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Despite claims of 215 ‘unmarked graves,’ no bodies have been found at Canadian residential school


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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

Over 100 churches have been burned or vandalized since the Trudeau government and mainstream media promulgated, without any physical evidence, the narrative that mass ‘unmarked graves’ had been discovered at Kamloops Indian Residential School.

Canada’s Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations has confirmed it has spent millions searching for “unmarked graves” at a now-closed residential school once run by the Catholic Church, despite the fact that no human remains have been found.

In total, some $7.9 million was earmarked for a search of unmarked Indian Residential School graves in Kamloops, British Columbia. According to the spokeswoman for the Crown-Indigenous Relations, Carolane Gratton, the community got the money “for field work, records searches and to secure the Residential School grounds.”

“Details of initiatives taken by Tk’emlups te Secwepemc First Nation are best directed to the community,” noted Gratton. 

To date, the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations has not given a financial accounting under the Access To Information Act as to where the money went. According to the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc First Nation, it “continues to grieve children that are in our care and are focused on the scientific work that needs to be done,” but made no mention of the $7.9 million. 

In 2021 and 2022, the mainstream media ran with inflammatory and dubious claims that hundreds of children were buried and disregarded by Catholic priests and nuns who ran some of the schools. 

The Tk’emlups te Secwepemc First Nation was more or less the reason there was a large international outcry in 2021, when it claimed it had found 215 “unmarked graves” of kids at the Kamloops Residential School. The claims of remains, however, were not backed by physical evidence, but were rather disturbances in the soil picked up by ground-penetrating radar. 

The money given to the First Nation was done so to find the “heartbreaking truth” of the residential school system, according to a 2022 Indian Residential School Sites: Unmarked Burials department briefing note.  

“Our thoughts are with survivors, their families and communities as the heartbreaking truth about Residential Schools’ unmarked burials continues to be unveiled,” read the note.  

“Funding is available to support communities, survivors and their families on their healing journey through researching, locating and memorializing those children who died while attending Indian Residential Schools.” 

While there were indeed some Catholics who committed serious abuses against native children, the past wrongs led to widespread anti-Catholic sentiment, which boiled over in the summer of 2021 after the discovery of the 215 so-called “unmarked” graves in Kamloops.

While some children did die at the once-mandatory boarding schools, evidence has revealed that many of the children tragically passed away as a result of unsanitary conditions due to the federal government, not the Catholic Church, failing to properly fund the system.   

No human remains have been found 

Soon after the Kamloops announcement in 2021, other regions claimed the presence of “unmarked graves,” which prompted Canada’s House of Commons under Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, with the help of all other parties including the Conservatives, to declare the residential school program a “genocide” despite the lack of evidence.

The reality is that to date, no human remains have been found at the Kamloops site or other sites.

In fact, in August 2023, the Pine Creek Residential School, located in Pine Creek, Manitoba, underwent a four-week excavation and yielded no remains. 

The excavation was led by a First Nation’s tribe called Minegoziibe Ashinabe, and came after a total of 14 abnormalities were found at the former school by ground-penetrating radar.  

There have been other excavations conducted at residential schools that have likewise turned up no human remains.  

Since the spring of 2021, over 100 churches, mostly Catholic, have been burned or vandalized across Canada. The attacks on the churches came shortly after the “unmarked graves” narrative began.

Despite the church burnings, the federal government under Trudeau has done nothing substantial to bring those responsible to justice or to stem the root cause of the burnings. 

“I think Canadians have seen with horror those unmarked graves across the country and realize that what happened decades ago isn’t part of our history, it is an irrefutable part of our present,” Trudeau had earlier remarked to reporters.  

The unmarked graves controversy also spurred a Senate committee in 2023 to claim that anyone who questions the graves is engaged in “Residential School denialism.” 

“Denialism serves to distract people from the horrific consequences of Residential Schools and the realities of missing children, burials and unmarked graves,” said a Senate Indigenous peoples committee report titled Honouring The Children Who Never Came Home.  

The Senate committee report said that the Canadian government should “take every action necessary to combat the rise of Residential School denialism.” 

Jordan Peterson tells Pope Francis to ‘take note’ 

Responding to reports about the Trudeau government spending nearly $8 million without finding a single body, renowned anti-woke Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson took a shot at Pope Francis.

“Pope Francis take note @Pontifex,” wrote Peterson on X (formerly Twitter) last Thursday. 

Peterson’s remarks likely came in light of the fact that Francis visited Canada in the summer of 2022 for the purpose of apologizing for churchmen’s role in the operation of the residential school program.  

During his July 2022 trip, Francis visited First Nations in Alberta and Quebec. While in Quebec, he seemed to join in on a pagan “smudging” ritual before giving a lengthy speech where he conveyed “deep shame and sorrow” for the role played by Catholic Church members in government-funded residential school abuses.  

While Francis seemed to go along with the mainstream narrative regarding residential schools, others have spoken out.

