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Lawmakers, conservatives blast WHO plan for ‘global governance’ on future pandemics


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From LifeSiteNews

By Calvin Freiburger

“The treaty would put us under the thumb of the U.N. and communist China and the WHO for whatever they wanted to declare a crisis, whether it’s poverty crisis, or a gun violence crisis or a climate crisis, or a health crisis, and make us listen to the WHO. That is not constitutional.”

Republican lawmakers and conservative activists rallied outside the U.S. Capitol Thursday morning to raise awareness of and opposition to a global pandemic agreement that they say poses a grave threat to national sovereignty and basic freedoms.

On May 27, the World Health Assembly (the governing forum of the World Health Organization’s 194 member nations) is slated to meet and finalize the details of the WHO Pandemic Agreement, on the surface a plan to better handle global health crises like COVID-19 in the future. However, critics have found a number of alarming details in the drafts that have been released.

The Washington Stand’s Ben Johnson explains that the plan’s February 8-15 draft “redistribute 20% of all U.S. ‘pandemic-related products’’ to other nations,” empower censorship for the sake of preventing an “infodemic” of “too much information” and “false or misleading information” from creating “mistrust in health authorities and undermin[ing] public health and social measures,” and institute a “Conference of the Parties” to alter the deal further via a two-thirds vote.

An updated draft released April 16 drops the “infodemic” language in favor of a shorter and more vague statement about “[r]ecognizing the importance of building trust and ensuring timely sharing of information to prevent misinformation, disinformation and stigmatization”; but retains the redistribution language as well as the Conference of the Parties’ amendment power–meaning that the most objectionable aspects of earlier drafts could be restored once the agreement is adopted.

On Thursday, the Sovereignty Coalition organized a press conference to make their opposition to “global governance” known. Participants included U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), U.S. Reps. Bob Good (VA-5), Chris Smith (NJ-4), Chip Roy (TX-21), and other members of Congress; Family Research Council president Tony Perkins, Tea Party Patriots Action president Jenny Beth Martin, Center for Security Policy executive chairman Frank Gaffney, and Women’s Rights without Frontiers and Anti-Globalist International president Reggie Littlejohn, among other heads of conservative groups.

“This is the most important issue that is getting the least amount of attention relative to its importance,” declared Good. “The treaty would put us under the thumb of the U.N. and communist China and the WHO for whatever they wanted to declare a crisis, whether it’s poverty crisis, or a gun violence crisis or a climate crisis, or a health crisis, and make us listen to the WHO. That is not constitutional.”

“Are we for standing up for Americans, or are we for ceding authority to international bodies to govern us and to shove their progressive, radical, Marxist ideas on the American people?” asked Roy.

Should the agreement be ratified, Littlejohn warned, the Conference of the Parties would have the power to “mandate vaccines, mandate masks, mandate lockdowns, and mandate quarantines,” as well as “mandate that the governments of the world surveil and censor their citizens, no doubt through digital IDs, which can be used as the basis of a Chinese-style, social credit.”

Long known for a similar left-wing bias to that of the United Nations, the WHO has faced additional criticism since COVID’s outbreak in 2020 for, among other offenses, opposing bans on travel from China that could have limited the reach of COVID, for legitimizing the false claims coming out of the Chinese government that initially downplayed the gravity of the situation and covered up the Communist regime’s mishandling of it, and for favoring the lockdown and mandate policies that exacerbated harm while curtailing basic freedoms and failing to improve health outcomes.

“In December [2019], the WHO refused to act on or publicize Taiwan’s warning that the new respiratory infection emerging in China could pass from human to human,” U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote in April 2020. “In mid January [2020], despite accumulating evidence of patients contracting what we now know as COVID-19 from other people, the organization repeated the [Chinese Communist Party’s] lie that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission. In January, the WHO, at Beijing’s behest, also blocked Taiwan from participating in critical meetings to coordinate responses to the coronavirus and even reportedly provided wrong information about the virus’s spread in Taiwan.”

Near the end of its tenure, the Trump administration began the process of formally withdrawing the United States from the WHO. But upon taking office, President Joe Biden notified the body that it would contribute $200 million by the end of February 2021, restoring the aid Trump had canceled and asserting a “renewed commitment” to the WHO.

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RF Kennedy Jr and Political Realignment

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From Who is Robert Malone

A video and transcript of RFK Jr’s historic speech can be found here.

I have seen this moment coming like a slow moving freight train, gathering momentum, a massive groundswell of the disaffected “useless eaters” that want to be left alone by the socialist/globalist/corporatist true believers. Left alone to live their lives and raise their families. Left alone by busybody social engineers and their ESG, DEI, censorship…

RFK Jr. ran a campaign based on the thesis that those identifying and voting as Democrats would be interested in political candidates representing the values and policy positions of the mid-20th century Democrat party. This was partly based on confidential polling numbers obtained and shared with me.  This thesis was also based on hope.  A belief that the policy positions and values imparted to him by his father and former members of his uncle’s administration still resonated with today’s Democrat party members.  I infer this based on personal conversations that I have had with Mr. Kennedy and on his public statements.

