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German doctor sentenced to over 2 years in jail for issuing mask and COVID shot exemptions


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Dr. Bianca Witzschel

From LifeSiteNews

By Andreas Wailzer

Witzschel had been held in custody since February 28, 2023. The first day of the trial took place on November 14, eight months after her imprisonment. The trial began not in the usual criminal courtroom at Dresden District Court but in a high-security wing of the Dresden prison on Hammerweg. In addition, Witzschel was led into the courtroom by several security officers on the first day of trial

A German doctor has been sentenced to two years and eight months in jail for issuing mask and COVID shot exemptions.

The 67-year-old Dr. Bianca Witzschel was also banned from working as a doctor for three years and fined around €47,000 ($ 50,472), which the court claims is equal to the amount that she reportedly made for issuing around 1,000 exemptions.

Apollo News reports that Witzschel is said to have issued “fake” certificates that exempted patients from wearing masks or receiving the experimental COVID jab in 1,003 cases across Germany between 2021 and 2022.

The court also punished Witzschel for the possession of a stun gun without a license.

The ruling also mentioned the fact that the 67-year-old is said to have identified herself as a member of the “Reichsbürger” movement – a group that is said to reject the modern German state – and to have been part of the “Indigenous People of the Germanites.”

The German judge completely disregarded overwhelming evidence that the experimental COVID injections have caused millions of deaths and serious injuries and the dramatic recent pronouncement from a former Japanese government minister apologizing for such deaths, as well as evidence that masks do not stop the spread of COVID and can actually harm users.

READ: Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’

The case of the doctor was treated like that of an exceptionally dangerous, violent criminal by German authorities. Witzschel had been held in custody since February 28, 2023. The first day of the trial took place on November 14, eight months after her imprisonment. The trial began not in the usual criminal courtroom at Dresden District Court but in a high-security wing of the Dresden prison on Hammerweg. In addition, Witzschel was led into the courtroom by several security officers on the first day of trial, Apollo News reported.

In the run-up to the court case, authorities had already carried out large-scale searches of witnesses’ homes. The police searched 140 private homes, mainly in Bavaria. A total of 174 exemptions were seized. According to Apollo News, 360 police officers were involved in the house searches.

“If the state almost regularly lets serious criminals go free because the justice system is overwhelmed and child molesters, for example, get off without prison sentences time and time again, while at the same time crimes with a political background are prosecuted excessively, then critical journalism must contrast this,” Reitschuster wrote.

READ: Fauci admitted to Congress that 6-foot social distancing ban during COVID ‘wasn’t based on data’

According to the state-funded news show Tagesschau, supporters of Witzschel had to be escorted out of the courtroom when the judge read the verdict, as they started complaining loudly and sang the German national anthem.

In his explanation of the ruling, the judge claimed regarding COVID: “We had an epidemic that was comparable to the cholera of the 19th century.”

Journalist Stefan Magnet commented in response on X, saying, “The judge who sentenced Dr. Witzschel to a long prison sentence compared Corona in his justification with the cholera epidemics of the 19th century! Back then, every 2nd infected person died!”

“It’s completely insane how this justice system acts today,” he added.

READ: The Telegraph admits COVID shots may have helped cause over 3 million excess deaths

In addition to evidence of deaths and serious injuries due to the COVID jabs, it has furthermore been shown that the injections are ineffective in preventing the transmission of the virus.

Multiple studies have shown that masks do not help in mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and can have negative health effects for wearers.

A study published in Annals of Internal Medicine in November 2022 found no difference between N95 respirators and surgical masks in stopping the spread of COVID-19. These findings were mirrored in a January 2023 Cochrane meta-analysis on mask effectiveness.


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Canada is replacing healthcare staff who’ve refused the COVID jab with foreign workers

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From LifeSiteNews

By Clare Marie Merkowsky

While hospitals remain understaffed, many provinces still refuse to allow unvaccinated staff return to work.

Canada is bringing in record numbers of foreign healthcare workers while unvaccinated staff remain barred from work in many provinces.

According to information obtained June 25 by CBC News, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has allowed 4,336 temporary healthcare workers to enter Canada in 2023, as hospitals remain understaffed amid ongoing COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

“It’s unreasonable that some provinces are still blocking unvaccinated nurses from working,” an Ontario nurse told LifeSiteNews under the condition of anonymity.

“But it’s even more shocking that the Canadian government would rather bring in foreign workers than drop a vaccine mandate for Canadian staff, especially with so much evidence now that the COVID shots are not effective in preventing transmission,” she continued.

According to government data, the number of foreign healthcare workers skyrocketed from 447 in 2018 to 4,336 in 2023. Healthcare workers now make up about two percent of the total temporary foreign worker positions that were approved in 2023.

In 2023, the Trudeau government approved 2,514 foreign nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates to work in Canada, compared with 16 in 2018.

Similarly, Canadian nurses and doctors are being replaced with foreign workers. In 2023, 612 nursing positions for foreign workers were approved, up from 65 in 2018.