Last year, retired Bishop of Calgary, Frederick Henry, blasted the blatant “lie” that thousands of missing indigenous children who attended residential schools run by the Catholic Church were somehow “clandestinely” murdered by “Catholic priests and nuns.”

The founder of the National Post, Conrad Black, also made similar statements as Henry in an opinion piece for his former paper, calling the entire narrative a “fraud.” 

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Danielle Smith hits back at Liberal ‘gender’ minister who attacked Alberta’s pro-family legislation

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From LifeSiteNews

By Clare Marie Merkowsky

The Alberta premier fact-checked pro-LGBT Minister of Women and Gender Equality Marci Ien’s condemnation of pro-family legislation, pointing out that children who undergo irreversible gender surgeries and drugs suffer from the repercussions for life.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith blasted a Liberal minister for spreading the false claim that legislation will hurt gender-confused kids.

In an Oct. 1 exchange on X, formerly known as Twitter, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith fact-checked  pro-LGBT Minister of Women and Gender Equality Marci Ien’s condemnation of pro-family legislation, pointing out that children who undergo irreversible gender surgeries and drugs suffer from the repercussions for life.

“Premier Smith is doubling down on her plans to target trans youth,” Ien had written. “She says this conversation is only for ‘adults.’ That’s because she knows that if she listened to the people affected by these policies, she would have to face how many kids she is hurting.”

“Do you mean like listening to children going through this, @MarciIen?” Smith questioned, linking to a National Post article highlighting the pain and regret by detransitioners who made irreversible decision to take drugs and surgeries to change their bodies as young teens.

Later, Smith doubled down on her stance, saying, “In Alberta, we believe children should wait until adulthood before making physical changes to their body.”

“Furthermore, we believe in the rights of loving parents to be meaningfully engaged with their children’s education when sensitive issues are taught,” she continued. “And women and girls deserve the opportunity to compete fairly and safely in female-only divisions.”

Smith’s new legislation, which will take effect later this month, far surpasses other provinces in its protection of children and would make Alberta’s parental rights laws the strongest in the country.

Licensed doctors are prohibited from performing sex-change surgeries on youth under age 18 in Alberta. Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones will be prohibited for minors under the age of 16 unless the minors have already begun taking those drugs.

Those “born biologically male” will be prohibited from competing against women and girls in competitive sports. Parental opt-in will be required for “each instance” a teacher wishes to discuss gender identity, sexual orientation, or human sexuality.

Parental notification is required for “socially transitioning” a student — that is, changing a student’s given name or pronouns. Unfortunately, 16- and 17-year-olds are still allowed to decide to change their name or pronouns in school, but parents must be notified.

While Smith has received severe backlash from LGBT activists, she revealed in February that the new legislation was a result of hearing of the horrors that took place at the U.K.’s Tavistock Centre, the National Health Service’s “gender clinic” for children who believe they are “transgender.”

In 2019, the clinic was exposed for approving “life-changing medical intervention” for children and teens “without sufficient evidence of its long-term effects.” Shortly after, the clinic was forced to shut down.

Smith was especially touched by the story of Keira Bell, who was given puberty blockers and testosterone injections by the Tavistock clinic and underwent a double mastectomy at age 20. She now “very seriously regrets the process” and has joined a lawsuit against the clinic.

Unfortunately, Bell’s story is not unique, as overwhelming evidence reveals that those who undergo so-called “gender transitioning” are more likely to commit suicide than those who are not given irreversible surgery. A Swedish study found that those who underwent so-called “gender reassignment” surgery ended up with a 19.2 times greater risk of suicide.

In fact, in addition to asserting a false reality that one’s sex can be changed, transgender surgeries and drugs have been linked to permanent physical and psychological damage, including cardiovascular diseasesloss of bone densitycancerstrokes and blood clotsinfertility, and suicidality.

Indeed, there is proof that the most loving and helpful approach to people who think they are a different sex is not to validate them in their confusion but to show them the truth.

A new study on the side effects of transgender “sex change” surgeries discovered that 81 percent of those who had undergone “sex change” surgeries in the past five years reported experiencing pain simply from normal movement in the weeks and months that followed — and that many other side effects manifest as well.

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Dan Knight

Corruption, Crime, and Economic Chaos: Trudeau’s Canada Exposed in QP

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The Opposition with Dan Knight

Liberals Stonewall Corruption Probe, Bail System in Shambles, and Economy Sinks Below Alabama—All While Seniors and Canadians Struggle to Survive

This is a pilot—we’ve never reviewed Canada’s Question Period (QP) before. But after yesterdays circus, we might have to make this a regular thing. If you like this summary, comment, like, and share.

Yesterdays Question Period in Canada’s Parliament was exactly what you’d expect from Justin Trudeau’s government—pure corruption and delusion. We’re talking blatant scandals, crumbling economic conditions, and, of course, Trudeau’s ministers tripping over themselves to defend the indefensible. Let’s break it down, and remember—this is your money, your future, and your freedoms on the line.