RFK Jr. initially referred to these theoretical Democrat voters as “Kennedy Democrats” and firmly believed that a silent Democrat party majority would find its voice in opposition to the deeply corrupted Clinton/Obama cabal.  A Democrat party power elite that had captured what he believed to be the once and future political coalition and values that his Uncle and Father had once led—pre-Carter values and policies that RFK Jr. still believed in when he launched his campaign.  I do not know if he still retains those beliefs in the same way after what he has experienced since announcing his campaign in Boston.

My own beliefs differ from RFK, Jr., but at the core of those differences is that my personal experiences during the COVIDcrisis have resulted in a profound shift in political orientation towards more center-right libertarianism and deep distrust of the State.  Mid-century, pre-Reagan “New Deal” political logic seems so dated now, so profoundly naïve.  And with few exceptions, I have become convinced that a corrupt “Uniparty” runs the USA now.   A functional cross-party coalition committed to the globalist “Stakeholder Capitalism/Eurosocialism/Corporatism” political vision most cogently expressed by the “World Economic Forum” and the various United Nations/World Health Organization policies and positions.

I have become convinced that the Clinton/Obama Democrat party has become the leading domestic US political advocate for this vision.  And that this modern Democrat party has become monolithic, intolerant of dissent, totalitarian. The Democrat party has come to view the US Constitution, prior US legal and organizational precedent, and fundamental rules of political engagement as inconveniences in its efforts to restructure both the federal government and the global network of US power and alliances to align and transition into a globalized socialist/corporatist governance structure.

I believe that today’s Democrat party, and their Uniparty allies on the other side of the aisle no longer believe in the USA, in the vision of our founding fathers, but instead have become convinced that the fundamental global political structure of a network of independent and sovereign nation-states is obsolete. And that it must be replaced with a globalized one-world government modeled on Eurosocialism and strongly influenced by the Communist Chinese political and economic model.

From the outset of this campaign to catalyze the resurgence of an old-school Democrat party, at every turn RFK Jr. has been locked out by current Democrat leadership (and their corporate media lapdogs) from being allowed to participate in the primary process.  The usual tactics of aggressive lies, smears, innuendo, vilification, and all the rest of the media bully boy/PsyWar tactics that I have become so personally aware of during the COVIDcrisis were deployed against him, but even more aggressively.

Much more aggressively, in a clearly coordinated fashion, with self-evident malice and wickedness.  The modern centrally controlled Democrat party seems to have learned from the prior insurgency of Bernie Sanders not to tolerate any opposition during the primary process.  And so Bobby found himself frozen out of the electoral process by a combination of legal actions and political trickery, unable even to discover if his thesis of the existence of “Kennedy Democrats” had any merit.  At various points in time, he was wooed by the Libertarian party but was so deeply committed to his vision that a Democrat party core reflecting the ethics and political consensus of the 1960s still remained that for a long time, he would not consider running as anything other than a Democrat.

So much water flowed so fast under the bridge. My sense is that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. thought he knew what was going to come at him after deciding to run for President in 2024, but was not really prepared for the corrupt wickedness that was deployed against him. He is fundamentally a good and kind human being, truly pro-human in a world where anti-humanism is an increasing trend among the Silicon Valley elite and the branch of the World Economic Forum cabal represented by Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari. My experience is that Bobby is a good guy fighting for a long time with all his heart to get a bit more justice for the average person in a world where a global hyper-wealthy oligarchy believes they have the right, by virtue of their wealth, to have their way with the rest of us. And, bless his heart, Bobby was not as experienced in the wicked ways of modern Washington DC culture as he needed to be.

Unfortunately, both RFK Jr. and his new political partner Nicole Shanahan just got schooled hard in the twisted nature of current political reality by the Uniparty power brokers. It has been heartbreaking and disenchanting for me to watch from the sidelines as this has played out. They have had to travel the same road that Jill and I have walked over the last four years, but it has been much more demanding on them partially because they reached so much higher.

And now they have come to the point where they can see how profoundly twisted the US political system has become under the influence of today’s Democrat party. Bobby is nobody’s fool. He is not just the heir to one of the great political dynasties but also the product of the school of hard knocks.

Many need to remember that this dynasty originated in the world of hardscrabble Boston working-class politics. They forget that John F Kennedy was himself a staunch anti-communist, with political ties to the infamous anti-communist Joseph McCarthy.

So RFK Jr. finally reached that point where he recognized that his allegiance was to a Democrat party that no longer existed. A political party that actively and routinely disregards truth, morality, and the rule of law as it manipulates its followers using modern psychological warfare methodology. A party and political allies that seem to be either completely unaware of the global march to a corporatist techno-totalitarianism or willingly facilitating that progression. Unfortunately, Bobby and Nicole had to personally experience the wickedness, the profound corruption, and the disingenuousness of today’s Democrat party and have their underlying belief system shaken to the core by what they have experienced at the hands of the twisted modern corporate media.

