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Canadian Energy Centre

Terra Nova back producing oil, benefits to flow for Atlantic Canada communities and world energy security


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The Terra Nova floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel. Photo courtesy Suncor Energy

From the Canadian Energy Centre

By Will Gibson

‘You should see it start to make a real impact on the market by 2025’

The Terra Nova offshore oil project sits about 350 kilometres southeast of St. John’s in the deep blue waters of the Atlantic.  

And even though St. John’s Mayor Danny Breen can’t see the field and its massive floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel from his office at city hall, he’s pleased it’s back to producing oil. 

“There’s lots of numbers you could use to demonstrate Terra Nova’s contribution to our province and community, from the royalties and taxes it generates for governments or the jobs and contracts it provides to people and businesses,” says Breen.  

“But it’s important for our psyche to see the FPSO back in production. To see it come back after some delays is great news for the province and the offshore industry.” 

St. John’s Mayor Danny Breen. Photo supplied to Canadian Energy Centre

Suncor Energy CEO Rich Kruger announced in late November that Terra Nova’s FPSO vessel had restarted production after undergoing an extensive makeover in Spain to improve reliability and extend its life.  

The massive vessel — standing 18 stories high and three football fields long — first started operating in 2002 and has produced more than 425 million barrels of oil, or enough to meet world oil demand at current levels for just over four years.  

While the FPSO was in Spain, additional subsea work took place in the middle of the Atlantic to extend the Terra Nova field’s life, including replacing two million kilograms of mooring chain that anchors the ship to the underwater drilling system.  

The project is forecast to extend the life of the Terra Nova project by 10 years and produce an additional 70 million barrels.  

Phil Skolnick, Eight Capital’s managing director of research, sees Europe and Asia as potential destinations for those barrels when the project ramps up to full production. 

Asian oil demand is rising, and Europe is now taking higher volumes of oil imports from countries other than Russia, its primary supplier before the start of the war in Ukraine.   

“You should see it start to make a real impact on the market by 2025, when Terra Nova is expected to get back to producing 180,000 barrels per day,” he says. 

“It will have a big impact for the Newfoundland economy.” 

Even when the FPSO was in drydock in Spain, Terra Nova continued to provide benefits to the community at home.  

In the third quarter of 2023, the latest period available, the project reported it spent $173.8 million in operational and capital expenditures.  

This included $52.2 million in procuring goods and services, with 62 per cent spent with suppliers in the province and 94 per cent with Canadian vendors.  

Terra Nova provides 710 direct jobs with 90 per cent of its workforce residing in Newfoundland and Labrador. The project is a partnership operated by Suncor, which holds a 48 per cent stake. The other partners are Cenovus Energy (34 per cent) and Murphy Oil (18 per cent). 

While wind, hydrogen and other energy projects have been proposed in Newfoundland and Labrador, Breen sees the offshore oil industry as a crucial part of the province’s economy now and in the future.  

He believes Terra Nova and the other three producing oil fields in the province — Hibernia, Hebron and White Rose — will assume added importance for the local economy and global energy security. 

“Oil is going to be around for a long time, even if demand decreases, because it is an essential part of so many products we use today. And that’s important for us because the offshore industry supports many families across Newfoundland and Labrador today,” Breen says.  

“The industry has been under a lot of scrutiny and has faced a lot of challenges, particularly in the approval for new projects. Keeping the production from approved supplies is going to be vital. That’s why it’s good to see the investment in Terra Nova and the return to production. That bodes well for the future.” 

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Canadian Energy Centre

Proposed emissions cap threatens critical Canada-U.S. energy trade

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From the Canadian Energy Centre

By Deborah Jaremko

The vast majority of Canadian oil exports to the United States are processed in Midwest states. Above, the Cushing Terminal near Cushing, Oklahoma is Enbridge’s largest tank farm and the most significant trading hub for North American crude.

Canada and the United States share something that doesn’t exist anywhere else. A vast, interconnected energy network that today produces more oil and gas than any other region – including the Middle East, according to analysis by S&P Global.

It’s a blanket of energy security researchers called “a powerful card to play” in increasingly unstable times.

But, according to two leaders in governance and energy policy, that relationship is at risk.

Analysis has shown that the federal proposal to cap emissions in Canada’s oil and gas sector would result in reduced production. That likely means less energy available to Canada’s largest customer, the United States.

Jamie Tronnes, executive director of the Center for North American Prosperity and Security, is a former Canadian political staffer born in northern Alberta now living in Washington, D.C.

Jamie Tronnes

Heather Exner-Pirot is a prominent energy policy analyst and senior fellow with the Ottawa-based Macdonald-Laurier Institute.

Heather Exner-Pirot

Here’s what they shared with CEC.

CEC: The U.S. is one of the world’s largest oil and gas producers. Why does it need imports from Canada?

HEP: It’s because all oil is not the same. The United States developed its refinery industry before the shale revolution, when they were importing heavier crudes. Canada has that heavier crude. They are now exporting some of their sweet light oil and importing Canadian crude because that’s what their refinery mix requires.

What’s interesting is that we have never exported more Canadian crude to the United States than we are right now. Even as they have become the world’s largest oil producer, they’ve never needed Canadian oil more than today.

They also import a ton of natural gas from us. They have become the world’s biggest gas producer and the world’s biggest gas exporter, but part of that, and having their LNG capacity being able to so quickly surpass Qatar and Australia, is because some of the production is being backfilled by Canada.

CEC: Will the incoming new administration (either Democrat or Republican) impact the Canada-U.S. energy relationship?

JT: I don’t see a big change happening in such a way as it did when the Biden administration came in with the axing of the Keystone XL pipeline. Now that Russia has invaded Ukraine, the global energy market has changed radically.