Liberal Corruption: $400 Million in Self-Dealing

First up: corruption. Trudeau’s Liberals are embroiled in yet another scandal, this time involving $400 million in contracts funneled to Liberal insiders. The Conservatives, led by Pierre Poilievre, hammered the government for refusing to hand over documents to the RCMP. These documents are crucial to investigating 184 cases of conflicts of interest uncovered by the Auditor General. In other words, the Liberals are using your tax dollars to line their own pockets.

The MP from Regina-CapelMichael Kram, went after the government, asking the obvious question: why is Trudeau hiding these documents? Why are Liberals protecting their insiders while Canadians can’t even afford to feed their families? Poilievre demanded accountability, but what did the Liberal House Leader, Karina Gould, have to say? That the Conservatives were trying to “trample the Charter rights” of Canadians by asking for these documents.

Hold on. The Liberals are talking about Charter rights? Let’s get real here. These are the same Liberals who trampled all over Charter rights when they invoked the Emergencies Act in 2022. They shut down protests, froze bank accounts of peaceful demonstrators, and trampled on freedom. Trudeau’s government violated Canadians’ most basic freedoms, but now they’re hiding behind the Charter to dodge corruption allegations? The hypocrisy is nauseating.

Bail Reform: Trudeau’s “Hug-a-Thug” Program Exposed

And while we’re on the subject of failure, let’s talk about crime. Trudeau’s government has created a public safety nightmare. Under his watch, criminals walk free because of his “hug-a-thug” bail policies. Today, Pierre Poilievre exposed yet another case: a repeat violent offender, out on bail, shot a police officer. This is the reality in Trudeau’s Canada—violent offenders arrested, released, and committing more crimes. All while our police officers are under siege.

The Justice Minister, Arif Virani, blamed the provinces, as usual. No solutions. Just excuses. He tried to shift the blame, while the streets remain unsafe. Virani’s response to a cop getting shot by a criminal on bail? Crickets. Meanwhile, families across the country are afraid to walk down their own streets.

Canada is Now Poorer Than Alabama: The Liberal Legacy of Economic Collapse

And if you think that’s bad, let’s dive into Trudeau’s economic disaster. Under his leadership, Canadians are now poorer than people in Alabama. That’s right—an Economist report compared Canada’s living standards to one of the poorest states in the U.S., and guess what? Canada came up short. How’s that for leadership?

Adam Chambers, the MP from Simcoe North, laid out the truth. Canada has the worst consumer debt in the G7, housing costs have doubled, and GDP growth is projected to be the worst in the OECD until 2060. 2060! That’s how long the Trudeau nightmare will haunt Canada. And what do the Liberals say in response? Jean-Yves Duclos, the Public Services Minister, bragged about their investments in “affordable housing.” What a joke. This government built six affordable housing units in a riding over the course of years. Six!

But it gets better. Trudeau’s government keeps parading around their dental care plan like it’s some kind of win. Great—Canadians can get their teeth fixed, but they can’t afford to buy food! What’s the point of dental care when families are lining up at food banks? The Liberals are so out of touch with reality it’s unreal.

Seniors: Two Classes, One Betrayal

The Bloc Québécois and NDP didn’t hold back on the government either. They called out Steven MacKinnon, the Minister of Labor and Seniors, for continuing to create two classes of seniors. Right now, seniors aged 65 to 74 are being treated like second-class citizens because the Liberals refuse to increase their Old Age Security (OAS) by 10%. Seniors over 75 get the bump, but if you’re under 75? Forget about it.

The Bloc MP from SheffordAndréanne Larouche, ripped into MacKinnon, accusing him of failing seniors in his own riding. But MacKinnon, like a good Liberal, brushed it off, hiding behind weak excuses. Larouche was right—this government is willing to throw seniors under the bus to avoid a political fight. MacKinnon had the nerve to lecture us about how well the Liberals are doing for seniors, but all we see are skyrocketing costs, poverty, and broken promises.

“Hate Speech”? No, It’s Just Speech

Finally, we need to address the elephant in the room—this obsession with so-called “hate speech.” NDP MP Leah Gazan pushed her bill to classify residential school denialism as hate speech. Let’s be clear: we all agree that residential schools were a horrific chapter in Canadian history. But this isn’t about that. This is about free speech.

You may not like what someone has to say, but free speech exists for a reason. It allows us to have a dialogue, to debate, to confront bad ideas with good ones. Labeling everything you disagree with as “hate speech” only shuts down conversation. And let’s be real—Trudeau’s government is the last group of people that should be defining what is or isn’t acceptable speech. These are the same people who trampled on free expression during the Freedom Convoy protests. Speech is speech. You either support free speech, or you don’t.

This has been your first recap of Canada’s Question Period—what a disaster zone. Trudeau’s Liberals are corrupt, out of touch, and more interested in defending their friends than helping Canadians. Crime is out of control, the economy is in free fall, and seniors are being thrown under the bus. And don’t even get me started on the hypocrisy of Liberals defending Charter rights after invoking the Emergencies Act to crush dissent.

Let’s get the truth out there. If you like what you’ve read, comment, like, and share. Should we keep this going? Let us know.

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