Additionally, 216 family doctor positions were approved in 2023 compared with 72 in 2018.

In Canada, hospitals must first prove that there is no one already in Canada who can take the position before being eligible to ask for a foreign worker.

Where are Canadian healthcare workers?

A recent Health Canada memo revealed that a shortage of 90,000 doctors, nurses and other frontline healthcare workers has caused a “health worker crisis” in Canada.

Similarly, wait times to receive care in most provinces have gone up dramatically in recent years, with the national average now at 27.7 weeks.

However, while hospitals remain understaffed, many provinces still refuse to allow unvaccinated staff return to work.

Ontario, in particular, has been criticized for exacerbating its healthcare worker shortage by levying COVID vaccine mandates as a condition of employment.

According to recently released figures, Ontario will need 33,200 more nurses and 50,853 more personal support workers by 2032 to fill the healthcare workers shortage – figures the Doug Ford government had asked the Information and Privacy Commissioner to keep secret.

While the official number of nurses and other workers relieved of their duties for refusing to take the experimental injections remains uncertain, Raphael Gomez, director of the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Relations at the University of Toronto, told CTV News that as many as 10 percent of nurses in the province either quit or retired early as a result of the mandates.

Similarly, British Columbia’s top court recently ruled that healthcare workers can still be mandated to receive the experimental COVID injections as a condition of employment, meaning hundreds of healthcare workers still cannot work as hospitals remain understaffed.

Despite the recent ruling, hundreds of British Columbia healthcare workers are still suing provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry over a mandate that prevents them from working.

However, those who dare to speak out against the dangers of the COVID vaccine are punished even more severely than those who quietly refused the shot.

In April, LifeSiteNews reported that Canadian nurse Kristen Nagle was found guilty of violating Ontario’s COVID rules for participating in an anti-lockdown rally and speaking out against COVID mandates.

While her fine was massively reduced, she was still placed under a two-year probation, which she said is designed to stop her from “speaking out or going against public health measures.”

Similarly, Ontario pro-freedom Dr. Mark Trozzi recently announced he plans to appeal the stripping of his medical license for criticizing the mainstream narrative around the COVID-19 “pandemic” and the associated vaccines.

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Dr. McCullough’s powerful new documentary exposes systemic medical tyranny during COVID

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From Peter A. McCullough, M.D., MPH of Courageous Discourse

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Clifton Dawley, a beloved father and grandfather, tragically succumbs to the virus under mysterious circumstances. His son, Stephen Dawley, embarks on a relentless mission to uncover the shocking truth about his father’s death.

Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story is a gripping and eye-opening documentary that takes viewers on an emotional journey through the heart of a medical conspiracy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Directed by Clover Carroll, this compelling film, offered in full length on Courageous Discourse, exposes the harrowing truth behind one family’s quest for justice and the untold stories of suffering that transpired in the healthcare system.

READ: Rand Paul blasts lack of COVID-19 accountability in hearing on virus origins


In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Clifton Dawley, a beloved father and grandfather, tragically succumbs to the virus under mysterious circumstances. His son, Stephen Dawley, embarks on a relentless mission to uncover the shocking truth about his father’s death. What follows is a jaw-dropping revelation of medical tyranny, corporate greed, and the brave fight for accountability.

Narrated by Clover Carroll, the host of The Liberty Call, and guided by the insights of renowned medical expert Dr. Peter McCullough, Do No Harm delves into the dark underbelly of the American healthcare system. This powerful documentary combines personal tragedy with expert analysis to shed light on the failures that occurred when patients needed help the most.

Key highlights

  • Unveiling a nationwide medical conspiracy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Stephen Dawley’s relentless pursuit of justice for his father, Clifton.
  • Expert commentary from Dr. Peter McCullough, a leading medical authority.
  • Narration by Clover Carroll, the host of The Liberty Call.

Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story transcends its role as a documentary; it is a poignant call to action for transparency, accountability, and systemic reform. Through intimate interviews, emotional testimonials, and expert commentary, the film navigates the complex terrain of medical tyranny and advocates fervently for patient rights and informed consent. As audiences bear witness to Clifton and Clover’s heartbreaking stories, they are compelled to join the movement for change and prevent future tragedies.

Director’s statement

Clover Carroll, the director of Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story, states, “This documentary is not just about one family’s tragedy; it’s about a world-wide concerted effort to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization and death. It demands our attention. It’s a call to action for accountability, transparency, and change within the healthcare system. We hope this film wakes up the sheep and inspires a movement to fight tyranny.”

Viewing information

Do No Harm: The Clifton Dawley Story is shareable with this Vimeo link. Don’t miss the opportunity to share this compelling exploration of a family’s fight against medical tyranny.

About the director

Clover Carroll is the CEO of New Story Media, an award-winning production company that has produced for National Geographic, The Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, and Investigate Discovery. Clover’s mission is a tribute to his mother’s memory, propelled by an unwavering commitment to truth and justice.

About Dr. Peter McCullough


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