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Trudeau gov’t spent $323 million on COVID jab factory that never produced a single dose


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From LifeSiteNews

By Clare Marie Merkowsky

The contract with Medicago Inc. cost Canadians twice as much as what was originally claimed and failed to deliver a single dose of the COVID vaccine.

The Trudeau government paid twice what was originally claimed for a vaccine factory which never produced anything while executives refused to disclose the details.  

According to a December 12 article by Blacklock’s Reporter, Quebec-based Medicago Inc. charged Canadians $323 million to build a COVID jab factory which failed to materialize. 

“I am not able to disclose further details,” Toshifumi Tada, CEO of Medicago testified on December 11 before the Commons health committee. “I want to be clear we have two agreements with the Canadian government.” 

“We acted in good faith to fulfil both agreements where possible,” he added.  

Under the contracts, Medicago received $150 million under an Advance Purchase Agreement for COVID-19 vaccines. However, Tada later testified that the company “didn’t deliver anything.”  

Additionally, Medicago was paid about $173 million for research subsidies under the Department of Industry’s Strategic Innovation Fund. Notably, the factory is based in the Québec City riding of then-Liberal Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos. 

Medicago’s failed contract called for 76 million doses of its own COVID jab to be made. However, not one was ever delivered. Medicago is a subsidiary of Japan-based Mitsubishi Chemical Group. 

“I can’t comment on the details but the agreement was up to $200 million,” Tada said. 

Tada’s refusal to provide further details was met with anger by Conservatives, who pushed for transparency and clarity for Canadians.   

“I have a confidentiality obligation,” Tada responded.  

“When we talk about taxpayer money we need clarity and we need transparency,” Conservative MP Gérard Deltell pressed.  

Earlier this month, Canada’s Public Works department admitted that it took a massive gamble with taxpayer money that resulted in a loss of $150 million of taxpayer funds when its plan to build a COVID jab factory failed to materialize. 

Last month, LifeSiteNews reported on how the House of Commons health committee has been demanding answers into how more than $300 million of taxpayer money was lost on failed COVID jab ventures with pharmaceutical companies. 

It was also recently revealed that the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) lost $150 million on an unfulfilled COVID jab contract with an undisclosed entity in 2022.

The latest scandal also comes amid the ongoing investigation into the ArriveCAN app which was mandated by the Trudeau government in 2020. All travelers entering Canada had to use the ArriveCAN app to submit their travel and contact information, as well as any COVID vaccination details, before crossing the border or boarding a flight

The app has since become a controversial topic in Canadian politics, as numerous reports have surfaced revealing that the Trudeau government suppressed information regarding the program.

In October, the Trudeau government was exposed for hiding a Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigation into the app from auditors. An investigation of the ArriveCAN app began last November after the House of Commons voted 173-149 for a full audit of the controversial app.

Similarly, in November, Doan was threatened with contempt for refusing to give clear answers to questions from MPs regarding his involvement with the much-maligned app

The program, described by a Canadian border agent as “tyranny,” cost taxpayers $54 million, which MPs pointed out was a suspiciously high expense.

Top constitutional lawyers have said ArriveCAN violates an individual’s constitutional rights, adding that people’s civil liberties on paper have been rendered “meaningless effectively in the real world” because of COVID.

Despite the numerous scandals, in September, Health Canada seemed to double-down on the COVID injections when it approved a revised Moderna mRNA-based COVID shot despite research showing that 1 in 35 recipients of the booster ended up with myocardial damage. 

LifeSiteNews recently reported on how the details of the Canadian federal government’s COVID-19 vaccine contract with Pfizer for millions of doses of the mRNA-based experimental shots was recently disclosed after been hidden for over three years. 

Additionally, newly released government data reveals that 96.6 percent of Canadians are ignoring the Trudeau government’s recent COVID vaccine push. 

A newly released Statistic Canada report shows that deaths from both COVID-19 and “unspecified causes” surged following the release of the so-called “safe and effective” vaccines.  

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Canada’s COVID vaccine injury program tops $14 million in payouts, hundreds still waiting

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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

According to official data from Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program, a total of $14,080,434 has been paid out to those harmed by the COVID injections, representing just 183 of 2,628 claims filed.

Canada’s program to compensate those injured by the COVID vaccines has now spent $14 million, but the vast majority of claims remain unpaid.

According to official data from Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP), which was updated on June 1, a total of 2,628 claims have been filed by COVID-19-injured people, but only 183 have been approved for compensation. The total amount paid out sits at $14,080,434.

Broken down, each claimant would have received or will receive an average of just $78,000 in monetary compensation.  