On the Republican side, Trump often repeats the phrase “drill, baby drill.” The issue is that the U.S. is already drilling about as much as demand allows.

I don’t think a Harris government would move quickly to limit oil and gas production without having a strategic alternative in place. It simply would make her look very weak, and she has explicitly said that she would not ban fracking.

In the post-COVID world, I believe that the Democrat side of the aisle is coming to the view that it was a geopolitical mistake in terms of securing North American energy dominance to cut the Keystone XL pipeline.

The reality is that being able to export refined Canadian feedstock is key to keeping the U.S. as an energy superpower.

The U.S. government continues to offer and subsidize tax credits for investment in carbon capture technology. Even though Trump has said that he would end all of those carbon capture credits and subsidies, it still would not stop the U.S. from importing Canadian oil and gas.

That’s only going to grow as things like AI continue to create more demand for energy. A huge amount of the United States electrical energy grid is powered still by natural gas, and that’s going to take decades to change.

CEC: Would a reduction in Canadian production from the federal government’s proposed oil and gas emissions cap impact the United States?

HEP: Yes, and we should be raising the alarm bells. The federal government has said it is a cap on emissions, not a cap on production, but all the analysis that Alberta and the oil and gas sector have done is that it will create somewhere between 1 million and 2 million barrels of production being shut in.

Well, 95 per cent of our exports are to the United States. If we are shutting in 1 million barrels or 2 million barrels, that all comes out of their end just when their shale oil is expected to plateau and decline.

A cap would also tap down natural gas production and LNG capacity. If you’re Japan or South Korea and you’re looking to secure 20 years of supply, the cap creates a lot of uncertainty with that Canadian supply. There’s zero uncertainty with Qatar’s supply. If you’re Japanese, these are not pleasant conversations. This is not giving you confidence. And if you don’t have confidence in LNG, you’re going to burn coal.

In a perfect world, Canada would supply LNG to Asia, the United States would supply it to Europe, and we’d be a pretty energy-independent Western alliance.

I wish we would be honest that we need a different way to reduce emissions that does not take away from production, because that capacity is a big part of what we offer our allies right now.

JT: It threatens the security of North America in a big way because the energy dominance of the United States is tied to Canada. Especially with what’s going on in Russia and other countries, it behooves us as Canadians and me as an American to remember that security is not freely granted.

We have to make sure that we are thinking more holistically when we think of things like emissions cap legislation that’s going to have knock-on effects and may even increase emissions. If you’re trying to replace that feedstock, it’s got to come from somewhere.

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AI-driven data centre energy boom ‘open for business’ in Alberta

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From the Canadian Energy Centre

By Deborah Jaremko and Will Gibson

“These facilities need 24/7, super-reliable power, and there’s only one power generation fuel that has any hope of keeping up with the demand surge: natural gas”

Data centres – the industrial-scale technology complexes powering the world’s growing boom in artificial intelligence – require reliable, continuous energy. And a lot of it.

“Artificial Intelligence is the next big thing in energy, dominating discussions at all levels in companies, banks, investment funds and governments,” says Simon Flowers, chief analyst with energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that the power required globally by data centres could double in the next 18 months. It’s not surprising given a search query using AI consumes up to 10 times the energy as a regular search engine.

The IEA estimates more than 8,000 data centres now operate around the world, with about one-third located in the United States. About 300 centres operate in Canada.

It’s a growing opportunity in Alberta, where unlike anywhere else in the country, data centre operators can move more swiftly by “bringing their own power.”

In Alberta’s deregulated electricity market, large energy consumers like data centres can build the power supply they need by entering project agreements directly with electricity producers instead of relying solely on the power of the existing grid.

Between 2018 and 2023, data centres in Alberta generated approximately $1.3 billion in revenue, growing on average by about eight percent per year, lawyers with Calgary-based McMillan LLP wrote in July.

“Alberta has a long history of building complex, multi-billion-dollar infrastructure projects with success and AI data centres could be the next area of focus for this core competency,” McMillan’s Business Law Bulletin reported.

In recent years, companies such as Amazon and RBC have negotiated power purchase agreements for renewable energy to power local operations and data centres, while supporting the construction of some of the country’s largest renewable energy projects, McMillan noted.

While the majority of established data centres generally have clustered near telecommunications infrastructure, the next wave of projects is increasingly seeking sites with electricity infrastructure and availability of reliable power to keep their servers running.

The intermittent nature of wind and solar is challenging for growth in these projects, Rusty Braziel, executive chairman of Houston, Texas-based consultancy RBN Energy wrote in July

“These facilities need 24/7, super-reliable power, and there’s only one power generation fuel that has any hope of keeping up with the demand surge: natural gas,” Braziel said.

TC Energy chief operating officer Stan Chapman sees an opportunity for his company’s natural gas delivery in Canada and the United States.

“In Canada, there’s around 300 data centre operations today. We could see that load increasing by one to two gigawatts before the end of the decade,” Chapman said in a conference call with analysts on August 1.

“Never have I seen such strong prospects for North American natural gas demand growth,” CEO François Poirier added.

Alberta is Canada’s largest natural gas producer, and natural gas is the base of the province’s power grid, supplying about 60 percent of energy needs, followed by wind and solar at 27 percent.

“Given the heavy power requirements for AI data centres, developers will likely need to bring their own power to the table and some creative solutions will need to be considered in securing sufficient and reliable energy to fuel these projects,” McMillan’s law bulletin reported.

The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), which operates the province’s power grid, is working with at least six proposed data centre proposals, according to the latest public data.

“The companies that build and operate these centres have a long list of requirements, including reliable and affordable power, access to skilled labour and internet connectivity,” said Ryan Scholefield, the AESO’s manager of load forecasting and market analytics.

“The AESO is open for business and will work with any project that expresses an interest in coming to Alberta.”

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