiously wrong and was targeting people regardless of ideology. Those reporters could easily find that out – the lead tweet of Taibbi’s House testimony has been viewed more than 40 million times:

Stamos and DiResta will of course find other work. Stamos already has, starting a company with former CISA head Chris Krebs. Meanwhile, DiResta has a new book out – endorsed surprisingly by Jonathan Haidt, who was also among the top signatories of the Westminster Declaration. Despite SIO crumbling accountability still appears to be sorely lacking. DiResta appeared top of the bill at a recent Yale conference on propaganda.

It should never have gone this far; a properly self-regulating anti-disinformation field would have sniffed out bad actors early, but the conversation and the ecosystem are broken. SIO shouldn’t be the last center to be shut down or see leadership changes. Breaking basic research ethics, hiding your relationship with government and intelligence agencies, protecting corporate products from proper scrutiny, and pushing for the censorship of other academics is not “free academic inquiry” or “free speech;” it is corruption.

My non-profit, liber-net, will be strengthening our efforts over the coming months to bring accountability to other leading civil society censorship initiatives.

Meanwhile, SIO leaves a malign legacy, having damaged the reputation of the anti-disinformation field, and academia more broadly. The question is, will the anti-disinformation field clean house, or continue to ignore the corruption within its ranks?

Links to my past Stanford Internet Observatory and Virality Project-related content can be found below.

Stanford’s Virality Project pushed to censor the vaccine-injured

The Virality Project was a government front to coordinate censorship

Stanford Group Helped US Government Censor Covid Dissidents and Then Lied About It, New Documents Show

Twitter Files Extra: How the World’s “No-Kidding Decision Makers” Got Organized

Republished from the author’s Substack


Andrew Lowenthal is a Brownstone Institute fellow, journalist, and the founder and CEO of liber-net, a digital civil liberties initiative. He was co-founder and Executive Director of the Asia-Pacific digital rights non-profit EngageMedia for almost eighteen years, and a fellow at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society and MIT’s Open Documentary Lab.

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Biden’s Most Shocking Lie

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From the Daily Caller News Foundation



A slack-jawed old man looked straight at the floor and lied.

“When [Trump] was president, they were still killing people in Afghanistan and he didn’t do anything about that,” President Joe Biden rasped.

Watching the first presidential debate of 2024, I couldn’t believe Biden dared utter the word, “Afghanistan.” Our current commander-in-chief surrendered 20 years of hard-fought American accomplishments in that dusty, God-forsaken country. Biden handed Afghanistan to the Taliban — along with $8 billion worth of equipment and $2 trillion in lost investment.

Did he think we forgot that the Afghanistan debacle was on his watch? In office for less than three months, Biden insisted the scant 2,500 American troops in Afghanistan be completely withdrawn by Sept. 11, 2021. For comparison, note that Biden had ten times the number of troops guarding Washington for his own inauguration.

Though he later attempted to blame President Donald Trump for his Afghanistan disaster, Biden gave the order and it is archived right here at the Department of Defense.

By broadcasting our withdrawal date to the enemy, abandoning our most strategic military bases including Bagram Air Base and ignoring his top military advisors, Biden turned Operation Enduring Freedom into an enduring embarrassment for the United States.

Biden’s retreat from Kabul was the most humiliating American defeat since the British sacked Washington and burned the White House, Capitol and Navy Yard in August 1814.

As defeats tend to do, the debacle weakened American deterrence around the world. The failed Afghanistan withdrawal undoubtedly emboldened Vladimir Putin in his invasion of Ukraine six months later.

On CNN’s debate stage, Biden shamelessly doubled-down on his lie with yet another — even bigger — lie.

“The truth is, I’m the only president in this century… this decade… that [sic] doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world like [Trump] did,” he said.

For a commander-in-chief to forget the troops who have given their last measure of devotion on his watch is unconscionable. In August 2021, trying to fulfill Biden’s foolish Afghanistan orders, 11 Marines, one Army soldier and one Navy corpsman were killed in the bombing at the Hamid Karzai International Airport Abbey Gate in Kabul.

Did Biden also forget the three service members who were killed just this January in a drone attack in Jordan?

I served in Afghanistan in 2010-11 and was there again in December 2020 with acting-Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller. We had flown into Kabul to visit troops and meet with Afghanistan’s last U.S. commander, Gen. Austin S. Miller.

Here is a fact, briefed to us while there: In the last eight months of Trump’s first term, there wasn’t a single hostile casualty in Afghanistan. Let that sink in. Afghanistan was more peaceful under President Trump than at any other time since prior to America’s invasion in 2001.

Partisan pundits won’t admit it, but after four years of Trump in office, Afghanistan was stable.

America hadn’t entered any new conflicts. Putin dared not set a toe into Ukraine. Peace was breaking out all over the Middle East with the signing of the Abraham Accords. Russia wasn’t rushing into the arms of China and Iran. Even North Korea had paused its missile tests. In short, the world was more stable and secure.

Let’s hope most Americans will vote to return to Trump’s more effective foreign policy and military strategy.

Morgan Murphy is a former DoD press secretary, national security adviser in the U.S. Senate, a veteran of Afghanistan.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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