While a total of 2,172 claims have been “prepared to move forward to a preliminary medical review,” after this point, each claim goes through a lengthy process of approval. 

For example, 982 claims are in the process of “collecting medical records,” which VISP states is “often the longest step in the claims assessment process.” 

There has been a total of 166 appeals made, however only 8 have been approved to date by the Medical Review Board. 

A total of 339 claims are “pending administrative review for eligibility.”  

All Canadian provinces except Quebec are covered by VISP, who has its own vaccine compensation program that also appears to be slow at paying out to applicants. 

Despite the need for a federal program to address those injured by the vaccines once mandated by the Trudeau government, Health Canada still says “[I]t’s safe to receive a COVID-19 vaccine following infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. Vaccination is very important, even if you’ve had COVID-19.”   

Interestingly, the claims of safety did not stop the Trudeau government from earmarking an extra $36 million for VISP in its 2024 budget.   

The federal government is also continuing to purchase COVID jabs despite the fact the government’s own data shows that most Canadians are flat-out refusing a COVID booster injection.   

Some people who were successful in getting payouts from VISP have said that the compensation awarded was insufficient considering the injuries sustained from the COVID shots.   

As reported by LifeSiteNews last year, 42-year-old Ross Wightman from British Columbia launched a lawsuit against AstraZeneca, the federal government of Canada, the government of his province, and the pharmacy at which he was injected after receiving what he considers inadequate compensation from VISP.    

He was one of the first citizens in Canada to receive federal financial compensation due to a COVID vaccine injury under VISP. Wightman received the AstraZeneca shot in April 2021 and shortly after became totally paralyzed. He was subsequently diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome.    

Whitman was given a one-time payout of $250,00 and about $90,000 per year in income replacement, but noted, as per a recent True North report, that he does not even know if those dollar amounts “would ease the pain.”  

LifeSiteNews has published an extensive amount of research on the dangers of receiving the experimental COVID mRNA jabs, which include heart damage and blood clots.  

The mRNA shots have also been linked to a multitude of negative and often severe side effects in children.   

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Former Trump adviser: ‘We broke the social contract’ by harming children during COVID

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Dr. Scott Atlas

From LifeSiteNews

By Emily Mangiaracina

Dr. Scott Atlas revealed how the White House Coronavirus Task Force squashed dissenting voices without critiquing the actual scientific data, setting the foundation for irrational and harmful COVID policies.

A former adviser and dissident on the White House Coronavirus Task Force condemned the U.S. COVID policy response for having ignored scientific data and “brok(en) the social contract” by “harming our children as a society.”

In an interview with PragerU CEO Marissa Streit, Dr. Scott Atlas gave a scathing rebuke of nearly every aspect of the U.S. policy response to COVID, the formulation of which he was able to witness up close, as an adviser to former President Donald Trump in 2020 alongside high-ranking health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci. Atlas told Streit how he was stunned to see that during the COVID meetings, key officials appeared indifferent to the health data that Atlas argued should guide their policies.

“There was never a single meeting — and this is sort of shocking to even keep reliving — not a single time where Deborah Birx or Anthony Fauci or Robert Redfield brought scientific papers into the meeting,” Atlas told Streit regarding the powerful trio that shaped the direction of the COVID task force’s meetings. Birx served as the White House Coronavirus Response coordinator; Fauci was the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID); and Redfield was the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Atlas said that the trio was critical of his own views but did not once address the data he presented or the validity of any design study. Instead, they made “ad hominem” attacks, accusing him of being an “outlier.”

“And even worse, not a single time did they disagree with each other, which of course is unheard of — implying that they were just there was a groupthink going on, not critical thinking,” Atlas said.

It is noteworthy that, as Atlas pointed out, the trio made a pact with each other to resign from their task force position if any of them were fired by Trump, which Birx revealed in 2022. “That strikes me as people not caring if people are dying — they care about their own position,” Atlas told Streit.

Atlas believes the team purposely excluded dissenting scientific voices when possible, citing at least two instances which seemed motivated by this desire to maintain groupthink.

The first occurred when Fauci called Atlas to request an invite of epidemiologists researching COVID. “ I said, ‘That’s great. I’m going to have some of the world’s top epidemiologists and infectious disease experts and virologists come in…and we’ll have a discussion of the data.” However, Fauci ended up dropping the plan. “That was never brought up again, because what they instead wanted was Fauci, Birx, Redfield and me only, with no witnesses as to what was going on,” said Atlas.

Atlas told how he was called into Jared Kushner’s office less than 24 hours before the meeting, with some of the health experts already flying into Washington D.C., to be told it was now canceled. He was told that Birx sent an email to the team saying that she was “uncomfortable” with the meeting and that she was not going to attend.