The result was one of the most important political speeches of the 21st century. Bobby finally got so mad that he could not contain his anger anymore. And out it came, spontaneously, unscripted. All the accumulated hard truth that he has been forced to swallow. His “Howard Beale”/Network speech. “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”

And in that moment, he spoke for all of us who still believe in the concept of a United States as envisioned by the founding fathers. All who reject the “Great Reset” and “New World Order”.

The great realignment is upon us now, whether you recognize it or not. When Robert F. Kennedy has found common cause with another disaffected former Democrat – Donald Trump, we are forced to examine whether the old two party formulation that has dominated US politics for over a century has any meaning in the twenty first.

For whatever reason, perhaps thanks to a series of recorded interview segments with Mr. Glenn Beck almost four long years ago, I have long been aware that the old political spectrum of left versus right no longer applies. Consequent to all of the travel, and the opportunity to listen and learn from populist political leaders from all over the west during the COVIDcrisis, I have seen this moment coming like a slow moving freight train, gathering momentum, a massive groundswell of the disaffected “useless eaters” that want to be left alone by the socialist/globalist/corporatist true believers. Left alone to live their lives and raise their families. Left alone by busybody social engineers and their ESG, DEI, censorship, propaganda, scientism, anti-human transhuman immortal fantasies, their “stakeholder capitalism”, their “new morality”, their neo-Malthusianism, their sexual fetishism, their transsexual agenda, their intentional sexualization of our children, their poisonous, toxic foods and pharmaceuticals, their social credit scores, their digital identities, their central bank digital currency, their surveillance capitalism, and their globalist techno-totalitarianism.

In my opinion, at the core of all of this new realignment are those who support the future of humankind, who believe in the sanctity of the human soul and in the value of communities, versus those who are anti-human.

As I have said before, we can all sense the coming war. I do not know who will win. In a battleground defined and dominated by modern psychological warfare methodology, it has become incredibly difficult to even determine who is friend and who is foe.

But I am more confident than ever that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Nicole Shanahan are pro-human, deeply moral, and are with the good guys. I hope you are also. Lets take back our future. Lets make America, Europe, and all the world “Great again” by recommitting to a pro-human future.

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Canadian Conservatives look to gather support for bill banning a central bank digital currency

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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

Bill C-400, sponsored by Conservative MP Ted Falk, seeks to ensure that a central bank digital currency is never created and that Canadians will always be able to use physical cash in the settling of debts and other financial transactions.

Canada’s Conservative Party is looking to gather support for a bill that would outright ban the federal government from creating a central bank digital currency (CBDC) and make it so that cash is kept as the preferred means of settling debts.  

The bill, dubbed the Framework on the Access to and Use of Cash Act, or Bill C-400, is sponsored by Conservative MP Ted Falk and already passed its first reading back in June of 2024. It is currently awaiting its second reading.  

According to Falk, for “millions of Canadians,” notably “vulnerable folks in our population,” the use of “physical cash is essential to everyday life.” 

“Likewise, charities, community organizations, and remote communities rely on cash to achieve their worthy goals,” he said while speaking of his bill. 

“Finally, in a world where governments, banks, and corporations are increasingly infringing on the privacy rights of Canadians, cash remains the only truly anonymous form of payment.” 

At its core, Bill C-400, if passed, would allow for a national framework to be made which would ensure that Canadians always have access to and can use cash. It would also amend Canada’s Currency Act to restrict the current finance minister’s ability to suddenly put out a call that all bank notes be recalled. Finally, the bill would amend the Bank of Canada Act to ban it from creating any form of digital dollar.  

The bill also calls for ways to “incentivize businesses and creditors to accept payments made in cash,” as well as to “remove barriers and disincentives in relation to donations made in cash to non-profit organizations and community organizations without compromising efforts to curtail money laundering, fraud and other financial crimes.”  

As previously reported by LifeSiteNews, an overwhelming majority of Canadians want the government and the Bank of Canada (BOC) to “leave cash alone” and not proceed with the creation of a so-called “digital dollar.” The feedback came after the BOC launched a public survey to gauge Canadians’ taste for a digital dollar. 

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has before promised that if he is elected prime minister come the next election, he would stop any implementation of a “digital currency” or a compulsory “digital ID” system. 

As recently as a week ago he posted on X about protecting “cash.”  

“Ban central bank digital currency, protect your freedom to use cash, and get the government out of your wallet. Proud to support @MPTedFalk‘s common sense Conservative Bill C-400 to protect the privacy & freedom of Canadians,” Poilievre wrote.  

Digital currencies have been touted as the future by some government officials, but, as LifeSiteNews has reported before, many experts warn that such technology would ultimately restrict freedom and be used as a “control tool” against citizens similar to China’s pervasive social credit system.

Prominent opponents of CBDCs have been strongly advocating that citizens use cash whenever possible and boycott businesses that do not accept cash payments as a means of slowing down the imposition of CBDCs.

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