“So I said no, that’s unacceptable. I said first of all, the meeting was set to have her come. Second of all, if she doesn’t know enough or is so insecure about her knowledge that she can’t come, okay, well that’s too bad,” recounted Atlas.

“In fact this is the only time where I really thought I was going to quit,” said Atlas, adding that the thought of canceling the meeting was “so outrageous,” since people were “dying” at the time.

Kusher then proposed that they have a meeting with Trump, but only for “five minutes.” However, the president proceeded to ask Atlas’ team of health experts questions on the relevant issues such as school closures, the virus’ risk to children, hydroxychloroquine, etc. Meanwhile, Atlas “kept being tapped on the shoulder” as he was told to wrap up the meeting.

Atlas refused to interrupt, explaining, “I’m not going to interrupt the president of the United States, that’s obvious. Secondly, this was important. Third, he was asking great questions. And in fact…[Trump] said he was so happy to have what he called ‘five geniuses’ here.”

“Why are they afraid to have expert scientists come in?” said Atlas, going on to note that their behavior was “the mark of people who were extremely insecure,” and “had different motivations” than that of saving people.

“My motivation was very simple. People were dying. It’s my country. I’m going to help. I was really appalled at the perverse motivations that I saw,” he continued.

Of each failure amid the COVID response, Atlas was most grieved over the harm done to children. When asked if leaders of the teachers’ unions were aware that children “were not big spreaders” of the COVID virus, Atlas replied:

“This is one of the greatest sins, in my view…what we as a society did to children. I don’t want to get choked up …it’s so awful. We broke the social contract we have as a people by harming our children…and injecting, for instance, experimental drugs into children that have side effects, many of which are uncertain, for a disease that those healthy children did not have a significant risk from, to use them as shields. I mean, this is almost unspeakable.”

Given that studies in early 2020 showed that open schools do not increase the infection rate of the community, and that about a dozen studies during that time showed that children suffered a miniscule risk from the virus, and “were not significant spreaders,” Atlas asserted that school closure policies were utterly “irrational.”

He explained the massive harm that was inflicted on children through these closures.

By August of 2020, the CDC had already shared evidence that it is “extremely harmful” to children’s learning to shutter in-person learning, with “much worse” losses for minorities and poor children.

“Secondly, there was an explosion of psychiatric illness in teenagers and college kids from the isolation,” Atlas continued, elaborating that there was an “explosion” of visits to doctors for self-harm —teenagers putting out cigarettes on their skin and slashing their wrists” because of the psychological pain of the isolation from school closures — as well as a “massive explosion in drug abuse substance abuse in teenagers.”

There was furthermore a “massive increase” in suicidal thoughts in teenage girls, and a whopping one in four college-age kids in the U.S. thought of killing himself during lockdowns, the CDC reported in July of 2020.

Pointing out that teachers objected to the possibility of even teaching their students remotely, Atlas lambasted them for breaking “every ethical and moral responsibility they had to teach our kids.” He added that according to studies, teachers were generally severely afraid of getting COVID at work, much more afraid than people in other professions.

“Are these people even thinking? These are the people we’ve entrusted to teach our children. They have disqualified themselves by being irrational, and by sacrificing children for their benefit,” concluded Atlas.

He laid blame on other doctors as well, for not questioning what they were being told by the medical establishment.

“The medical community failed, and they failed because they acted like sheep. They didn’t question what they were told. They didn’t read the studies. They weren’t fluent in the data. And it’s very sad, it’s embarrassing, and they rightfully have lost trust,” said Atlas.

He further explained that besides “doctors being spineless sheep and not critical thinkers,” there is another major reason that the medical profession capitulated to the official narrative on COVID. It is that science and medical research is funded and controlled by a “cartel of people at the top,” according to Atlas.

“The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the main funder of science in the U.S. and therefore the world,” said Atlas, and “indirectly is controlled by a cabal of very powerful politically connected, interdependent people who are also the chairs of departments and medical schools.”

“It turns out that every academic scientist, every university scientist, to get promoted needs an NIH Grant…I don’t think the public understands that they’re therefore dependent on the NIH. So you’re not going to get many assistant professors who are willing to sacrifice their career advantage by speaking out against the NIH,” including its department heads like Fauci or Collins.

He also pointed out that more than 15 university medical centers in the U.S. receive over $500 million every year from the NIH alone, naturally compromising their independence.

“I’m not making excuses for them, I’m explaining their behavior…one of the things I learned about all this is there’s so many people in our government in positions of leadership that don’t have the necessary integrity to be leaders, because integrity at very least is telling the truth,” Atlas said.

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